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Nachfolgend findest du eine Übersicht über die genannten Projektmanagement-Tools mit Screenshots, Funktionsübersicht, Preisen und unserer Bewertung.

Grundlagen des Projektmanagements

Was Sind Projektmanagement-Tools?

Was sind Projektmanagement-Tools?

Wenn wir von Projektmanagement-Tools sprechen, sprechen wir über zwei Dingen:

  1. Die Berichte, Diagramme, Schriftsätze, Pläne und Dokumente, die ein Projektleiter erstellt und verwendet, um seine Arbeit zu verrichten.
  2. Software zur Projektverwaltung, die Funktionen zur Erstellung von Diagrammen und Berichten, zur gemeinsamen Nutzung von Dokumenten, zur Verfolgung des Budgets, zur Kommunikation usw. umfasst.

In diesem Review verwenden wir den Begriff “Projektmanagement-Tools”, um über das zweite Konzept – die Software – zu sprechen. Für einige großartige Ressourcen in Bezug auf die anderen Arten von Tools (Berichte, Diagramme, Briefe, Pläne), solltest du zunächst einen Blick auf die “How To”-Leitfäden des Digital Project Manager werfen.

Warum Projektmanagement-Software verwenden?

Warum Projektmanagement-Software verwenden?

Ob in Agenturen, in der Marketingkommunikation oder in der Beratung, ohne gute PM-Software ertrinken wir in einem endlosen Meer von Tabellenkalkulationen, Nachträgen und Papierkram. Als PMs kann unser Toolkit das Einzige sein, was uns davon abhält, unser Spielzeug aus dem Kinderwagen zu werfen und einen totalen Nervenzusammenbruch zu erleiden. Um Projekte voranzutreiben, brauchen wir die richtigen Tools, um dies zu erreichen.

Was sind agile Projektmanagement-Tools?

Was sind agile Projektmanagement-Tools?

Agile Tools sind Projektmanagement-Tools, die eine agile Methodik unterstützen, sei es Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban oder andere hybride, agile Methoden. Hier sind einige Beispiele für agile Tools:

  • Zenhub
  • Taiga
  • Pivotal Tracker

Weitere agile Tools findest du in meinem vollständigen Bericht über agile Projektmanagement-Software.

Welche ist die einfachste Projektmanagement-Software?

Welche ist die einfachste Projektmanagement-Software?

Laut Anwenderberichten sind dies eine Reihe der einfachsten Projektmanagement-Software-Tools.

Diese wurden alle für ihre intuitive Navigation, einfache Benutzeroberflächen und gute Schulungsressourcen gelobt, die die Bedienung einfach machen.

Ist Jira ein Projektmanagement-Tool?

Ist Jira ein Projektmanagement-Tool?

Ja. Jira, ein von Atlassian entwickeltes Tool, wurde zunächst als Softwareentwicklungs-Tool eingeführt, wird aber heute für Bug-Tracking, Problem-Management und Projektmanagement verwendet. Es ist für den Einsatz in der agilen Softwareentwicklung konzipiert und bietet Tools wie Scrum-Boards, Kanban-Boards, Roadmaps, Workflow-Management-Tools und Funktionen für das Berichtwesen zusammen mit der Software-Entwicklungsanwendung.

Wie bewertet man Projektmanagement-Software?

Wie bewertet man Projektmanagement-Software?

Zwischen unseren Projektmanagement-Tools und -Techniken besteht eine symbiotische Beziehung. Die Auswahl des Richtigen ist eine gängige Praxis, aber du kannst mit den grundlegenden Kriterien beginnen, die ich zur Bewertung von Projektmanagement-Software verwende:

  • Benutzeroberfläche: Ist sie gut gestaltet mit klaren Displays und intuitiver Navigation?
  • Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Ist die Bedienung unkompliziert? Bietet das Unternehmen Schulungen, Tutorials sowie Anwender- und technischen Support an?
  • Features & Funktionalität: Bietet es die wichtigsten Projektmanagement-Funktionen wie Aufgabenmanagement, Planungstools, Berichte, Dateifreigabe, Tools für die Zusammenarbeit?
  • Integrationen: Lässt es sich leicht mit anderen Business-Tools synchronisieren?
  • Wert für $: Macht die Preisgestaltung angesichts der Funktionen und Möglichkeiten Sinn?

Ist dir gerade aufgefallen, dass du keine Projektmanagement-Software suchst? Schau dir andere nützliche Tools an:

In diesem Artikel findest du einen Expertenüberblick über Projektmanagement-Tools, damit du die beste Projektmanagement-Software für deine Projekte auswählen kannst.

