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Nachfolgend findest du eine Übersicht über die agilen Tools mit Screenshots, Funktionsübersicht, und Preisen.

Agile Software: Die Grundlagen

Was versteht man unter agiler Methodik?

Agile ist eigentlich gar keine Methodik, sondern eine Reihe von Prinzipien für die Softwareentwicklung. Die Prinzipien von agile sind:

  1. Individuen und Interaktionen über Prozesse und Werkzeuge
  2. Funktionsfähige Software über umfassende Dokumentation
  3. Kundenzusammenarbeit über Vertragsverhandlungen
  4. Die Reaktion auf die Umstellung nach einem Plan

Agile wird oft mit Waterfall verglichen, einer Methodik, die eine Erfassung von Anforderungen im Vorfeld erfordert und die Arbeit in aufeinander folgenden Phasen durchführt.

Mehr zum Thema Agile findest du in unserem Beitrag zu den Methoden des Projektmanagements.

Um was handelt es sich bei der Scrum-Methode?

Scrum ist eine Methode mit einer Reihe von Prinzipien und dem Prozess zur Verbesserung der Leistung. In der Softwareentwicklung ist Scrum eines der beliebtesten Frameworks, das die Prinzipien von agile anwendet. Es beinhaltet eine Reihe von Scrum-Zeremonien und Rollen zur Unterstützung des Prozesses. Ziel ist es, Kommunikation, Teamarbeit und Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit zu verbessern. Sprints, Scrums (oder stand-up meetings, Retrospektiven, Backlogs und Burndowns sind Teil von Scrum.

Mehr über Scrum erfährst du in unserem Beitrag zu den Methoden des Projektmanagements.

Was sind Agile Tools?

Agile Tools sind Projektmanagement-Tools, die eine agile Methodik unterstützen, sei es Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban oder andere Hybrid-Agile-Methoden.

Die Verwaltung agiler Projekte kann schwierig sein, so dass Nischentools für agile Projekte sehr hilfreich sein können, um uns zu helfen, in diesem Wahnsinn zurechtzukommen. Während Agile die Idee selbst organisierter und selbstverwaltender Teams in der Softwareentwicklung fördert, gibt es innerhalb von Agenturen wohl immer noch eine Rolle für Projektmanager, um das Projekt ganzheitlicher zu managen – und wenn Budgets und Ergebnisse im Spiel sind, um den Budgetverlust zu steuern.

Bei der Durchführung agiler Projekte in Agenturen ist die Projektmanagement-Rolle intern oft eine Team-Führungsrolle oder ein Scrum Master, der das Team unterstützt, Ressourcen bereitstellt und vor Problemen schützt. Extern übernimmt die Projektmanagement-Rolle die Verwaltung der Benutzeroberfläche des Kunden (oder des Produkteigentümers) mit dem Projekt und stellt sicher, dass alle Beteiligten in Bezug auf Anforderungen, Priorisierung, Budgets und Zeitrahmen sowie Berichterstattung auf derselben Ebene sind.

Welche Tools werden in der agilen Methodik verwendet?

Tools, die in der agilen Methodik verwendet werden, können auf verschiedene Weise genutzt werden, je nachdem, wie du die agile Arbeitsweise durchführst. Zu den Tools können gehören:

  • Backlogs: Priorisierung und Neupriorisierung von Benutzerstories und Bugs mit Drag-and-Drop-Backlogkarten.
    Kanban- oder Scrum-Boards: Veranschauliche alle Anwenderberichte mit Karten, die die Aufgaben, Aufgabenempfänger und Status in einem Sprint anzeigen.
  • Aufgabenbahnen- oder säulen: Separate Epics, Zuweisungen, Projekte (etc.) durch Drag&Drop von Karten über verschiedene Bahnen.
  • Workflows: Erstellung benutzerdefinierter Workflows, die Probleme automatisch auf der Grundlage bestimmter Ereignisse aktualisieren.
  • Sprints: Nutze den Backlog, um Geschehnisse zu schätzen und Sprintaufgaben und Prioritäten für Sprints festzulegen.
    Tägliche Scrums oder Standups: Nutze das Dashboard, um eine Momentaufnahme des Fortschritts zu erstellen. So kannst du dich auf Scrums oder Standups vorbereiten.
  • Burndown-Diagramm: Manage den Fortschritt, indem du die gesamte Arbeit, die im Sprint oder Epic verbleibt, verfolgst.
  • Geschwindigkeitsdiagramm: Erfasse die Geschwindigkeit deines Teams und erstelle genaue Prognosen, indem du die Menge der in jedem Sprint geleisteten Arbeit verfolgst.

