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Kreatives Projektmanagement FAQ

Was ist ein kreatives Projekt?

Ein kreatives Projekt ist in der Regel eine originelle “fantasievolle” oder “künstlerische” Lösung für ein Problem, mit dem digitale Marketingfirmen, Werbeagenturen, Brandingstudios und andere Geschäftsarten konfrontiert sind.

Was ist kreatives Projektmanagement?

Kreatives Projektmanagement beinhaltet die Bedarfsorientierung und den Workflow eines Teams, dem eine kreativ orientierte Aufgabe zugewiesen wurde. Es kann auch das “Zwischenziel” für technisch-administrative Teams und kreative Teams sein, um sicherzustellen, dass alle nahtlos zusammenarbeiten.

Wie managt man ein kreatives Projekt?

Leider gibt es keine einheitliche Methode, ein kreatives Projekt zu managen. Es gibt jedoch einige Schritte, die du unternehmen kannst, um mit der Arbeit zu beginnen:

  1. Einen sorgfältigen Prozess zur Erfassung der Anforderungen durchlaufen.
  2. Kick off des Projekts mit einem soliden Projekt Kick off Meeting
  3. Vergewissere dich, dass du weißt, wie man einen robusten Projektplan und ein solides Budget erstellt und einsetzt.
  4. Managen und Kontrollieren der Projekte bis zur Fertigstellung durch Überwachung des Fortschritts und Aufrechterhaltung der regelmäßigen Kommunikation (Abschwächung des Scope Creeps!).
  5. Wenn du das Endprodukt bereitgestellt hast, stelle sicher, dass du nützliches Feedback von deinen Teams erhältst (z.B. in einem retrospective Meeting).

Wo soll man anfangen? Hier kannst du Bücher lesen, Podcasts anhören oder Blogs über kreatives Workflow-Management verfolgen. Unsere PM How-to Guides sind eine gute Quelle, um dir Orientierung zu verschaffen.

Von wem wird kreative Projektmanagement Software eingesetzt?

Jeder kann kreative Projektmanagement Software nutzen, aber einige konkrete Beispiele sind: Designer, Firmengründer, Kunden, Marketing Manager und mehr.

Was ist die einfachste Projektmanagement Software für kreative Köpfe?

Benutzerfreundliche Projektmanagement Software wie Monday oder Asana kann gut für kreative Köpfe funktionieren, die vielleicht nicht sehr technisch versiert sind. Diese Apps sind leistungsfähig genug, um eine solide Basis an “How To”-Support auf YouTube, ihren Websites und anderen Online-Foren zu bieten.

Du suchst keine kreative oder grafische Projektmanagement Software? Informiere dich in unseren anderen Auflistungen von erstklassiger Software zur Verwaltung von Teams, Ressourcen und Projekten:

  1. Hast du ein Team von kreativen Künstlern, die sich nicht an Deadlines halten? Probiere einfach unsere Empfehlungen für Projektplanungssoftware aus, um diese zu kontrollieren.
  2. Jeder kann seine Kommunikationsstrategien am Arbeitsplatz verbessern. Diese Collaboration Tools können dir helfen, das Gespräch in Gang zu bringen.
  3. Du hast Probleme mit dem Projektumfang? Tools für das Anforderungsmanagement können dir helfen, zu verhindern, dass die Dinge außer Kontrolle geraten.

Dieser Artikel wird dir helfen, die beste Projektmanagement-Software für Designer, Marketingagenturen, Branding-Studios und andere Teams, die von kreativer Software profitieren können, schnell zu vergleichen und zu bewerten.

Creative Agency Project Management Software DPM Logo Soup 2021

Die 10 besten Projektmanagement-Software für Kreativagenturen schnell vergleichen und bewerten

Wenn du jemals der Projektmanager an der Spitze eines kreativen Projekts oder der Leitung einer Kreativagentur oder eines Teams warst, dann weißt du, dass diese Position mit einer Reihe von Herausforderungen verbunden ist. Wenn du dich zum ersten Mal mit dem Projektmanagement für kreative Teams beschäftigst, dann schnall dich an.

Interne Kreativagenturen sind auf dem Vormarsch, was bedeuten kann, dass du entweder (1) um Kunden in einem zunehmend wettbewerbsintensiven Arbeitsmarkt kämpfst oder (2) ein Kreativagentur-Team in deinen aktuellen Standort integrieren musst. Egal in welcher Situation du bist, es ist wichtig, vorbereitet zu sein.