In schnelllebigen, digitalen Agenturen nutzt der durchschnittliche Projektmanager wahrscheinlich ein Dutzend verschiedener Projektmanagement-Anwendungen, um auf dieser stets im Wandel begriffenen To-Do-Liste auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Dieser Artikel hilft dir, die Möglichkeiten zur Auswahl der richtigen PM-Software einzugrenzen, indem du einige häufige Fragen beantwortet bekommst und einen Vergleich der Projektmanagement-Tools zusammen mit den Kriterien für deren Bewertung erhältst.

Vergleiche und bewerte im Handumdrehen die 15 besten Projektmanagement-Tools

Project Management Software DPM Logo Soup Template

Projektmanagement ist eine breite Branche – in unserer Review zu den Projektmanagement-Tools haben wir die Plattformen ausgewählt, die am besten für Agenturumgebungen geeignet sind. Natürlich können sich einige davon an unterschiedliche Umgebungen (IT, Gesundheitswesen, Finanzen) anpassen, doch wir konzentrieren uns auf die Art und Weise, wie sie für digitale Teams in Agenturen funktionieren. Dazu gehört:

Die beste Projektmanagement-Software für Agenturen und Studios findest du hier:

Die 15 besten Projektmanagement-Tools: Bewertungen

In diesem Beitrag haben wir versucht, ein breites Spektrum an PM-Tools abzudecken, unter Berücksichtigung von Komplexität, Preiskategorien und Funktionalität. Aber es kommt auf deinen Workflow an und welche spezifischen Funktionen du brauchst, um diese Funktion zu verbessern. Informiere dich, nutze die kostenlosen Testversionen, um wirklich die besten Projektmanagement-Tools für deine Agentur oder dein Studio zu finden.

The Digital Project Manager ist Reader-unterstützt. Wenn du durch Links auf unserer Website klickst, erhalten wir möglicherweise eine Provision. Mehr dazu erfahren.

Best for customizable dashboards

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $9/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.4/5

Smartsheet is a dynamic work management platform designed to facilitate collaboration and automate workflows for teams of all sizes.

Why I picked Smartsheet: With automation, you can set up rules to perform repetitive tasks automatically, which saves you time and reduces the chance of human error. For instance, if you need approval every time a task is completed, Smartsheet can automatically send a notification to the right person. This ensures approvals are dealt with on time to avoid slowing down operations.

I also like Smartsheet's reporting and dashboard capabilities. These tools let you see your project's progress in real-time, which can be helpful when it comes to decision-making. You can customize dashboards to display key metrics, so whenever you log in, you can access the information that is most relevant to your work and role.

Smartsheet Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include a card view functionality that enables teams to manage tasks visually in a Kanban-style layout, which is ideal for agile workflows. Its critical path feature in Gantt charts also highlights dependencies and ensures teams stay on track. Additionally, Smartsheet includes a built-in content collaboration tool that allows users to review, comment on, and approve files directly within the platform.

Integrations include Tableau, Power BI, Adobe Creative Cloud, HubSpot, Dropbox, Gmail, Jira, Okta, Slack, Microsoft Teams, DocuSign, Zapier, and UiPath. 

Pros and cons


  • Facilitates collaborative project management
  • Allows for automation of tasks
  • Can tailor the tool to specific project management needs


  • Not ideal for simpler project management needs
  • Lacks built-in time tracking

Best for workflow automation

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $8/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.6/5 is a work management platform that is highly customizable and can help you manage all kinds of projects and workflows.

Why I picked I picked this platform because it has the capacity to automate any type of workflow through customization. The automation center is a space where you can build automations from scratch, select templates that have predefined rules, and even leverage integrations to exchange information between and other tools in your tech stack.

However, while automations are great, you can also find plenty of features that support collaboration and will help connect your team in many ways. Workdocs will invite teams to co-author documentation, forms will let you gather feedback from external stakeholders and users, and proofing features will allow your team to close feedback loops on deliverables. Standout Features & Integrations

Features include a budgeting widget that enables teams to track project costs and compare them against estimates in real-time. Additionally,’s project templates library provides industry-specific templates to streamline setup for different types of projects and ensure best practices are built into workflows from the start.

Integrations include pre-built connections to apps like Slack, Google Drive, DocuSign, Gmail, Google Calendar, Jira, GitHub, Trello, Dropbox, Typeform and many more. Additionally, you can connect to thousands of additional apps via Zapier.

Pros and cons


  • Huge focus on collaboration
  • Can be customized to fit any workflow.
  • Automations are easy to create and require no coding.
  • Easy to connect to other tools via integrations library.


  • Most core project management features are in the Pro plan.
  • Some views have trouble auto-updating.
  • The Gantt view cannot be used to build a project from scratch.

Best for resource scheduling

  • 14-day free trial + free demo available
  • From $7/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.2/5

Hub Planner is a project management and resource scheduling software that helps you manage your team's projects as well as their time.

