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Preguntas Frecuentes Acerca de los Diagramas de Gantt

Si eres gerente de proyectos, probablemente has buscado una forma de hacer un gráfico de Gantt online. La cosa es… no solo los gerentes de proyectos necesitan un creador de gráficos de Gantt. Prácticamente todas las tareas, proyectos, departamentos o esfuerzos coordinados de cualquier tipo podrían beneficiarse al emplear un simple diagrama de Gantt para delinear su punto de partida, progreso y destino previsto.

¿Qué debe incluir un gráfico de Gantt?

El mejor software de gantt chart incluirá la línea de tiempo del cronograma de un proyecto, la superposición de tareas interdependientes (es decir, la Tarea B no puede comenzar hasta que la Tarea A termine), estimaciones de tiempo, un estado de progreso del cronograma, las asignaciones del equipo y más.

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de un diagrama de Gantt?

Las principales ventajas de un diagrama de Gantt incluyen: tener una vista panorámica de cualquier proyecto, poder evaluar rápidamente un cronograma de tareas y la capacidad de ajustar el gráfico y ver los nuevos resultados finales.

¿Trello tiene gráficos de Gantt?

Los ‘Trello Power-Ups’ más comunes, como TeamGantt, pueden integrarse con Trello para proporcionar la funcionalidad de un diagrama de Gantt a los clientes existentes de Trello. La aplicación base de Trello utiliza tableros, listas y tarjetas y promueve un estilo de organización tipo Kanban.

¿Asana tiene gráficos de Gantt?

Sí, Asana tiene creadores de gráficos de Gantt incluidos con todos sus planes pagos. También puedes utilizar aplicaciones gratuitas integradas con Asana como Instagantt.

¿Cuál es el mejor software gratuito de gráficos de Gantt?

Hay muchas opciones gratuitas de software de gráficos de Gantt disponibles online, incluidos RedBooth, GanttProject, Bitrix24, Agantty, Teamweek e Instagantt para Asana.

¿Buscas algo más que un creador de gráficos de Gantt? Echa un vistazo a nuestras otras listas de herramientas de planificación de proyectos para administrar equipos, recursos y proyectos:

  1. ¿No estás 100% impresionado con los diagramas de Gantt? También reseñamos las mejores herramientas ágiles de 2019.
  2. Cualquiera que esté buscando el “mejor diagrama de Gantt” también debe conocer la importancia de las excelentes herramientas de gestión de proyectos en general, muchas de las cuales incluyen diagramas de Gantt como un elemento de un conjunto completo de planificación de proyectos.
  3. ¿Buscas una alternativa más sólida a los diagramas de Gantt para las líneas de tiempo y la planificación? También repasamos algunos de los mejores programas de programación de proyectos de 2019.

Escribí este artículo para ayudarte a comparar y evaluar rápidamente el mejor software de diagramas de Gantt y las herramientas de planificación de proyectos.

Como gerente de proyectos, es muy probable que hayas visto uno o dos diagramas de Gantt en el trabajo. Popularizado por Henry Gantt a principios de 1900, el diagrama de Gantt ha sido durante mucho tiempo la herramienta favorita para planificar actividades, crear líneas de tiempo y ver todos los aspectos de un proyecto desde una perspectiva macro.

Los diagramas de Gantt ayudan a planificar, administrar y ejecutar. Es por eso que, como gerente de proyectos, no puedes prescindir de ellos, así que comienza a usar diagramas de Gantt y sigue leyendo para descubrir los programas principales que recomiendo para crearlos, compartirlos y usarlos.

Escribí este artículo para ayudarte a comparar y evaluar rápidamente el mejor software de diagramas de Gantt y las herramientas de planificación de proyectos.

Como gerente de proyectos, es muy probable que hayas visto uno o dos diagramas de Gantt en el trabajo. Popularizado por Henry Gantt a principios de 1900, el diagrama de Gantt ha sido durante mucho tiempo la herramienta favorita para planificar actividades, crear líneas de tiempo y ver todos los aspectos de un proyecto desde una perspectiva macro.