Projektmanagement-Software für kreative Teams kann die Zusammenarbeit fördern, Termine und Fristen organisieren, Menschen inspirieren, Ideen mit anderen teilen und darauf aufbauen und Innovationen fördern. Es ist eine Möglichkeit, praktische, greifbare und administrative Bedürfnisse mit der Phantasie, Freiheit und Kreativität in Einklang zu bringen, die erforderlich sind, um sich von der Masse abzuheben.

In diesem Beitrag werde ich mit dir die beste Projektmanagement-Software für den Einsatz in Kreativagenturen besprechen; erklären, wie Creative Collaboration Software dir helfen kann, dein Team zu inspirieren, Fehler zu vermeiden und Fristen besser einzuhalten. Außerdem beantworte ich einige FAQs zum Thema kreatives Projektmanagement. Und damit du weißt, wie wir zu unseren Lösungen gekommen sind, werde ich auch darauf eingehen, wonach du bei der Design-Projektmanagementsoftware und unseren Bewertungskriterien achten solltest.

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Projektmanagement Anwendungen Vergleichskriterien

Wie bewerte ich Projektmanagement für Kreativteams? Hier ist eine Übersicht über einige meiner Gedanken zur Bewertung von PM-Software:

  1. Benutzeroberfläche (UI): Bietet es klare Anzeigen und intuitive Navigation, die dein designorientiertes Kreativteam gerne nutzen würde?
  2. Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Ist es einfach zu erlernen und zu bedienen? Für Kreativagenturen ist die Wahl einer Software mit guter Technik und Benutzerunterstützung wichtig, da nicht jeder in deinem Team mit den technischen Aspekten der Software bestens vertraut sein wird. Darüber hinaus sollte die Software, um einfach zu bedienen zu sein, eine Möglichkeit bieten, Dateien effizient zu verwalten. Außerdem sollte es einen einfachen Zugang zu Teammitgliedern über integrierte Kommunikationsfunktionen ermöglichen. Die Möglichkeit, vorgefertigte Vorlagen (und eigene Vorlagen) für wiederkehrende Projekte zu verwenden, kann das Tool auch vom ersten Tag an nützlicher machen.
  3. Merkmale & Funktionalität: Wie viele der wichtigsten Funktionen und Features einer Creative Management Software bietet die Software und wie leistungsfähig sind die Funktionen? Konkret habe ich nach folgenden Punkten Ausschau gehalten:
    1. Briefs & Ingangsformulare: Dies vereinfacht den Eingabeprozess mit dynamischen Formularen, die es deinen Teams ermöglichen, spezifische Frageabläufe für eingehende Anfragen festzulegen und alle diese Details an einem zentralen Ort zu speichern.
    2. Visuelles, anpassbares Workload-Management: Dazu gehören Funktionen zur Projektplanung und Aufgabenverfolgung, die jedem helfen, seine Workloads zu verwalten. Diese sollten in der Lage sein, Projekte, Aufgaben, Termine, Abhängigkeiten und Terminierungskonflikte in einer Zeitachse darzustellen und ihren Fortschritt in visuellen Dashboards zu verfolgen. Und da jedes Kreativteam auf seine eigene Weise arbeitet, sind benutzerdefinierte Genehmigungs-Workflows eine nützliche Funktion zur Definition und Überwachung deiner Arbeit.
    3. Kollaboratives Feedback: Feedback, Überarbeitung und Zusammenarbeit sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des kreativen Prozesses. Die beste Projektmanagement-Software für kreative Teams sollte diesen Prozess mit kollaborativer Bearbeitung in Echtzeit, visuellen Markups, Feedback-Konsolidierung und Versionskontrolle erleichtern, die die Änderungen des Elements und die Genehmigungshistorie deutlich aufzeigen.
    4. Berichtsfunktionen: Aufgrund der Natur von kreativer Arbeit kann die Rechtfertigung der Kosten von Kreativteams eine Herausforderung darstellen – die beste Software beinhaltet schöne, einfache Berichte, die den Fortschritt und den Wert deines Teams für die Beteiligten veranschaulichen.
    5. Budgetverwaltung: Enthält Funktionen für Schätzung, Rechnungsverwaltung, Rechnungsstellung, Zeiterfassung und Finanzberichterstattung. Diese Funktionen nutzen Projektdaten, die sich bereits in deinem System befinden und ersparen dir administrative Kopfschmerzen.
  4. Integrationen: Vorkonfigurierte Integrationen mit der Creative Suite von Adobe (Photoshop, Premiere Pro, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) sind für viele Teams ideal. Und wenn es keine vorgefertigten Integrationen für gängige Tools gibt, die von Kreativprofis verwendet werden, schaue ich mir an, wie einfach und kostengünstig es ist, sie zu installieren.
  5. Wert für $: Wie angemessen ist der Preis für die Funktionen, Fähigkeiten und den Einsatz? Ist die Preisgestaltung klar, transparent und flexibel?

