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Die Digital Asset Management Software ermöglicht es Benutzern, Dateien zu speichern und zu organisieren und ihre Vermögenswerte vor unbefugtem Zugriff zu schützen. DAM-Software kann den Arbeitsablauf bei Projekten verbessern und bei allgemeinen Projektherausforderungen helfen. Alle deine Dateien befinden sich an einem Ort und du brauchst nicht mehr stundenlang nach dem einen Bild zu suchen, das in den Nischen der Festplatte verschwunden ist.

Nachfolgend findest du eine Übersicht zu den einzelnen Digital Asset Management Programmen mit Screenshots, Funktionsüberblick, Preisen und unserer Bewertung.

Digital Asset Management FAQ

Hier geht es um die grundlegenden Aspekte von Digital Media Asset Management Software, wie z.B. was diese Software ausmacht und wofür du sie verwenden kannst.

Was ist Digital Asset Management?

Digital Asset Management ist ein Verzeichnis von digitalen Ressourcen – man stelle sich vor, es ist ein Online-Dateisystem. Ein DAM verbessert die Flexibilität, Kontrolle und den Datenzugriff zwischen Organisationen, Unternehmen, Abteilungen, Kunden und Partnern in Bezug auf digitale Ressourcen.

Was ist ein digitales Asset?

Ein Digital Asset ist eine “Sache”, die du online nutzen und darauf zugreifen kannst. Dazu gehören unter anderem Fotos, Videos, Markenartikel, eBooks, Logos, Illustrationen, Animationen, Präsentationen, Tabellenkalkulationen, Word-Dokumente, E-Mails – es ist alles möglich, was digital ist und Metadaten enthält.

Was ist ein Digital Asset Management System?

Das Digital Asset Management System vereinfacht den Prozess der Datenspeicherung, -freigabe und -verfolgung von digitalen Inhalten erheblich. Die zentrale Bibliothek zum Speichern und Freigeben digitaler Assets ermöglicht es den Benutzern, auf die benötigten Dokumente zuzugreifen, egal wo auf Erden sie sich befinden – ohne mit einem Onsite-Server verbunden zu sein.

Warum ist Digital Asset Management wichtig?

Die DAM-Software ermöglicht es Projektmanagern, Kundeninhalte zu organisieren und darauf zuzugreifen. Alle deine Assets sind in einer einzigen Bibliothek gespeichert, so dass du an deinem Schreibtisch, in der Warteschlange im Café oder auf dem Weg zu einem Meeting darauf zugreifen kannst.8

Wer nutzt Digital Asset Management Software?

Werbeagenturen, kreative Teams, gemeinnützige Organisationen und E-Commerce-Unternehmen sind nur einige Beispiele für Unternehmen, die ein DAM einsetzen könnten. Freiberufliche Kreative wie Fotografen und Designer nutzen oft das personalisierte Digital Asset Management zum Speichern, Teilen und Organisieren ihrer Dateien. Alles, was digital ist und Metadaten enthält, ist ein digitaler Wert. Jeder, dessen Auftrag oder Projekt die häufige Nutzung digitaler Medien oder Dateien beinhaltet in der Regel die Verwendung einer DAM.

Welche Möglichkeiten bietet die Digital Asset Management Software?

Die Digital Asset Management Software speichert digitale Assets in einer zentralen Bibliothek. Die meisten DAMs bieten zusätzliche Funktionen wie das automatische Hinzufügen von Metadaten-Tags, das Erstellen von Smart Albums und das Verfolgen von Asset-Lizenzen. Die Digital Asset Management Software läuft in der Regel sowohl auf Mac als auch auf Windows.

Nicht auf der Suche nach Digital Asset Management Software? Hier findest du unsere anderen Auflistungen von Top-Software zur Verwaltung von Teams, Ressourcen und Projekten:

  1. Du hast Probleme, alle deine digitalen Projekte im Griff zu behalten? Mit unseren Empfehlungen zur Projektplanung kannst du die Übersichtlichkeit bewahren.
  2. Die Leitung großer Teams kann Kopfschmerzen bereiten. Mit unseren Empfehlungen zur Ressourcenplanung wird sichergestellt, dass jeder das bekommt, was er braucht.
  3. Fokussiere dich auf das Wesentliche und erlebe jeden Tag mehr, indem du einen Blick auf unsere Produktivitäts-App-Reviews wirfst.