Los diagramas de Gantt ayudan a planificar, administrar y ejecutar. Es por eso que, como gerente de proyectos, no puedes prescindir de ellos, así que comienza a usar diagramas de Gantt y sigue leyendo para descubrir los programas principales que recomiendo para crearlos, compartirlos y usarlos.

Compara y Evalúa Rápidamente los 10 Mejores Creadores de Diagramas de Gantt

Gantt Chart Makers DPM Logo Soup 2021

Dependiendo de los requisitos y presupuesto, hay herramientas creadoras de diagramas de Gantt en línea que se pueden adaptar a tus necesidades. Aquí, analizo las ventajas y desventajas de los mejores programas de modelos de diagramas de Gantt que hay en el mercado.

En esta publicación:

  • Compartiré el software de planificación para que lo incluyas en tu lista de modelos de diagramas de Gantt.
  • Explicaré qué son las herramientas de diagrama de Gantt.
  • Explicaré cómo los diagramas de Gantt pueden ayudar a establecer una línea de tiempo online.
  • Responderé algunas preguntas frecuentes sobre el software de diagrama de Gantt
  • Te diré lo que debes buscar cuando estableces una línea de tiempo en online.
  • Explicaré nuestros criterios de evaluación para las herramientas de diagramas de Gantt.
  • Proporcionaré una comparación simple de herramientas de modelos de gráficos de Gantt.

¿Listo para encontrar el creador de gráficos de Gantt que siempre quisiste? Comencemos.

The Digital Project Manager es financiado por sus lectores. Cuando haces clic en los enlaces de nuestro sitio, podríamos ganar una comisión. Más información.

Criterios Comparativos de Creadores de Diagramas de Gantt Online

¿Qué es exactamente lo que busco en el “mejor” software de gráficos de Gantt? Aquí están algunos de los puntos que considero en cada reseña:

  1. Interfaz de usuario (UI): ¿Qué tan bien diseñada está? ¿Ofrece vistas claras y navegación intuitiva?
  2. Usabilidad: ¿Es fácil de aprender y dominar? ¿Hay tutoriales y capacitación? ¿La compañía ofrece buena tecnología y soporte al usuario?
  3. Características y funcionalidad: ¿Cuántas de las características y funciones clave del cuadro de control del tiempo proporciona y qué tan potentes son? Específicamente, busqué:
    • Colaboración y uso compartido: capacidad para establecer roles, asignar tareas a los miembros del equipo (la colaboración en tiempo real para trabajar simultáneamente con colegas en diagramas de Gantt es una ventaja). Comentar tareas y adjuntar archivos, fotos, videos, notas o documentos. Compartirlos y exportarlos a formatos populares como PDF, PNG, XLSX y XML.
    • Arrastrar y soltar: organizar, extender y acortar fácilmente las tareas simplemente haciendo clic y arrastrando. Del mismo modo, el software debe hacer que sea intuitivo hacer clic y agregar rápidamente tareas, dependencias, atributos, endentar y alargar, y prioridades.
    • Notificaciones y alertas: recibir notificaciones sobre menciones, cambios, próximas tareas y elementos en riesgo que permitan volver a priorizar las tareas y compartir las actualizaciones correctas con los interesados.
    • Programación automática: también llamada seguimiento de dependencias, lo que significa que el software ajusta automáticamente las tareas posteriores según las dependencias, recalculando las tareas en cascada cuando una tarea anterior sufre cambios.
  4. Integraciones: ¿Es fácil conectarse con otras herramientas? ¿Hay alguna integración por defecto?
  5. Relación Calidad-Precio: ¿Qué tan apropiado es el precio para sus características, capacidades y casos de uso? ¿La fijación de precios es clara, transparente y flexible?
Gantt Chart Maker - Featured Image

La Lista de Herramientas de Diagramas de Gantt Definitiva

Si quieres establecer una línea de tiempo online, necesitarás un software de planificación de proyectos de primera clase. Ya sea que quieras crear un diagrama de Gantt desde cero o crear uno con modelos preexistentes, hay muchas herramientas de planificación de proyectos diseñadas para ayudarte. Aquí está mi lista de los diez mejores programas de gráficos de Gantt:

Best for visual progress tracking

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
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Rating: 4.7/5 is a work management platform that does many things related to project planning and resource tracking. Gantt charts are just one of the key features offered in this work management suite.

