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Live Mentorship: Key Phrasing for Tough Conversations and Beyond

Thursday, February 10th

As project managers, we often find ourselves in situations where we are expected to be assertive but empathetic, firm but diplomatic, stern but personable, rigid but flexible…

Impossible expectations, right?!?

Well, we brought in Nadia DiLorenzo – a master of this dark art of strategic communications – so that we can explore her approach, pick her brains, and start to develop our own tactics around navigating tough project conversations… and beyond!


Courtney Johnston
Director of Community Engagement, The Digital Project Manager

Courtney Johnston is a seasoned agency and consultancy PM who has worked on nearly every type of digital project under the sun. Her clients have included global insurance companies, large financial services organizations, and top retail brands. She takes pride in being a connector, an empathizer, a cheerleader, and a storyteller.

Nadia DiLorenzo
VP Production Design at The Bio Agency

Nadia DiLorenzo, VP Production Design at The Bio Agency joins Galen and CJ for this month's chat on hard conversations, pushing back and making tough decisions. Nadia comes with 15+ years experience on the front lines of being a PM and all the tough convos that go with that. As a former co-worker of Nadia's, CJ can attest to bearing witness to hearing Nadia in action pushing back to clients, dev teams and beyond, and helping teams align on a path forward.

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