Anhand dieser Liste kannst du die beste Digital Asset Management Software (oft auch als DAM bezeichnet) schnell und unkompliziert vergleichen und bewerten.

Wenn du dich irgendwann mal dabei erwischt hast, dass du denkst: “Ich glaube, wir hatten diese Datei vor einem Jahr oder so. Wir könnten sie für dieses Projekt nutzen – wenn ich sie nur finden würde…”, dann solltest du darüber nachdenken, eine DAM zu besorgen. Es handelt sich um ein Speicherungs- und Verwaltungssystem für digitale Bestände. Es kann die Produktion erheblich beschleunigen und gewährleisten, dass du die am besten geeignete Datei für deine Projekte verwendest.

Digital Asset Management Software Logo Soup

The Digital Project Manager ist Mehr zu den Features und Funktionalitäten voner-unterstützt. Wenn du durch Links auf unserer Website klickst, erhalten wir möglicherweise eine Provision. Mehr erfahren.

Brauche ich einen Digital Asset Manager?

Ich werde diese Frage mit drei weiteren Fragen beantworten.

Managst du kreative Teams?

Arbeitest du in einem dezentralen Team?

Arbeitest du mit mehreren Anbietern, Kunden oder Partnern zusammen?

Wenn du eine dieser drei Fragen mit “Ja” beantwortet hast, kannst du wahrscheinlich von der Digital Asset Management Software profitieren. Hier sind einige der Vorteile, die sie bieten kann:+

A graphic showing the 3 benefits of digital asset management software: 1. everyone can access the same file versions, 2. you can refer to version history and track versions, 3. you can use metadata to organize and locate assets

Projektmanagement Anwendungen Vergleichskriterien

Wie kann ich DAM-Software auswerten? Hier ist eine Übersicht über meine Überlegungen:

  1. Benutzeroberfläche (UI): Bietet es übersichtliche Anzeigen und intuitive Navigation? Dies ist besonders wichtig, wenn dezentrale Teams und mehrere Abteilungen in der Lage sein müssen, das Tool einfach zu bedienen.
  2. Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Ist es einfach zu erlernen und zu bedienen? Software mit besseren Tutorials, Knowledge Centern und Kundensupport erhält eine höhere Punktzahl.
  3. Merkmale & Funktionalität: Wie viele der wichtigsten Merkmale und Funktionen bietet sie und wie leistungsfähig ist sie? In DAM-Software sind Funktionen wie durchsuchbare Datenbanken, Versionskontrolle, Prüf- und Genehmigungs-Workflows, Rechteverwaltung und berechtigungsbasierter Zugriff wichtig.
  4. Integrationen: Vorgefertigte Integrationen mit der Creative Suite von Adobe sind für viele Teams ideal. Ebenso bieten die besseren Tools eine Integration mit Projektmanagementsoftware, Content-Management-Systemen, Social-Media-Plattformen, Content-Delivery-Netzwerken, E-Commerce-Software und Analysetools.
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Die Top 10 Digital Asset Management Software im Überblick

Best for enterprise usability and adoption

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.5/5

Founded in 2012 and acquired by Smartsheet in 2020, Brandfolder is an industry leader in Digital Asset Management software. 

Why I picked Brandfolder: It delivers a DAM software that is as intuitive for users as it is powerful for admins. You can easily store, manage, share, manipulate, and analyze assets across hundreds of formats, including 8K videos, documents, images, and 3D renderings. In addition to core DAM functionality, Brandfolder provides features to empower key stakeholders such as marketers, salespeople, franchise partners, agencies, and retailers with SmartCDN, collaborative workspaces, and self-serve asset templates. 

These features free up already stretched-thin creative teams by giving users the ability to resize and reformat asset downloads on-demand, quickly create or customize content using pre-approved templates, and embed digital assets across the web that automatically update. Brandfolder’s proprietary AI/ML and analytics technology, Brand IntelligenceⓇ , can detect duplicate assets, extract brand-specific metadata, and auto-tag images for more powerful search capabilities and asset usage analytics. 

