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54 min AMA

I Left My Silicon Valley PM Role To Become A Career Coach

Ex-Figma program manager, project management influencer, and friend-of-DPM Jean Kang has agreed to do an Ask Me Anything live!

Join us on Google Meet and feel free to pop any questions into the #general channel and @Jean Kang before or during the session. Ask Jean anything about her new course, her journey so far as a solopreneur, and what it’s like to manage programs at big tech companies like Figma, Facebook, and Pinterest.


Galen Low

Galen is a digital project manager with over 10 years of experience shaping and delivering human-centered digital transformation initiatives in government, healthcare, transit, and retail. He is a digital project management nerd, a cultivator of highly collaborative teams, and an impulsive sharer of knowledge. He's also the co-founder of The Digital Project Manager and host of The DPM Podcast.


Jean Kang

My entire professional career is a rollercoaster. I've held 7 jobs in 10 years, lost my mom at 25, been fired twice and navigated 5+ month gaps. But I've managed to build my dream career. My mission now is to empower the next generation of badass Program Managers.

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