    Ist dir gerade klar geworden, dass du nach anderen agilen Tools suchst? Wirf einen Blick auf diese Bewertungen:

    • Scrum-Software zur Unterstützung eines Teams, das mit Scrum arbeitet.
    • Kanban-Tools zur Priorisierung von Aufgaben und zur visuellen Zusammenarbeit.

Agile ist das beliebteste Schlagwort in Sachen Projektmanagement und -bereitstellung, aber welche Agile Tools kannst du verwenden, um ein agiles Projekt erfolgreich durchzuführen? In diesem Artikel zum Vergleich agiler Tools werden wir einige unserer beliebtesten agilen Entwicklungstools und Plattformen für die Verwaltung agiler Projekte vorstellen.

Agile Tools schnell vergleichen und bewerten

Agile Tools DPM Logo Soup 2021

Kriterien für die Auswahl von agilen Tools

Die besten agilen Tools liefern dabei die folgenden, wichtigen Elemente für ein agiles Projektmanagement. Dabei schaue ich mir auch Elemente außerhalb ihres Funktionsumfangs an, wie z.B. die Benutzeroberfläche und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit (wie einfach ist es zu lernen?). Ich bewerte auch, wie viel Wert das Tool für den Preis ist – wie sich der Preis im Vergleich zu anderen Tools mit ähnlichen Funktionen und Funktionen aufbaut.

In Bezug auf die Funktionen achte ich auf die folgenden Punkte, um die besten agilen Tools in diesem Bericht zu bewerten:

  • Aufgabenmanagement – Kanban- oder Scrum-Boards mit Projekten, Aufgabenlisten und allem, was dazu gehört – von Akten und Diskussionen bis hin zu Zeiterfassung und Ausgaben.
  • Teamzusammenarbeit – Teile Updates mit lokalen und verteilten Teams und gebe Aufgabenlisten, Feedback und Aufträge weiter.
  • Agile Metriken, Berichte &  Analysen – Zeiterfassung und -prognose, leicht verständliche Fortschrittsberichte für Interessengruppen, Qualitätssicherung und Fortschritte mit Tools zur Identifizierung und Behebung von Hindernissen bei Projekten, zur Bewertung der Leistung und zur Beurteilung der Finanzlage.

Und schließlich checke ich die Integrationen. Ich möchte sicherstellen, dass das Tool gut mit den passenden, anderen Tools funktioniert. Bei agilen Tools, die häufig für die Softwareentwicklung eingesetzt werden, gehe ich vor allem auf Integrationen mit Tools für Softwareentwicklung und Problemmanagement ein. Denke jedoch daran, dass Teams in nicht-entwicklungsbezogenen Umgebungen diese Art der Integration nicht benötigen und mehr von der Integration mit anderen Arbeitsanwendungen wie Slack, Google Apps, Adobe, etc. profitieren würden.

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Jeder liebt das Konzept “agil zu sein”, aber wie setzt man Agilität in seiner Agentur um? Und wie stellt man sicher, dass sein Toolset die von ihm beabsichtigten Prozesse und Methoden tatsächlich unterstützt?

Es gibt eine unglaubliche Anzahl von agilen Tools. Vielleicht zu viele. Jeder mag es, seine Projekte etwas anders zu verwalten. Daher ist es wichtig, einige Tools auszuprobieren, um herauszufinden, was für dich funktioniert.

Die 10 besten Agile Tools im Überblick

Obwohl es Dutzende von großartigen agilen PM-Tools gibt: Hier ist eine detaillierte Übersicht der agilen Projektmanagement-Tools, die es auf unsere Liste geschafft haben:

Best agile planning tool

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
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Rating: 4.7/5 is a flexible tool that provides a structure that can easily be configured to suit teams working to agile and various hybrid methodologies. Because they’ve done away with some of the extra trimmings of typical PM tools, is a great choice for teams who want a simple, unobstructed focus on the work that needs to be done.