Best for annotating and versioning

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $8/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.6/5 is a work management platform that has dozens of use cases, including creative and design work.

Why I picked Easy, visual and intuitive, is an award-winning software used by over 70,000 teams. In our evaluation criteria, I specify that we are looking for customizable workload management and collaborative feedback, which is something that this platform handles particularly well. has a repository where you can store all files related to your projects and easily collaborate on them. Once a file is uploaded, you can annotate and comment on an asset, and keep a record of the different versions of it. Finally, the boards have the capacity to handle custom workflows where you can keep your team up to date on expectations. Standout Features & Integrations

Features include shareable forms for project management steps like project initiation, requirements gathering, and approvals, which helps speed up these processes and make sure you're getting input from everyone involved. The tool also includes expense tracking (via a customizable template) and the ability to create content calendars for marketing and social media projects.

Integrations include DropBox, Excel, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Integromat, Slack, Trello, Pipedrive, Jira, Mailchimp, and even more through Zapier.

Best for visibility into agency operations

  • 14-day free trial + free demo available
  • From $26/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.5/5

Scoro is a work management software that caters to professional service businesses, including creative agencies, by providing a unified platform for managing projects, finances, and resources. 

Why I picked Scoro: Scoro is an all-in-one work management tool and integrates project delivery, sales and CRM, resource planning, time tracking, and financial management into a single system. This integration is particularly beneficial for creative projects where collaboration and real-time updates are crucial.

The platform includes customizable dashboards that can help in making informed decisions based on real-time data.

Scoro Standout Features & Integrations

Features include reporting and analytics for agency operations as a whole (rather than just on a per-project basis), via which you'll get insights into progress, results, and future outlook in areas like agency performance and financials. Scoro also includes automatic retainer invoicing so your agency gets paid faster and stays profitable.

Integrations include Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange, Xero, QuickBooks, Sage Intacct, Expensify, Stripe, Jira, Slack, Asana, Dropbox, PayPal, and more.

Best for customizable creative workflows

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $9/user/month (billed annually)
Visit Website
Rating: 4.4/5

Smartsheet is a cloud-based platform that helps you manage projects, automate workflows, and collaborate with your team. Its familiar spreadsheet-like interface makes it adaptable for various tasks, from simple to complex projects. 

Why I picked Smartsheet: Smartsheet offers customizable templates tailored for creative projects, allowing you to set up workflows that match your team's needs. These templates help you organize tasks, set deadlines, and assign responsibilities, ensuring everyone knows their role and timelines. This customization supports your creative process by providing a structured yet flexible framework.

Another notable feature is Smartsheet's proofing capabilities, which let your team review and approve creative assets directly within the platform. You can share files, gather feedback, and track revisions in one place, reducing the need for external tools.

Smartsheet Standout Features & Integrations

Features include content collaboration, digital asset management, customizable dashboards, file sharing, task dependencies, critical path visualization, project scheduling, time tracking, budget tracking, request management, version control, and activity logs.

Integrations include Power BI, Tableau, Adobe Creative Cloud, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics 365, ServiceNow, Jira, Slack, Microsoft Teams, DocuSign, Zapier, and UiPath.

Best for resource planning and budgeting

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $9/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.7/5

Productive is an all-in-one agency management software with project management, resource planning, time tracking, budgeting, and collaboration features.

Why I picked Productive: Creative agencies can use this tool to not just plan their projects, but manage their resources, budgets, and time. The software offers a comprehensive task management system that allows users to assign tasks to individual team members, keep track of progress on each task, and set deadlines. Users can also set up recurring tasks so they don’t have to worry about manually creating them each time.

Users can upload documents in the platform or link them from other cloud storage services, and connect them with specific projects or tasks. The resource management features allow teams to keep track of who is working on which tasks and assign tasks in the context of everyone's workload.