Brandfolder Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include AI-powered tagging and analytics, which automatically categorize assets and provide insights into their usage and performance, enhancing searchability and decision-making. Another feature is its guest upload that allows external partners to upload files without accessing the system.

Integrations include Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office 365, Slack, Highspot, Google Suite, Sitecore, Shopify, Hubspot, Contentful, Salesforce, Workfront, OKTA, WordPress, Seismic, Drupal 8, Hootsuite, Jira, Trello, Templafy, Wrike, SSO/SAML, and many more, accessible via Zapier.

With best-in-class time-to-value, services, support, security, and scalability Brandfolder enables brands around the world like Slack, TripAdvisor, Lyft, and P.F. Changs to create compelling brand experiences with unparalleled efficiency and speed.

Best for enterprises wanting unlimited users

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.5/5

MediaValet is a digital asset management solution that helps organizations easily manage, find, and share their high-value digital assets (source, WIP, and final). It helps teams improve their productivity, increase asset ROI and drive revenue growth.

Why I picked MediaValet: This tool has a massive global footprint which makes it available in 140 countries. On top of that, advanced search and tagging features enable users to pinpoint what they need in seconds. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence automatically tags photos and documents. This AI is able to recognize and tag spoken word, topics, location, people, objects and generate transcripts and subtitles in 60+ languages.

With unlimited users and administrators included in enterprise subscriptions, MediaValet allows teams worldwide to scale quickly and cost-effectively. Plus, unlimited training and support ensures that all users are confident using the system and can maximize its value.

MediaValet Standout Features & Integrations

Features include unlimited categories and multi-categorization. This allows you to arrange the content in the way that is most convenient for your operation. Additionally, it has top-grade security features to keep your information secure. For example, you can select the geographical region where you want to store your assets and a primary server keeps three copies of your data to protect it from deletion.

Integrations include Wrike, Workfront, Slack, OKTA, Active Directory, WordPress. Drupal 8, Adobe Creative Cloud, Sharepoint, Office 365, Hootsuite, and more. You can also access an open API that will help you build custom integrations with your current tech stack.

Best for agile, collaborative enterprise teams

  • Free plan available
  • From $250/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.3/5

Air is a digital asset management software that centralizes comments, feedback, and approval around assets, making it easier to organize, automate, and share creative work. With custom ways to organize your workflows, you can tailor the creative process to your team's unique needs.

Why I picked Air: This tool is ideal for enterprise creative teams collaborating on visual assets, like images, infographics, videos, and more. Instead of tracking down different file versions or spending time filtering through feedback across multiple platforms, Air consolidates everything you need in one place.

Team members can leave notes, feedback, and approval directly on assets for more visible communication and agile creative processes. The platform also provides advanced cross-functional sharing capabilities, offers enterprise-grade security, and integrates with over 1,000 tools.

Air Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include a visually oriented interface that simplifies the management of digital assets through intuitive visual boards and sub-boards. Additionally, Air's smart search capabilities leverage metadata, image recognition, and color recognition to enable quick and precise asset retrieval.

Integrations include Shopify, Slack, Canva, Google Drive, Dropbox, Figma, Adobe Premier Pro, Zapier, Airtable, and many more.

Best for enterprise brand consistency

  • Demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.5/5

Bynder is a digital asset management platform that lets you store your creative files and prevent content chaos from happening.

Why I picked Bynder: It provides cloud digital asset management delivered through a slick, clean interface. Bynder helps you create, find and use digital assets with streamlined collaboration and a focus on brand consistency across all markets and channels. Additionally, its Digital Asset Transformation (DAT) connects your current tech stack with the DAM so you can alter assets with features like resizing, focus, cropping, and removing asset backgrounds.

Just like DAT, many add-on modules complement this asset management platform. These include a brand guidelines module, creative workflow, analytics, content workflow and a video editing studio.

Bynder Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include digital asset modification capabilities that allow users to adjust elements such as size, focus, cropping, and background removal. Another feature worth highlighting is its built-in security controls such as two-factor authentication, user rights and access settings to protect your content, and digital asset transformation.