Why I picked This platform's customizability is what ultimately earned its spot on my list. I admire how the plaform allows you to craft Gantt charts that display the specific information you need, and set them up for managing schedules, projects, product roadmaps, and more. In addition to Gantt charts, you can access Kanban, timeline, workload, and other views in the platform. And to get your Gantt chart set up quickly and use your existing data, you can import a spreadsheet from Excel and turn it into a Gantt chart, which I think makes this a great tool for teams just starting to use Gantt charts. Standout Features & Integrations

Key standout features of the software include its built-in goal and resource management capabilities. You can set goals and objectives in the platform, and outline the strategy that will help you achieve them. Those goals can then be connected with various projects and tasks, helping everyone see the bigger picture. You can also track team workloads and assign tasks to specific team members.

Integrations include Dropbox, Excel, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Integromat, Slack, Trello, and even more through a paid plan with Zapier.

Pros and cons


  • Complete work management platform
  • Free-forever plan available
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface


  • Gantt charts not included in basic or free plan
  • Limited storage in basic and free plans

Best for custom task views

  • Freemium plan available
  • From $7/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

ClickUp is a comprehensive work management solution that offers a Gantt chart maker among several other features like whiteboarding, goal setting, document management, and more.

Why I picked ClickUp: I chose GlickUp's Gantt chart maker for this list because it is friendly, intuitive, and comprehensive. It can help you manage deadlines and dependencies, mitigate bottlenecks, and outline tasks. It also lets you set cascading priorities and zoom in or out on the details of a project.

The other main reason I chose this software for my list is its team collaboration features. Whiteboards let your team brainstorm and map out their ideas, commenting and live chat keeps everyone in the loop, and proofing allows for feedback rounds and approvals. I think this is a great tool to supplement the Gantt chart maker and help your team create workflows that work for everyone.

ClickUp Standout Features & Integrations

Among this software's standout features for Gantt charts is its critical path tool. The feature provides intelligent dependency-path tracking, helping to reveal potential bottlenecks in your project plans and roadmaps. Another cool feature of this product is that it also acts as several other workplace tools you might need, and connects everything under one roof. Your projects, tasks, documents, ideas, and goals can all be connected in the system, creating a holistic overview of the work getting done across your organization.

Integrations include Slack, Google Workspace, Dropbox, Figma, Vimeo, Zoom, Box, and Microsoft Teams. You can also use Zapier for additional integrations, or build custom integrations using the software's API.

Pros and cons


  • Unlimited file storage with all paid plans
  • 50+ widgets to customize your dashboard
  • Unlimited users with free plan


  • Storage, projects, and custom fields limited in free plan
  • Reporting not available in free plan

Best for spreadsheet integration

  • Free plan available
  • From $9/user/month
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Rating: 5/5

Visor is a Gantt chart maker that helps users create free and colorful Gantt charts and spreadsheets that connect to SaaS apps like Jira. With Visor, users can visualize their project timelines, plan resources, track progress, and manage dependencies.

Why I Picked Visor: I chose Visor because of its user-friendly interface, which, in my experience, is especially helpful for staying organized and on schedule when managing complex projects. Its two-way syncing to SaaS apps ensures that your charts and reports stay accurate without manual work and the ability to create Gantt charts using the information you bring from your SaaS tool, even when the data isn't perfectly clean. You can make views for each of your team members without having to set up individual accounts for everyone. You can also drag and drop tasks to adjust timelines quickly. 

Visor Standout Features & Integrations

Some standout features include the real-time collaboration and resource management capabilities, as they are great for helping keep teams on the same page. Additionally, the software offers automatic rescheduling of tasks when changes are made, which is a huge time-saver. It's also specifically designed to integrate with Jira, which is a plus for users who are already using this platform. That being said, it also simplifies project management through a number of additional integrations that are listed below.

Integrations include Jira, HubSpot, and Salesforce. You can also import data from Google Sheets and Excel.