When using this tool, you put tasks on a board, and then you add in the steps you’ll need to take to get it done. It’s vaguely similar to a spreadsheet—but a much nicer-looking one that comes with multiple views (Kanban board, Gantt-style charts, list views) alerts, notifications, assignees, automated processes, and a lot more. Other features include a customizable task board for managing task status, assignee, due date, etc.

You can track your agile projects with’s project dashboards that collect data from multiple boards to easily see work in progress. You’ll also find easy file sharing and communication features such as mentions, comments, and hashtags.

Overall, this is an adaptable, easy-to-learn tool with a strong emphasis on customer service (the company’s customer support is available 24/7 by phone or email). integrations include Slack, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, Jira, GitHub, Trello, Dropbox, Typeform, and many more that are accessible via Zapier. costs from $6/user/month and comes with a free 14-day trial. They offer a free plan for up to 2 users.

Pros and cons


  • Huge focus on collaboration
  • Long list of supported integrations
  • Spreadsheet-style pulses for task progress


  • Complex pricing rubric
  • Focus goes beyond Agile only

Best for backlog prioritization & release management.

  • 15-day free trial
  • From $3 /user/month for up to 100 users
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Rating: 4/5

Uncertainty is one of the few certainties in business. Zoho recognized the need for a tool that helps teams embrace change. Zoho Sprints is a product management tool that empowers agile teams to plan, track, and ship the best products to their customers. Whether you are a seasoned agile practitioner or just starting out, Zoho Sprints can fit your needs. 

Zoho Sprints helps product teams maintain an organized product backlog and simplifies sprint planning. The drag and drop planning interface allows scrum teams to move work items from the product backlog to the sprint backlog with ease. In keeping with the pioneering spirit of agile, their Scrum Board is highly customizable. 

With Zoho Sprints, teams can stay release-ready at all times. From planning to deployment, the tool helps teams navigate the interdependencies of their release cycles. Product managers can track the progress of their epics, sprints, and releases through customizable reports and dashboards. Actionable insights from velocity charts, burnup and burndown reports, and cumulative flow diagrams help teams iterate sprint planning. 

Communication and collaboration are crucial in every aspect of life, and they're especially critical when you're working with cross-functional teams. With Zoho Sprints, product teams can collaborate within the context of their work through features like built-in chat, virtual meetings, and an interactive project feed. 

Zoho Sprints integrates well with popular code repository management tools like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket. DevOps teams can also automate their CI/CD pipelines by integrating with developer tools like Jenkins and Azure DevOps. Teams can leverage webhooks and APIs to build their integrations or browse through a growing library of apps listed on Zoho's marketplace. 

The pricing for Zoho Sprints starts at $6 per user (billed monthly). They also offer a free trial and a free forever plan for up to 3 users.

Pros and cons


  • Robust customization options
  • Easily schedule meetings for sprint reviews and daily stand-ups
  • Easily turn feed messages into a work item


  • No cumulative by-project timesheets for a user
  • Doesn’t integrate well with other Zoho apps
  • WIP settings in Premier plan only

Best for a highly flexible whiteboard platform

  • Free plan available
  • From $10/user/month
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Rating: 4.8/5

Miro offers a flexible visual collaboration environment, ideally suited for teams managing agile projects. This platform acts as a comprehensive online whiteboard for a range of activities including brainstorming, mind mapping, and documenting workflows, facilitating the clear depiction of projects, strategies, and roadmaps. Its versatility is especially evident in its support for Kanban and Scrum boards.

Whiteboards can be used to create Kanban and Scrum boards for tracking project process through to completion. A large bank of templates is available in the software, including many specifically designed for agile workflows. Unlike more traditional project management solutions, Miro is a flexible and highly customizable option because it essentially provides a blank canvas that can be used for all kinds of purposes.

What's particularly useful about Miro as an agile project management tool is that it can also be used for ideation purposes as well as strategizing and roadmapping. Teams can keep their overall strategy outlines in the same place as their project brainstorming documentation and their quarterly prioritization plans.

Miro's key functionalities also include task visualization by sprint, status, epic, and team, which enhance project organization. The tool's dependencies app enables teams to track inter-task dependencies across sprints, helping to prevent delays. Additionally, Miro's integration with Jira ensures task and priority alignment across platforms.