Productive Standout Features & Integrations

Features include a built-in time tracker tool that you and your team can use to log hours for each task or client project, which helps keep billing and budgeting accurate. The scheduling tool in Productive also allows you to include placeholders as you're assigning work to resources and setting due dates. This is useful if you're planning tentative work that your agency hasn't officially won yet or when project priorities aren't set in stone.

Integrations include Dropbox, Exact, Jira, Outlook, Microsoft Calendar, Slack, QuickBooks, and Xero. A Zapier integration is also available, which can unlock more integrations with a paid account.

Best project management software for scaling organizations

  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.1/5

Kantata is a SaaS product that's been designed to make project management a whole lot easier for creative agencies. It's got a clean, intuitive interface that makes it easy to get a handle on what's going on with your projects, and it's got plenty of features that are specifically designed for creative agencies.

Why I picked Kantata: First off, there's the project dashboard. It gives you a bird's eye view of all your projects, so you can see at a glance what's on track, what's behind schedule, and what needs your attention. Then there's the time tracking feature. This is a game-changer for creative agencies, where time really is money. Kantata makes it easy to track how much time you're spending on each project, so you can make sure you're billing accurately and staying profitable.

Kantata Standout Features & Integrations

Features include advanced resource management capabilities like specific workload and allocation views, and a database where you can keep track of which team members have which skills, skill gap analysis, and projected demand and profitability. These help you see who's working on what, so you can make sure everyone's pulling their weight and no one's getting overloaded.

Integrations. As part of their “API-first strategy”, they’ve built a solution that doesn’t require a third party in order to integrate with any apps. They provide an integration platform (called M-Bridge) that’s designed to simplify integration between Kantata and other business apps like CRM, HCM, and financial software. On top of the M-Bridge platform, Kantata provides several pre-built integrations with these tools: Expensify, G Suite, Xero, Salesforce, Netsuite, Jira, Hubspot, Slack, Concur, Dynamics 365, Qualtrics, Quickbooks, and Sage Intacct.

Best creative operations project management solution designed for high-performing in-house & agency teams

  • 7-day free trial
  • From $20/user/month
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Rating: 4.6/5

Screendragon is a creative project management software designed to speed-up creative delivery and reduce project risks and costs. It is used and loved by in-house and agency teams at Kellogg’s, BP, The International Olympic Committee, TBWA, and McCann World Group.

Screendragon’s user interface is easy-to-use and allows users to custom-brand the interface. It covers all aspects of creative project management with features for SOW creation, creative briefs, project management, visual proofing, file sharing, review and approval workflows, resource management and forecasting, and financial tracking. Advanced customization is available in the form of granular user permissions, powerful custom forms, templates, personalized dashboards, workflow management rules, and more.

Creative teams can visualize and manage tasks through interactive Gantt charts, Kanban boards, or list views. Screendragon’s integrated budget module makes it super easy to create estimates and track expenses for the lifecycle of the creative project. Another great feature for creative leaders is the capacity view, which offers a 360-degree view of both current and upcoming resource capacity.

Screendragon also has powerful features to help streamline creative production workflows including version control, advanced routing capabilities, ability to automate approvals, and more. It is the creative project management platform of choice for many in-house agencies with additional functionality to cater to their growing needs around increasing productivity and reducing costs.

Screendragon has an open API, enabling custom integrations with any solution. It offers native integrations with leading ERP systems such as SAP and PeopleSoft and can integrate with thousands of apps through Zapier like Slack, Trello, Google Drive, Office 365, and Microsoft Dynamics.

Screendragon starts from $20/user/month with a one-off implementation fee, and a free demo is available.

Best for managing projects, people, and equipment in one place

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $4.16/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.7/5

Resource Guru is an employee management software for agencies that has time, project, and resource management in a single platform.

Why I picked Resource Guru: In addition to building project plans, the software also has resource management features like an employee directory with information like skill sets, location, and availability. Within the platform, you can set up custom schedules for each of your team members, assign projects and tasks, and track their progress. Schedules and capacity planning inform how projects are scheduled and managed.

Everything is managed in a single calendar, helping create a high-level picture of how work will get done, by who, when, and with what tools. The software can also produce forecasts for employee capacities and resource utilization.

Resource Guru Standout Features & Integrations

Features include wait lists for team members (new work is added to this list when team members are overcapacity), which helps you keep track of upcoming work even if it can't be started yet. The tool also allows you to manage equipment availability and capacity alongside the human resources working on your projects, which keeps all resourcing information in one place.