Why I picked Hub Planner: This software made my list because it's especially good for resource planning and employee time tracking. I like that you can plan your projects with the budgeting system, which covers internal and external billing rates as well as project spend. Dependencies also allow you to connect projects with one another and monitor overlap in resource utilization.

Resource planning is ultimately the heart of the platform, and where it truly shines. I think it's useful that you can create employee schedules and do capacity planning to make sure each project is well-resourced. Employees can track their time in the system, keeping track of billable and non-billable hours and the time required for various tasks.

Hub Planner Standout Features & Integrations

Features include the software's skills matching capabilities, which provide resources based on the specific skills needed for projects and tasks, and then assign staff to projects based on their workloads and capacity. Hub Planner also offers a booking confirmation system that allows team leads to confirm or approve resource assignments.

Integrations include DIY options via the Hub Planner API and webhooks. Additionally, you can access thousands of apps using a Zapier account.

Pros and cons


  • Project budgeting included
  • Well-suited to professional service companies
  • Resource management included


  • Project management is not the primary functionality
  • Somewhat rudimentary task management

Best for large projects and scaling

  • Freemium version available
  • From $10/user/month (min of 2 seats)
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Rating: 4.2/5

Wrike is an all-in-one project management software with powerful features that can support small and large projects at any organization as it scales.

Why I picked Wrike: I picked this tool because it has been in the market for almost two decades and is trusted by companies like Procter & Gamble, Lyft, and T-Mobile. Wrike has many features that I find useful in digital project management, like proofing and approval workflows and blueprints. This last one lets you save a project with its tasks and keep it as a template for future projects that follow the same structure.

Additionally, Wrike's automated workflows help teams with repetitive tasks. Its AI features can even make smart suggestions for workflow automation based on repetitive tasks that your team engages in. Its AI features also offer content creation, editing, risk predictions, task creation, and summaries of task comments. Wrike also offers 24/7 global support and assistance with onboarding for easier platform adoption.

Wrike Standout Features & Integrations

Standout features include Wrike’s comparison mode, which allows you to overlap two versions of the same file on top of each other and use a scrollable bar to toggle between one and the other. Users can also fully personalize their dashboards with widgets like activity streams and pivot tables.

Integrations in Wrike include 400+ pre-built native integrations that include Asana, Airtable, BambooHR, Chargify, Clearbit, HubSpot, Jenkins, Mailchimp, Replicon, Salesforce, and Slack. Additionally, you can build custom automations using its API.

Pros and cons


  • Worldclass onboarding through video walkthroughs
  • AI features are available in all plans at no extra cost
  • Right-click context menus allow you to do more with fewer clicks.


  • Integrations come at an extra cost, regardless of the plan
  • 2FA is locked behind the enterprise plan
  • Wrike can quickly become expensive

Best for replacing multiple separate tools

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $7/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

ClickUp is one of a handful of megatools in project management. It has hundreds of features, offers the flexibility to customize almost every aspect of its platform, and has the mission to help you be more productive so you can dedicate that extra time to more impactful work.

Why I picked ClickUp: I selected ClickUp because of how well they approach the idea of making an app that replaces all others. The features included in this software make it an option for remote teams since they encourage collaboration. From the ability to tag people in conversations to collaborative documents and whiteboards that help users co-create, I really believe that you won't need to leave this platform unless it's to bill the client.

I also thought it was cool that you can access an in-app chat and proofing features that can help you streamline approvals on marketing collateral with the client.

ClickUp Standout Features & Integrations

Features include ClickUp Pulse, which provides you with a breakdown of how many users were online at what time (in your timezone), who's online and who's not, and the tasks that they've recently worked on. Moreover, ClickUp’s time estimation feature helps project managers allocate resources effectively by predicting how long tasks will take.

Integrations include native ones with Slack, HubSpot, TogglTrack, Figma, Loom, Sentry, G Suite, Dropbox, Clockify, and Calendly. Additionally, you can connect to another 1,000+ apps using a paid membership with Zapier. Finally, if making custom integrations is within your reach, there is a public API you can use for it.

Pros and cons


  • Improved performance after its latest upgrade to ClickUp 3.0
  • Low price compared to the number of features it offers.
  • Great knowledge base with helpful articles and tutorials.


  • AI is available for an extra fee, regardless of the plan.
  • Requires considerable time investment to set up the platform.
  • Free version becomes read-only after reaching limits.

Best for real-time project insights

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $6-29/month
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Rating: 4.3/5

Polaris PSA by Replicon is a professional services automation tool designed to help your team manage projects more effectively. It offers real-time insights into project metrics, enabling informed decision-making and proactive management. 

Why I picked Polaris PSA: I like that its MissionControl feature provides a centralized dashboard where you can monitor project status, resource allocation, and financials in real-time. This holistic view allows for timely adjustments, helping to keep projects on track and within budget.