Pros and cons


  • Colorful and friendly UI
  • 2-way sync that sends back info to source
  • Makes multi-app workflows possible


  • It’s only a viewer - needs another tool
  • Sync credits are limited

Best for data-driven presentations

  • 30-day free trial
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.5/5

Think-cell is a software add-on for Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel that helps you easily create various types of charts for your presentations to stakeholders, including Gantt charts.

Why I picked Think-cell: For project managers who spend more than 2 hours per week preparing presentations in Excel or PowerPoint, I believe this software will save you tons of time and headaches. It lets you build adjustable calendar-based Gantt charts right inside of PowerPoint, with drag-and-drop capabilities for timelines, dependencies, and milestones. You can also link Excel sheets to PowerPoint charts so any data updates will carry-over to your Gantt chart.

think-cell Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include 5- or 7-day weeks for your planning, and my favorite features are the ready-made labels and Harvey Balls that let you show responsibility and progress on each task. In addition to Gantt charts, the software makes it easier to build waterfall charts, bar charts, Mekko charts, pie charts, line graphs, butterfly graphs, and many more. In my opinion, Think-cell is a handy, accessible tool that can really speed up your process of developing presentations and reports.

Integrations include Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel.

Pros and cons


  • User-friendly, even for non technical experts
  • Automation to speed up repetitive tasks
  • Elevates you capabilities with Microsoft products


  • Pricing is not transparent
  • Difficult to shift data to a new chart once one is created

Best for scalability

  • Free trial available
  • From $5/user/month (billed annually).
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Rating: 4.2/5

Zoho Projects is a project management software with a built-in Gantt chart maker. It's a highly detailed solution, helping you ensure no important information gets lost.

Why I picked Zoho Projects: In my experience, this platform's interactive Gantt charts are easy to create, manage, and update, but I added it to my list primarily because of how detail-oriented it is. I love that you can set up four different types of task dependencies, helping make it super clear how different aspects of your project are interconnected. These dependencies can also be given specific time delays between tasks, which I think makes it a great option for teams that want very precise, to-the-minute workflows. Your Gantt chart is also color-coded, helping you differentiate tasks and resources as needed. If you need to adjust something on the fly, it's easy to do with the drag-and-drop interface.

Zoho Projects Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include the customization options in the Gantt chart maker. You can add custom colors for color-coding, arrange your view as you wish, and adjust the visibility of specific modules. Another useful feature is the ability to export Gantt charts as a PDF, which can help you out for presentations. You can also export task lists as XLS or CV files.

Integrations include all the Zoho apps, Google Workspace, Microsoft Suite, Jira, Basecamp, Box, Dropbox, GitHub, GitLab, Zendesk, and Slack, among others. You can also connect to Zapier for additional integrations.

Pros and cons


  • Free plan for up to 2 projects
  • Task automation through the Blueprint feature
  • Connects easily with the complete Zoho product suite


  • Takes time to learn the platform
  • Subtasks not available in free plan

Best for interactive whiteboards

  • Free plan available
  • From $10/user/month
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Rating: 4.8/5

Miro is a collaborative online whiteboard with over 1,000 templates including mind maps, Kanban boards, Gantt charts, product wireframes, research boards, and flowcharts.

Why I picked Miro: This platform made it onto my list because of just how flexible it is. This flexibility shines with a variety of visual tools like flowcharts, tables, and mind maps. The platform allows for the inclusion of diverse content types—numerical data, images, and videos—on an infinite canvas.

Users can also import charts from other applications, like Visio, and utilize quick diagram tools for efficient modifications. Miro additionally integrates with key project documentation tools such as Notion, Confluence, Asana, and, facilitating a seamless connection between planning and workflow management, making it a practical choice for collaborative project management.

Miro Standout Features & Integrations

Some of the standout features of this software are its built-in collaboration tools. Team members can work together on a whiteboard in real-time, and use video chat to collaborate live. Miro's TalkTrack feature also allows users to create videos explaining processes that can be viewed asynchronously. You can also set timers, voting, comments and stickies to help facilitate brainstorming and ideation. The interactive presentation mode is also good for sharing your Gantt chart with your team or stakeholders.

