What’s the most important thing a project manager can do when starting a new job?
No matter how much experience you have, it’s stressful to start a new job! In this video, we share our top tips for new project managers. These are the most important things you can do that will have the biggest positive impact on your work life as you start your new PM job.
Tune in if you want to get up to speed quickly and impress from day one. And spread the love—share the video with anyone you know who’s starting a new PM gig so they’ll have an easier time of it. Tell us what you think in the comments section below!
This videocast is brought to you by Clarizen, the leader in enterprise projects and project management software.
Related Links
We mention a few additional resources in the video, and we’ve also got a few great resources and articles for new project managers on The Digital Project Manager site. Find the links below:
- Read the book: The First 90 Days
- Get project manager training with The DPM School: Mastering Digital Project Management
- Get help planning your PM career with the DPM Workbook: Fueling Your DPM Career
- Read the guide: How to Become a Project Manager
- Read the article: 10 Questions a New Project Manager Must Ask Before Starting Any Project
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Our mission is to elevate the conversation around digital and digital project management; we launched this videocast as a way of engaging with our DPM community and providing relevant, current insight that helps you tackle your daily challenges as a project manager.
Tell us what you think in the comment section below. If you’re not with us already, please join the conversation on the DPM Slack space.
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