The software integrates with other workplace tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Confluence, Google Workspace, Asana,, Jira, Dropbox, OneDrive, Notion, Airtable, ClickUp, and Unito, among others. A free plan is available and paid plans start from $10 per user per month.

Best agile tool for scrum methodologies

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.7/5

Forecast is perfect for agile teams, as it ensures optimal project deliveries through an adaptive work process and workflow automation to save project managers time and maintain visibility on projects, tasks, and milestones.

The platform uses AI to help make estimates, so you can effectively plan for a more accurate view of your sprint capacity and monitor velocity. Everything is in one place so you can reduce the amount of rework and improve efficiency while grooming the backlog, planning the sprint, tracking progress and velocity, and discerning where processes can be improved.

Forecast also integrates with the tools your developers love, such as Azure DevOps, GitHub, GitLab, as well as two-way sync with Jira, so you can collaborate with ease and deliver value faster.

Forecast is currently used in 40+ countries worldwide, by agencies, consulting companies, and enterprises. Paid plans start at $29/user/month. Forecast has a 14-day free trial.

Pros and cons


  • Predictive tasks for spreadsheets
  • Great UI
  • Includes resource management
  • Good for RFP processes


  • Additional fee for onboarding/training
  • Higher learning curve than some other tools
  • Caters more to agencies

Best for card-based task lists

  • Free trial + free plan available
  • From $6/user/month
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Rating: 4.4/5

Trello is a simple but powerful agile Kanban tool. If you’re looking for an easy entry into the world of agile tools, Trello is a great option as it’s one of the easiest agile tools to learn and it’s free (or at least it’s freemium!) and has to be considered one of the best free agile tools because it’s so intuitive and simple to use.

Being simple also means that it’s also limited in features and functionality. Out of the box, with the free version, Trello has task management and team collaboration, but it’s pretty limited.

For richer functionality you have to start paying for it – The Business class version gives you app integrations or “Power-Ups' which enable you to bolt on additional functionality such as Github integration, SalesForce, Slack, Gantt charts, timesheets, reporting, and analytics.

Trello is a free agile tool but paid versions cost $9.99/user/month.

Pros and cons


  • Excellent communication and collaboration tracking
  • Vast capability to customize each card
  • Color coding of cards according to priority


  • Board management customization could be improved
  • Not well suited for large or overly complicated projects
  • No native support for calendar integrations

Best agile tool for user experience and interface

  • 30 day free trial
  • From $7/user/month
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Rating: 4.4/5

Taiga has a rich and complete feature set with extensive customization options, at the same time it is very simple to start with through its intuitive user interface.

Whether your team uses Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban or just wants to track issues, Taiga is an ideal agile project management tool. Its features include an intuitive backlog and sprint planning, a sprint board with swim-lanes per user story and a sprint dashboard with a burndown chart, fully customizable Kanban boards with WIP limits, Epics, subtasks, issue tracking, and a Wiki function.

Furthermore, you can specify different team roles, estimate story points per role and move unfinished user stories to other sprints.

The project timeline and projects dashboard provide an easy overview of activities while the sprint and team performance dashboards are focused on closed tasks, points from completed user stories and specific elements like issues reported and Wiki pages edited. There is also a unique estimation game to determine the (relative) size of different user stories.

What makes it stand out is the intuitive user interface. This makes Taiga particularly useful for multi-functional teams and/or client teams. The zoom function for the Kanban and Sprint boards allows you to easily move from overview to detail view and back and the tool is available in over 30 languages.

Integrations with Slack, Hipchat, GitHub, Gitlab, Mattermost are pre-configured. A lot more integrations are possible through easy to configure webhooks and an extensive API set. If you are currently working with Trello, Asana, Jira 7 or Github, you can seamlessly import your project data.

Taiga costs from $7/user/month for unlimited private projects. They offer a 30-day free trial (no credit card required).

Pros and cons


  • Easily create cards and track progress
  • Options for adding custom user inputs
  • Saves time by easily replicating past workflows


  • Can be challenging to categorize and link items
  • Can’t see history of item with documented changes
  • Strongly oriented towards ticket processing

Best agile reporting tool

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $13/user/month (min 5 seats) (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.4/5

The award-winning software is a well-rounded PM tool used by some big-name brands, including NASA and Ralph Lauren.