Integrations include Zoom, Figma, Asana, Microsoft Teams, Jira, Slack, Google Drive, Box, Confluence,, Airtable, Notion, Azure, and Webex. Some integrations are limited to paid plans only.

Pros and cons


  • Built-in communication features
  • Free forever plan available
  • Intuitive and easy setup


  • No high-quality PDF export with free plan
  • Zooming can be jumpy on larger projects

Best for easy-to-use templates

  • Free plan available
  • From $14.99/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

Canva is an online design platform built to be user-friendly for non-design experts. It offers templates for all kinds of things, from Gantt charts to slide decks, infographics, social media assets, and more.

Why I picked Canva: I'm a big fan of this software's simple, straightforward drag-and-drop interface. It is easy to use, even for the least tech-savvy among us. Moreover, I chose Canva for this list because not only is it super intuitive, it also comes with a ton of templates that are ready to go. You can select from the hundreds of thousands of templates available, and then customize it to best meet your needs. In my opinion, Canva's free plan is a fantastic, quick way to create a presentation-ready Gantt chart at no added cost. Plus, you'll be able to use the platform for all kinds of other design needs, too.

Canva Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include the range of design elements you can use in the platform. Shapes, patterns, text, photos, graphics, and more can all be used to craft your masterpiece. Your final result can also take shape in a number of formats. A simple, static image is one option, but you can also create videos, presentations, whiteboards, and even websites. It's a super flexible tool.

Integrations include WordPress, eClincher, Rippling, Sendible, Post Planner, and Viraltag.

Pros and cons


  • Presentable product, no designer needed
  • Hundreds of thousands of templates
  • Super user-friendly and intuitive


  • Limited download options with free plan
  • Lacks advanced Gantt chart features

Best for detailed project planning

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $10/user/month (billed annually).
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Rating: 4.7/5

Microsoft Project is a project management software developed and sold by Microsoft. It is designed to assist project managers in planning, tracking, and managing projects of various sizes and complexities, often through features such as its Gantt chart maker.

Why I picked Microsoft Project: If you're anything like me, you're almost too familiar with the Microsoft Office Suite. Microsoft Project Online turns this into an asset, as it uses familiar software UI to give you an intuitive way to visualize various project angles. I personally think that MS Project Online is a great example of Gantt chart template software, offering loads of built-in templates and familiar scheduling tools that make it easy to launch and navigate each assignment. The Gantt chart builder lets you select items for phase indicators, start and end dates, and RAG risk status.

Microsoft Project Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include the ability to generate a Gantt chart from a spreadsheet. This is super helpful if you're trying to migrate from Excel or create something more presentation-worthy for your stakeholders. Meanwhile, the visual heatmaps are super helpful for identifying and avoiding over-allocation. Finally, I really appreciate the portfolio management capabilities, particularly for professional services businesses or enterprise organizations.

Integrations include other Microsoft software, like Outlook, Excel, Skype, and more.

Pros and cons


  • Integration with other Microsoft software
  • Helpful project template descriptions for guidance
  • Driver prioritization module for ranking strategies/objectives


  • Steep learning curve
  • Limited customization options

Best for design collaboration

  • Free plan available
  • From $3/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

FigJam is an online whiteboard tool designed to facilitate real-time collaboration among team members, providing a dynamic platform for a variety of activities including brainstorming, diagramming, and strategic planning.

Why I Picked FigJam: I chose FigJam by Figma as a 'gantt chart maker' because of its capacity for real-time collaboration, which is crucial for maintaining up-to-date project timelines and ensuring team alignment. What makes FigJam different is its integration of AI features that can generate custom templates and automate repetitive tasks, which can be particularly useful when creating and updating Gantt charts.

I believe FigJam is best for real-time team collaboration because it not only allows team members to work together synchronously with audio and live chat but also supports asynchronous communication through comments and reactions, ensuring that all team members, regardless of their location or time zone, can contribute to the project planning process.

FigJam Standout Features & Integrations

Features include real-time brainstorming with audio, live chat, and comments, as well as the use of stamps and emotes for feedback. It offers over 300 templates and AI-generated custom visuals for diagramming, and supports strategic planning with tools like Jambot. 