Integrations include Slack, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Experience Manager, Sitecore, Sitefinity, BloomReach, Drupal 7, Drupal 8, WordPress, Okta, Google, Hootsuite, Microsoft Active Directory,, Shutterstock, SDL Tridion, Templafy, and TYPO3.

If you think Bynder is a good fit for your brand, you can access its free trial and find out first hand if it helps your operation.

Best for being MACH-certified

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $213/month
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Rating: 4.5/5

Scaleflex’s Filerobot is a GDPR-compliant Digital Asset Management platform that is software-agnostic and helps teams store, manage, optimize, share, and accelerate all digital and media assets.

Why I picked Scaleflex: If you handle a remote team, you'll be happy to know it offers a user interface in over 8 different languages! Also, custom permissions and user roles let everyone on the team enjoy a personalized solution.

This platform has management features that allow you to set rules and prevent duplicated assets in the media library. Additionally, you can rollback to previous versions if someone uploaded the wrong item. Finally, I like that they have compression methods built into the software that allow your media to be lighter and faster to publish without compromising too much quality.

Note: They have comprehensive documentation and in-house DAM experts who provide training to help you deploy faster.

Scaleflex Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include being MACH-certified, which ensures the platform is Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless, providing flexibility and scalability. On the innovation front, their AI and machine learning allows bulk background removal, video transcoding and adaptive streaming, and auto-tagging for enriched search capabilities.

Integrations include Adobe Creative Cloud, WordPress, Magento, Canva, Opencart, Kontent, Pabbly Connect, Sylius, Akeneo, Prismic, Zapier and they are always looking to expand their libraries. Your developers will be happy to know it offers headless APIs for custom integrations.

Scaleflex offers a free demo and customized pricing plans, allowing companies to scale as they grow.

Best for configuration and customization

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.6/5

Acquia DAM (Widen) is a really useful tool to that serves as a central foundation to organize, share, and distribute your brand assets and product content across the web.

Why I picked Acquia DAM: Something notable about this tool is its powerful search functionality and flexible metadata models. In this sense, Acquia DAM stands out in our features and functionality evaluation, where searchability and flexibility reign supreme. And in addition to using metadata to classify your assets, you can also assign different roles and permissions to different user groups to control access levels.

It's worth mentioning that you can use this tool as a standalone digital asset management tool or build it out into a larger management system. In addition to the core DAM offering, several add-on applications are available to construct your brand management, marketing resource management, or product information management system that works for your use case. For example, you can use Entries to assemble product content for e-commerce distribution, or Portals to share curated collections within branded webpages. You could also leverage Templates to build localized ads and brochures or use their Workflow add-on to manage work-in-process review and approval.

Acquia DAM Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include a highly configurable metadata schema that supports powerful, business-specific search and workflow capabilities, enabling brands to manage and distribute assets across teams, tools, and channels effectively. Another feature I like is its watermarking for previews to prevent screen capture reuse. It even gives you the option to add invisible watermarks on downloads by user group.

Integrations include Airtable, Clarifai, Asana, Box, Salesforce, OneDrive, Slack, Wrike, and Shutterstock. You can also find partner integrations from Adobe Creative Cloud, Enwove, Hootsuite, Modus, and Mediafly.

Acquia DAM has plans for standard and enterprise DAM solutions and a DAM+PIM offering.

Best for organizing without duplication

  • Free plan available
  • From $39/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.9/5

Stockpress is a digital asset management (DAM) platform aimed at enhancing the organization, searchability, collaboration, and sharing of digital files for teams of any size.

Why I picked Stockpress: Its collections capability lets you organize files in a way that avoids duplication, making it easier to manage your digital assets. You can create collections based on projects, campaigns, or any other criteria, ensuring your files are neatly categorized without taking up extra storage space.

With AI-powered and custom tagging, you can enhance the searchability of your assets, ensuring files can be found quickly using keywords and filters. This is beneficial for teams dealing with a vast array of digital assets, as it cuts down the time spent searching for specific files. AI tagging automates the categorization process, speeding up your workflow and minimizing human error in file organization.

Stockpress Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include smart search which lets you type a keyword and immediately receive visual suggestions of images that match your search term. Another feature that is useful for agencies is guest upload. This allows your vendors to upload their work directly to your workspace.

