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Short: The One Trick to Getting it All Done

This is it folks, the one trick you’ve been waiting for. The one trick that will help you get it all done so you can go home at 5pm, shut your phone off on holiday… take a holiday.

Elizabeth Harrin joined us to chat about Managing Multiple Projects, and she summed it up best here in this short about setting boundaries and sticking to them. Will this fix your problems overnight? No. Setting boundaries is a skill that takes time and practice to implement. But there is no time like the present to start, so have at it!

Want to see more from this talk? View the full session here.
For more DPM Shorts, tips and tricks click here.


Courtney Johnston

Courtney Johnston is a seasoned agency and consultancy PM who has worked on nearly every type of digital project under the sun. Her clients have included global insurance companies, large financial services organizations, and top retail brands. She takes pride in being a connector, an empathizer, a cheerleader, and a storyteller.


Elizabeth Harrin
Author, Trainer, Speaker

Elizabeth is an award-winning blogger and author of several books about project and change management, several of which are now in subsequent editions. Shortcuts to Success: Project Management in the Real World was shortlisted for the Management Book of the Year Awards in 2014. As well as mentoring, training and writing, Elizabeth speaks on the topics of stakeholder engagement, project management careers and productivity at events around the world – often via interactive online sessions but also in person. She has spoken for the APM and PMI, IPMA Young Crew and given guest lectures at universities in the UK, US and Belgium. She also contributes to a variety of other initiatives including sitting on the advisory board for the RISE Being Lean and Seen programme at Liverpool John Moores University.

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