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We hosted the wonderful and enigmatic (and long distance runner) Dean Schuster, the founder and owner of truematter, and he presented a terrific take on managing your clients that included a status report that we all loved and adored so much that we created a new template.
First off, your status must always do these four things:
- Set parameters (in your language in the way you want to control the narrative)
- Provoke discussion (let’s talk early and often about everything)
- Enable project control (calm, cool, collected clarity helps your clients feel chill too)
- Drive account growth (you are building trust, keeping them chill, they will love you)
How? A quick and visual status: green, yellow, red. Need a client’s attention/decision/action? Nothing will drive conversations faster than anything other than green. Goal: you should never get to red as yellow should drive all the discussion you need.