Integrations include Webflow, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Box, Canva, Dropbox, Google Drive, Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Slack, and Okta.

Best for organizing digital content

  • 7-day free trial
  • From $50/month (no users included)
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Rating: 4.6/5 is a digital asset management (DAM) platform that provides solutions for organizing, managing, and distributing digital assets in multiple formats. It allows users to store assets in a centralized cloud library, where where users can easily search and retrieve files.

Why I picked This software integrates easily with Google Drive and Amazon S3 so that you don't need to migrate your files elsewhere, while also offering its own storage space. is designed to support a range of industries and professionals who work with digital content, providing them with a system to manage their assets effectively. As such, the tool supports a wide range of file formats, including images, videos, audio files, and documents. Users can also create collections to group related digital assets, use metadata for easy search and organization, and compare different versions of files. 

The tool's version control feature allows you to both track changes and revert to previous file versions. Collaboration features such as commenting, tagging users, and approving assets are also available and facilitate teamwork on digital projects. Other features allow users to share assets with team members or external parties, customize the interface with branding, and analyze asset usage with built-in reporting tools. Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include AI-generated asset descriptions which can help you speed up upload times. The tool also allows you to choose from three different AI models when generating keywords for digital assets for more relevant and efficient tagging. Another special feature is AI photo recognition. This lets you manually tag people in photos and then the tool takes over so that next time you are looking for someone's work, it can be using their name.

Integrations include Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Shopify, Slack, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Salesforce, Trello, and ZohoCRM.

Best for online proofing

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $29/user/month
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Rating: 4.8/5

Filecamp is a digital asset management platform that helps marketing professionals get more value from their creative assets.

Why I picked Filecamp: It lets you store all your images, videos, creative files, and presentations and easily find them, thanks to its powerful tagging functionality. You can upload files and folders, tag them manually or use the auto-tagging feature. Then, filter, sort, search, and download files in the original resolution or the one of your choosing.

If you are interested in your team collaborating on creative assets, Filecamp includes a proofing module where your team can engage in conversations around deliverables, suggest changes and go through approval workflows in a single place. Plus, you can do all this in a white-label product that you can make your own in a way only a few tools let you.

Filecamp Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include customizable branding portals, enabling organizations to tailor the interface to reflect their brand identity. Filecamp also facilitates efficient collaboration among marketing teams with its file sharing, custom branding, and media library management features.

Integrations are not a part of the platform at the moment.

Filecamp is great if you need a white-label platform that can store all your files and requires little training. You can try out their professional plan from the website.

Best for integrated DAM and PIM

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $575/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

4ALLPORTAL’s digital asset management software is designed to help businesses of all sizes simplify the management of their digital assets, from archiving to searching to sharing.

Why I picked 4ALLPORTAL: I like 4ALLPORTAL's integrated DAM and PIM features that utilize a unique data model. Digital assets, such as product images, and product information, such as descriptions, can be linked to products within the 4ALLPORTAL, so when you edit the product image or text, the related products are automatically updated across all integrated channels such as the online store, website or marketplaces. 

This software also offers a powerful search function to ensure faster file searches, and users can use tagging to attach keywords and descriptions to individual assets, helping targeted searches.

Furthermore, 4ALLPORTAL features full-text search and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to help users locate files and documents faster. They can use the full-text search function to search their stock of documents for specific phrases, text modules, or records, while the OCR text recognition feature is useful for making image files with text content easily searchable for whatever information they need.

4ALLPORTAL Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include its automation capabilities. These let you streamline import, metadata management, versioning, rights and license management and asset distribution - allowing you to work on more strategic tasks. Another feature is usage history which lets you analyze user behavior related to assets. You can keep track of who downloaded, shared, or converted your file to another output format.

Integrations include Adobe Creative Cloud, Active Directory, Chili Publisher, Dropbox, Hootsuite, Jira, Magento, and Slack. Additionally, it has a RestfulAPI that you can use to manually connect third-party systems.

This platform is flexible in the way its deployed. It has on-premise and on-cloud options for you to acquire.

Die beste Vergleichstabelle für Digital Asset Management-Software

Tool Best For Trial Info Price

Centrally store, manage and distribute assets to maximize brand impact.