It’s not a pure-bred agile tool, but it offers a couple of flexible features that agile teams in various settings can take advantage of. For example, Kanban boards with real-time reports and collaboration features. You can attach files to cards, make comments, assign tasks, and check your real-time project stats in the dashboard view. For reporting, it doesn’t specifically have agile reports (for instance, a burndown chart). However, the real-time dashboard serves the same purpose—and you can set up your own custom reports in addition to pre-set reports on expenses, timesheets, team availability, workloads, tasks, and more.

One of the coolest things about this tool is that it lets you seamlessly switch between views. It’s a great tool for teams who have adopted some agile principles into a hybrid methodology because you can easily toggle between Gantt chart, task list, and Kanban board views, adapting the tool to what makes the most sense for the task at hand. integrations include native integrations with Google Apps like Drive, Gmail, Calendar, etc. as well as Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project. For all other integrations, you can use Zapier to sync with other tools.

Pricing for starts at $15/user/month, with their basic “Personal” plan requiring a minimum of 5 users. They offer a 30-day free trial (a credit card is required to sign up for a free trial).

Pros and cons


  • Excellent high level view of project
  • Customizable schedule templates
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Multilingual and very flexible


  • No mobile app
  • No way to update partially complete tasks
  • Doesn’t output schedule files to .mpp

Best agile tool for project tracking

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $7/user/month
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Rating: 4.3/5

Hubstaff Tasks is a visual project management tool designed to help agile teams finish projects efficiently. It offers multiple project views that allow greater planning flexibility and smoother collaboration between teams.

The tool's Sprints view lets users see all the tasks assigned to them in one location, organized by sprint — current, future, or backlog. This feature helps in prioritizing the right tasks and avoiding missed deadlines. If you’re a fan of Gantt charts, Hubstaff Tasks also has a Roadmaps feature that serves this purpose.

The app has a Kanban interface that allows you to organize your tasks in different columns. Users can create a card for each task and move them to different project stages with a drag-and-drop mechanism. Team members who are assigned to or are following the task will receive notifications, allowing them to stay up to date.

It also offers several task management elements such as checklists, labels, estimates, deadlines, and file attachments.

Hubstaff Tasks has a custom workflows feature that lets you automatically move tasks to various project stages while assigning them to different team members with one click. You can create different workflows on different project boards.

The tool's main disadvantage is its integrations — it only integrates with Hubstaff, which tracks time to tasks and projects.

Pricing for Hubstaff Tasks starts at $7 per user per month. There is also a freemium version available.

Pros and cons


  • Easy prioritizing with the Sprints feature
  • Users can communicate with notifications and comments
  • Customizable workflows and multiple project views


  • Only one integration
  • The free plan only allows up to 5 users
  • Web app only

Best agile tool for hybrid methodologies

  • Free trial + free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.2/5

Clarizen is an enterprise-grade professional service automation software solution, designed to speed up the way you do business – integrating work, content, and process tightly together to enable more efficient working. Clarizen’s real focus is making projects happen faster with timesaving workflows. Clarizen is a great project management tool if you have lots of repeatable projects that require repeatable processes as workflow automation is pretty flexible and powerful.

It covers off the PPM basics of task lists, schedules, docs and files, communications and reporting without breaking a sweat. Clarizen’s project planning tools are a powerful mix of functionality across the planning, executing and controlling of a project. Within planning are project workflows, a full-featured resource, schedule, and task planning tools, with project and portfolio optimization so that you can easily and quickly align projects to business objectives.

For project execution, Clarizen enables everyone on the team to be aligned with a dashboard that enables teams to work better together and see how their contribution fits into the bigger picture – from the project timeline and milestones to budget, project discussions, and sharing documents.

Instead of being obligated to make educated guesses, project managers can make accurate data-based decisions that align project selection and investment with big picture priorities. Changing tasks and schedules takes a few clicks, and project managers can run hypothetical scenarios to proactively see the impact of resource changes before they go live, and alert end users via their personal dashboard of any changes to their workload. Because resource scheduling is built-in, Clarizen delivers real-time insights into all available resources, schedules, and tasks.

