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Facilitation Workshop for PM’s
Wednesday, July 20th
When done right, solid facilitation techniques can be a turning point in project cohesion and take something that looks a bit unruly, into tidy and organized chaos.
Join us as we dive into a workshop focused on facilitation skills in the Miro environment, learn how to drive group discussions, advance project goals, encourage ideas and chart out a course to ensure project success.
In this one hour session we will:
- Have some fun building sweet potatoes and practicing Miro skills
- Understand the context of aligning stakeholders based on the Project Management GameBoard
- Practice using the Project Priority Triangle to gather expectations from clients
- Learn how to use a PICK chart to sort out priorities in your project
Attendees will take away:
- Techniques to get client expectations clearly articulated
- Facilitation tips and tricks
- A virtual collaboration experience in Miro