Best for enterprise usability and adoption

Free demo available

Pricing upon request Website

Centralize your digital assets: marketing material, video, content and media with MediaValet.

Best for enterprises wanting unlimited users

Free demo available

Pricing upon request Website

Air allows you to manage your visual creative assets and collaborate in one place.

Best for agile, collaborative enterprise teams

Free plan available

From $250/month (billed annually) Website

Store all your files in one place and find any item in seconds.

Best for enterprise brand consistency

Demo available

Pricing upon request Website

The media library displays relevant file information on each preview card and a wide range of filters to help you search through your content.

Best for being MACH-certified

14-day free trial

From $213/month Website
Acquia DAM (Widen)

You can use Acquia DAM to build unlimited custom brand portals to share photos, logos, fonts, colors, and templates.

Best for configuration and customization

Free demo available

Pricing upon request Website

Stockpress provides a centralized view of digital assets, allowing you to find what you need and collaborate easily.

Best for organizing without duplication

Free plan available

From $39/month (billed annually) Website
8 allows users to group related assets into collections, making it easier to manage and access them.

Best for organizing digital content

7-day free trial

From $50/month (no users included) Website

Filecamps interface is easy to customize so it looks a part of your brand.

Best for online proofing

30-day free trial

From $29/user/month Website

You can centrally manage, locate, and share any of your digital assets with 4ALLPORTAL's features.

Best for integrated DAM and PIM

30-day free trial

From $575/month Website

Kostenlose Digital Asset Management Software

Mehrere DAM-Softwareunternehmen bieten eine kostenlose Version der Software mit einigen eingeschränkten Funktionen an. Hier ist eine kurze Liste von DAM-Software, die du kostenlos testen kannst.

  1. ResourceSpace
  2. Pimcore
  3. Wrike

Mehr Digital Asset Management Software

Es gibt noch ein paar weitere DAM-Optionen, die ich noch nicht gründlich getestet habe, aber schau dir diese an, wenn die oben genannten nicht den gewünschten Ergebnisbeitrag liefern:

  1. Canto

    For external file sharing

  2. Brightspot

    For smart search and filters


    For product manufacturers

  4. MarcomCentral

    For AI-assisted asset tagging

  5. Artwork Flow by Bizongo

    For packaging design

  6. Sesimi

    For creative automation

  7. Swivle DAM

    For small businesses

  8. MediaBeacon

    For large organizations

  9. Eagle App

    For design project organization

  10. Libris

    For custom solutions

Möchtest du die Optionen eingrenzen?

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Wenn du einige der Details über dein Projekt und die Funktionen, die du in einem Projektmanagement-Tool suchst, eingibst, wird eine Liste von Tools erstellt, die deinen Präferenzen entsprechen. Du gibst deine E-Mail an das Team weiter und es schickt dir einen nützlichen PDF-Leitfaden mit einer Zusammenfassung deiner besten Übereinstimmungen.

Welche ist deine Lieblings-Software zur Verwaltung von digitalen Daten?

In der heutigen Zeit ist die Verwaltung digitaler Inhalte ein wichtiger Bestandteil bei der Projektverwaltung. Die oben genannten sind einige Vorschläge, aber, wie immer, keine vollständige Liste. Welche Tools oder Software nutzt du für das kreative Projektmanagement? Ich würde mich freuen, deine Vorschläge in den Kommentaren zu sehen.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ich bin Ben Aston. Ich bin ein digitaler Projektmanager. Seit über 10 Jahren bin ich in der Branche tätig und arbeite in Großbritannien bei den renommiertesten Londoner Medienagenturen wie Dare, Wunderman, Lowe und DDB. Ich habe alles Mögliche realisiert, von viralen Videos über CMS', Flash-Spiele, Bannerwerbung und eCRM bis hin zu E-Commerce-Seiten. Ich hatte das große Glück, für eine Vielzahl von großen Unternehmen zu arbeiten: Automobilmarken wie Land Rover, Volkswagen und Honda, Energieversorger wie BT, British Gas und Exxon, FMCG-Marken wie Unilever und Marken aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wie Sony.