Integrations include Apple Calendar, Calendly, Google Calendar, and Outlook Calendar. A paid Zapier account can be used to configure additional integrations.

Best for full-scale creative agency project management

  • Free trial available
  • From $9/user/month (billed annually)
Visit Website
Rating: 4.4/5

Bonsai Agency Software is a full-scale solution designed to enhance the operations of creative teams. It's a robust platform that simplifies project tracking, client management, and financial oversight. Aimed at agencies within the creative industry, Bonsai helps users maintain a clear focus on their creative work while efficiently managing the administrative aspects of their projects. 

Why I Picked Bonsai:  What sets Bonsai apart from its competitors is its deep customization specifically tailored for creative workflows. It provides an intuitive interface that supports not only project management but also aids in automating repetitive tasks such as invoicing and contract management. Unique features include a suite of templates specifically designed for creative proposals and contracts, integrated time tracking directly linked to specific tasks and projects, and a powerful budget planning and expense tracking system that caters to the nuanced needs of small and mid-size agencies. 

Bonsai offers advanced insights and analytics on team profitability based on total logged time, billable hours, and cost rates per project or per client. This feature allows users to uncover hidden costs and opportunities and improve their business’s efficiency and profitability. Bonsai also allows users to assign projects and tasks to their team or contractors, prioritize their week, and see exactly how projects progress. The ability to analyze team effectiveness helps your agency refine your resource management and improve success rates by completing projects on time and on budget. 

Bonsai Standout Features and Integrations

Features include a client CRM, which means you don't have to switch between account management and project management tools. The tool also offers a client portal, which allows clients to view project progress, approve deliverables, and communicate directly within the platform.

Integrations include Gmail, Google Calendar, Zapier, Slack, QuickBooks Online, Calendly, ClickUp, Trello, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Xero, HubSpot, and more.

Best for strategic agency management

  • Free bespoke demo
  • From $17/month
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Rating: 3.8/5

Synergist is a project management and agency management software that caters to the needs of marketing, creative, PR, digital agencies, and consultants. The software is designed to offer real-time insights, enhance business intelligence, and facilitate remote work.

Why I picked Synergist: Synergist is designed to assist agencies in managing their projects, clients, and financials. It includes features for customer relationship management, project planning, resource scheduling, time tracking, invoicing, and advanced analytics, all aimed at improving project profitability and management efficiency. 

Moreover, Synergist emphasizes a strategic approach to agency management by offering a comprehensive system for project and financial oversight, backed by bespoke onboarding, expert advice, and ongoing support from experienced consultants. It is designed to help agencies make better business decisions, manage clients and new business effectively, and accurately plan for future capacity. 

Synergist Standout Features & Integrations

Features include pipeline management tools, estimating and quoting capabilities, task and workflow management, expense tracking, purchasing tools, invoicing and revenue management, dashboards and reporting, and a mobile app.

Integrations include Xero, Sage, HubSpot, Outlook Calendar, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft 365, HubSpot CRM, and Salesforce CRM.

Best for no-code business apps

  • 30-day free trial + free demo available
  • From $35/user/month (billed annually, min 20 users)
Visit Website
Rating: 4.4/5

QuickBase is a platform that allows users to create custom business applications without extensive coding knowledge. The platform aims to help businesses streamline their processes and improve productivity by providing a flexible and user-friendly interface for creating and managing applications.

Why I picked QuickBase: With QuickBase, creative agencies can easily build custom applications tailored to their specific project management needs, without the need for extensive coding knowledge or IT support. This enables agencies to quickly adapt and configure their apps to match their unique workflows, ensuring seamless integration with existing processes.

By leveraging QuickBase's customizable forms, automated workflows, and data tracking capabilities, creative agencies can streamline project management processes. They can centralize project information, track tasks, assign responsibilities, and monitor progress in real-time. This promotes efficient collaboration among team members, facilitates communication, and enables stakeholders to have a comprehensive view of project status and milestones, all within a single platform.

QuickBase Standout Features & Integrations

Features include enterprise-grade security and compliance tools, AI capabilities, reporting and analytics capabilities, mobile capabilities, end-to-end visibility, and resources such as eBooks, research reports, and webinars to help users learn and stay updated on the latest technology trends.

Integrations include Jira, Asana, Tableau, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Trello, DocuSign, Zendesk, OneDrive, and Quickbooks Online.