Clarizen has some really powerful integration options out the box that is worth considering if you have other business-critical systems already in place. You can combine the power of Clarizen with other enterprise tools including Jira, SharePoint, Tableau, Salesforce, and Intaact, among others with a subscription to an App integration so you don’t have to play around with the API’s yourself. As well as the enterprise tool integrations possible, Clarizen has an App marketplace to add additional functionality into the system including helpful add-ons like active directory sync, Excel reporting integration, and priority automation – many of which are free.

Clarizen offers a free trial and costs from $60/user/month.

Pros and cons


  • Great graphical workflow editor
  • Completely customizable fields and panels
  • Strong focus on collaboration
  • Variety of ways to customise PM workflows


  • Higher learning curve
  • Could use better issue tracking
  • Only has 3 support mailboxes

Best for flexibility to various agile methodologies

  • Free plan available
  • From $12.49 project-planning/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.2/5

Nutcache is a project management tool designed to plan, track, and manage all aspects of your project using a sophisticated toolbox of color-coded schedules, task organization queues, and data reporting. Users can organize with Agile or Scrum project management, depending on your preferences.

Use the Gantt chart to plan, track, and visually organize your tasks with easy drag-drop-and-click editing techniques. Nutcache offers tools to prioritize and focus on critical tasks: build custom workflows and attach multiple assignees to a task, break down each phase of your project, make adjustments to reschedule your tasks, and visualize project deadlines.

Integrations include Dynacom Accounting, PayPal, 2Checkout, Stripe, Authorized.Net, QuickBooks Online, Google Sign In, Google Drive, GitHub, Slack, and hundreds of other apps through Zapier.

Nutcache costs from $6/user/month with a “Pro” plan that requires 5 users.

Pros and cons


  • Easy to use
  • Great time tracking functionality
  • Easy to integrate new employees


  • Complicated security levels for employees
  • Need more third party integrations

Agile Tools: Die Zusammenfassung der besten agilen Tools

Tools Price From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
Zoho Sprints From $3 /user/month for up to 100 users
Miro From $10/user/month
Forecast Pricing upon request
Trello From $6/user/month From $7/user/month From $13/user/month (min 5 seats) (billed annually)
Hubstaff From $7/user/month
Planview Clarizen Pricing upon request
nutcache From $12.49 project-planning/user/month (billed annually)
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Andere agile Tools, die es wert sind, in Erwägung gezogen zu werden

Nichts von dem oben genannten Tools funktioniert für dich? Hier findest du unsere Liste der anderen agilen Tools, die es wert sind, gesehen zu werden:

  1. Businessmap

    Best project portfolio software

  2. PivotalTracker

    Best agile tool for software development projects

  3. Easy Redmine

    Best agile tool with built-in financial management features

  4. Favro

    Best agile tool for team collaboration

  5. Height

    Best agile pm software with cross-functional collaboration features

  6. SAM9000

    Easier Project Management powered by AI. Tasks, Kanban, Emails, File sharing and Guest uploads, in one cross-platform app

  7. Nostromo

    Best agile tool for user experience and usability

  8. ClickUp

    Best visual aids to support your sprints and make important items easy to distinguish

  9. MeisterTask

    Best agile tool with Kanban boards

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Wenn du einige der Details über dein Projekt und die Funktionen, die du in einem Projektmanagement-Tool suchst, eingibst, wird eine Liste von Tools erstellt, die deinen Präferenzen entsprechen. Du gibst deine E-Mail an das Team weiter und es schickt dir einen nützlichen PDF-Leitfaden mit einer Zusammenfassung deiner besten Übereinstimmungen.

By Ben Aston

Ich bin Ben Aston. Ich bin ein digitaler Projektmanager. Seit über 10 Jahren bin ich in der Branche tätig und arbeite in Großbritannien bei den renommiertesten Londoner Medienagenturen wie Dare, Wunderman, Lowe und DDB. Ich habe alles Mögliche realisiert, von viralen Videos über CMS', Flash-Spiele, Bannerwerbung und eCRM bis hin zu E-Commerce-Seiten. Ich hatte das große Glück, für eine Vielzahl von großen Unternehmen zu arbeiten: Automobilmarken wie Land Rover, Volkswagen und Honda, Energieversorger wie BT, British Gas und Exxon, FMCG-Marken wie Unilever und Marken aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wie Sony.