Integrations include Figma, Microsoft Teams, Asana, Jira, Mixpanel, and Github.

Pros and cons


  • User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Integrates with Figma for design collaboration
  • Offers community templates for various uses


  • Onboarding and account support locked to enterprise plan
  • No offline access available

Best Gantt chart maker with built-in invoicing

  • 15-day free trial + free version available
  • From $5.95/user/month
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Rating: 4.6/5

Paymo is Gantt Chart software designed to help small and medium teams own their entire project cycle. But Paymo is not just a Gantt Chart maker, it’s a project management software offering task management, time tracking, resource scheduling, and invoicing modules.

Why I picked Paymo: I selected Paymo for this list because it comes with Gantt chart features that allow you to plan, schedule, and display your projects on a visual timeline and identify bottlenecks early on. Apart from the standard dependencies, you can set lead and lag time to account for overlaps or delays. I also like that you can even auto-schedule tasks based on those dependencies and constraints. Gantt chart-wise, click and drag on the timeline to estimate task duration, then pinch its ends to extend or shorten it. Add milestones, set up notifications, and monitor the progress of each project and adjust due dates when necessary.

Paymo Standout Features & Integrations

A standout feature of this product is the ability to export and share your Gantt charts. Once you're finished creating your Gantt chart, you can simply click the Export button to save the project timeline and send it over to a client or team member. The software also offers a Portfolio Gantt chart that caught my attention, as it acts as a pipeline with all project timelines on a single screen.

Integrations include popular apps such as Slack, Google Suite, Jotform and even accounting tools. Other integrations are available through Zapier or by syncing with their fully-documented API.

Pros and cons


  • Freemium plan with unlimited tasks
  • Easy to use project filters
  • Easy to share content with external stakeholders


  • Some data export limitations
  • Gantt charts locked to higher-tier plan

Tabla Comparativa De Los Mejores Creadores De Diagramas De Gantt

Tools Price From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
ClickUp From $7/user/month
Visor From $9/user/month
think-cell Pricing upon request
Zoho Projects From $5/user/month (billed annually).
Miro From $10/user/month
Canva From $14.99/user/month
Microsoft Project From $10/user/month (billed annually).
FigJam by Figma From $3/user/month
Paymo From $5.95/user/month
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Otros Creadores de Líneas de Tiempo Online

Las herramientas enumeradas anteriormente no son los únicos creadores de diagramas de Gantt que existen actualmente. Aquí hay algunas más herramientas de Gantt que merecen una mención honorífica.

  1. Backlog

    Best for software development teams


    Best Gantt chart maker for enterprises

  3. FunctionFox

    Best for custom views and filtering capabilities

  4. Office Timeline

    Best for timeline creation

  5. Height

    Best for providing guest access

  6. MindView

    Best for its work breakdown structure modules

  7. Gantter

    Best with a first-of-its-kind AI Recommendation Engine

  8. TeamGantt

    Best Gantt chart to manage team, projects, & workloads

  9. GanttPRO

    Best Gantt chart-oriented project management

  10. MeisterTask

    Best Gantt chart tool for agile teams

¿Necesitas Ayuda Para Reducir las Opciones?

Esta herramienta es bastante útil. Nos hemos asociado con Crozdesk para brindarte acceso a su “Buscador de software”.

Si ingresas algunos de los detalles sobre tu proyecto y las funciones que buscas en una herramienta de administración de proyectos, generará una lista de herramientas que coinciden con tus preferencias. Sólo debes proporcionar tu correo electrónico y te enviarán una bonita guía en PDF con un resumen de las mejores coincidencias.

¿Qué Opinas Acerca de  software Top Gantt Chart?

Los diagramas de Gantt son solo una de las formas en que puedes hacer un seguimiento de cómo inviertes tu tiempo, estableces prioridades, planificas con anticipación, te mantienes organizado, programas el tiempo y delegas.  Todas ellas son las características clave de un maestro de la administración del tiempo. ¿Qué software de gráficos de Gantt es la mejor opción para ti? ¿Hay algo que crees que debería haber sido agregado a la lista y no está? Dinos en los comentarios.