6 Powerful Lessons Every Project Manager Needs to Learn
From Ben Aston, Founder of The Digital Project Manager and host of this workshop:
“When I started my first role as a digital project manager, I’d never created a budget, a timeline, or a statement of work. My first day was a rude awakening as I quickly realized I had absolutely no idea how to do it properly. I was sure that at any second, someone would walk up to me and say, ‘What on Earth are you doing?’
Fast-forward 15 years, and I’ve had the opportunity to run some big project management teams at some of the best digital agencies out there. I’ve learned many valuable lessons along the way, and I’m sharing the most powerful lessons I’ve learned with you today.”
Watch the workshop and learn 6 game-changing project management lessons that will help you make more strategic decisions and lead projects with confidence.