We’re An AM / PM Duo That Actually Got Along
More often than not, the relationship between a project manager and an account manager is… well, complicated. But when the two roles are truly working in unison, it can be a powerhouse partnership.
So what makes a great AM / PM dynamic?
If you’re a PM who has ever found yourself at odds with your accounts team — or an AM who constantly feels stonewalled by your PM team — this session is for you. We’re bringing long-time agency account manager, John Sime, and powerhouse project manager, Simone Fried, and putting them on the hot seat about how they managed to spend years as a grand slam AM/PM duo in an agency setting.
Come hear their advice, learn their secrets, and discuss how to build up a great AM/PM relationship that brings out creative and viable ideas, brings clarity to a program of work, and makes work fun.