Zusammenfassung Die beste Creative Project Management Software

Tool Best For Trial Info Price

A sample event planning workload using a Monday project management template.

Best for annotating and versioning

14-day free trial + free plan available

From $8/user/month (billed annually) Website

Scoro's dashboards are customizable so you can gain visibility into information that matters.

Best for visibility into agency operations

14-day free trial + free demo available

From $26/user/month (billed annually) Website

Smartsheet offers various views for visualizing projects, including Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and calendar views.

Best for customizable creative workflows

30-day free trial

From $9/user/month (billed annually) Website

Productive's task management feature enhances productivity by organizing and prioritizing tasks effectively

Best for resource planning and budgeting

14-day free trial

From $9/month (billed annually) Website

Kantata's project management features include resource forecasting and utilization tools.

Best project management software for scaling organizations

Not available

Pricing upon request Website

Manage the entire lifecycle of your creative project in one place, from briefing to production and delivery.

Best creative operations project management solution designed for high-performing in-house & agency teams

7-day free trial

From $20/user/month Website
Resource Guru

Project plans can be developed based on team members' capacity and availability, ensuring resources are well-managed.

Best for managing projects, people, and equipment in one place

30-day free trial

From $4.16/user/month (billed annually) Website
Bonsai Agency Software

Bonsai is a project management tool tailored for creatives, featuring task management, budgeting, and client management.

Best for full-scale creative agency project management

Free trial available

From $9/user/month (billed annually) Website

Synergist allows user to assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor the status of projects in real-time.

Best for strategic agency management

Free bespoke demo

From $17/month Website

QuickBase's workflow feature allows businesses to design and automate their unique workflows, enabling streamlined task routing, approvals, and notifications to optimize efficiency and productivity.

Best for no-code business apps

30-day free trial + free demo available

From $35/user/month (billed annually, min 20 users) Website

Weitere Creative Workflow Management Software

Brauchst du mehr kreative Ideen für Software-Apps? Schließlich geht es bei kreativen Projekten manchmal darum, über den Tellerrand zu schauen. Hier sind ein paar weitere kreative Vorschläge für Software, um euch auf Trab zu halten.

  1. FigJam

    To connect with Figma

  2. Nifty

    For cross-organizational reporting

  3. MeisterTask

    Kanban-inspired collaboration for creative teams

  4. Freedcamp

    For 3rd party integrations

  5. Filestage

    For its variety of ways to gather feedback

  6. Ziflow

    Deliver exceptional creative work with the leading creative collaboration platform for agencies and brands


    For monitoring team capacity and workload

  8. Planview Clarizen

    Creative project management software for enterprise

  9. FunctionFox

    Creative PM tool with time tracking

  10. Ravetree

    For retainer contracts

Möchtest du die Optionen eingrenzen?

Dieses Tool ist ziemlich nützlich. In Zusammenarbeit mit Crozdesk haben wir uns bemüht, dir Zugang zu dem “Software-Finder” zu geben.

Wenn du einige der Details über dein Projekt und die Funktionen, die du in einem Projektmanagement-Tool suchst, eingibst, wird eine Liste von Tools erstellt, die deinen Präferenzen entsprechen. Du gibst deine E-Mail an das Team weiter und es schickt dir einen nützlichen PDF-Leitfaden mit einer Zusammenfassung deiner besten Übereinstimmungen.

Was hälst du von diesen besten kreativen Anwendungen?

Kreative Teams benötigen kreative Lösungen für ihre Probleme im Projektmanagement. Die oben genannten sind einige Empfehlungen, aber, wie immer, keine komplette Liste. Welche Tools oder Software nutzt du für das kreative Projektmanagement? Ich würde mich freuen, wenn deine Vorschläge in den Kommentaren zu sehen wären.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ich bin Ben Aston. Ich bin ein digitaler Projektmanager. Seit über 10 Jahren bin ich in der Branche tätig und arbeite in Großbritannien bei den renommiertesten Londoner Medienagenturen wie Dare, Wunderman, Lowe und DDB. Ich habe alles Mögliche realisiert, von viralen Videos über CMS', Flash-Spiele, Bannerwerbung und eCRM bis hin zu E-Commerce-Seiten. Ich hatte das große Glück, für eine Vielzahl von großen Unternehmen zu arbeiten: Automobilmarken wie Land Rover, Volkswagen und Honda, Energieversorger wie BT, British Gas und Exxon, FMCG-Marken wie Unilever und Marken aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wie Sony.