Another valuable aspect is its intelligent resource management. Polaris PSA uses AI-driven insights to match team members to projects based on their skills and availability. This ensures optimal resource utilization and helps prevent overloading or underutilizing team members, leading to more balanced workloads and improved project outcomes.

Polaris PSA by Replicon Standout Features & Integrations

Features include financial modeling that lets you simulate various pricing and revenue scenarios to optimize project profitability. The governance feature also helps enforce standard processes and workflows across your organization. Additionally, the analytics component offers real-time insights into key performance indicators.

Integrations include Deltek Costpoint, JD Edwards, MS Dynamics, Oracle, Salesforce, Workday, Quickbooks, Xero, Sage, Atlassian, Servicenow, and Zendesk.

Pros and cons


  • AI-driven resource management
  • Supports multi-level project and program management
  • Real-time visibility into project status


  • Occasional performance issues with large data sets
  • Initial setup can be complex, particularly for new users

Best for comprehensive project visibility

  • Free trial available
  • From $25/user/month
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Rating: 4.2/5

Workzone is a great project management software for marketing, agency and operations teams of 10+ users. It's powerful yet still easy to use and adopt. It's been used and developed for 20 years, so the company has built some really useful features. If you’ve had difficulty adopting a tool in the past, Workzone provides every customer with unlimited support run by experienced trainers.

Why I picked Workzone: Some of Workzone's noteworthy features include a useful all-projects dashboard, personalized to-do lists, and an interactive Gantt chart. Workzone also offers secure file management and creative review tools, customizable project intake forms, workload management, time and expense tracking, and powerful reporting. Flexible permissions allow for giving different levels of access to different users, providing extra layers of security and control.

For new teams who aren't used to working with a project management software, Workzone is a smart choice because they assist in implementing the software—their team helps your team build the foundation, processes, and discipline you need to get the most out of the software and use it to manage projects successfully. Their level of support is hard to find—they offer needs assessment, success planning, setup and customization, training, and ongoing coaching.

Workzone Standout Features & Integrations

Features include cross-project dependency tracking that enables teams to link related tasks across multiple projects to ensure smooth coordination and avoid bottlenecks. Workzone also provides advanced email integration, which allows team members to update tasks and communicate progress directly from their email.

Integrations are available with standard industry software, including various communication, IT, file sharing, time tracking, accounting, marketing, and CRM software. You can extend Workzone’s functionality through their extensive APIdeveloper API and Zapier.

Pros and cons


  • Easy template creation from existing projects
  • Thoughtful collaboration so you don’t have to dig for comments
  • Portfolio-to-task level visibility with robust filtering


  • Waterfall and board views are separate
  • No video mark-up tool
  • Delayed tasks negatively affect independent tasks on the timeline

Best for multi-resource management

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $4.16/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.7/5

Resource Guru is a resource management tool designed to help teams efficiently allocate and monitor their resources. It offers features that assist in scheduling people, equipment, and meeting rooms, ensuring optimal utilization.

Why I picked Resource Guru: It offers a dynamic schedule view that provides a comprehensive overview of team availability, helping you manage project workloads across different time zones. The software also integrates leave management into work schedules, allowing for easy incorporation of time off and sick days. Furthermore, its customizable booking features let you adjust project schedules and manage bookings according to your needs, while the activity log tracks changes to minimize scheduling conflicts.

Additionally, Resource Guru supports multi-resource bookings, allowing for simultaneous scheduling of multiple team members and resources, and integrates with external calendars like Google Calendar and Outlook for a unified scheduling experience.

Resource Guru Standout Features & Integrations

Features include project forecasting reports that provide insights into project timelines and resource utilization to help identify potential issues early. The platform also offers a daily schedule email that keeps everyone updated on their tasks, which eliminates the need for manual updates, as well as a single resource pool to manage people, equipment, and meeting rooms in one place.

Integrations include Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Calendar, Slack, Salesforce, and other compatible applications that can be connected through Zapier.

Pros and cons


  • Comprehensive reporting features
  • Good leave management system
  • Offers flexibility in managing different types of resources


  • Could offer more native integrations
  • Approval workflows are limited to higher-tier plans

Best for agency projects and budgeting

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $9/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.7/5

Productive is an all-in-one project management software designed for agencies. It offers comprehensive tools for managing projects, resources, budgets, and client relationships, all within a single platform.

Why I picked Productive: Productive stands out as a good project management software because of its extensive and integrated features that cover the entire project lifecycle. The platform's project management capabilities include detailed task tracking, Gantt charts for visual timeline management, and a robust workload feature to balance team assignments effectively. 

The software also provides real-time budgeting and profitability tracking, enabling managers to stay on top of project costs and ensure profitability. Additionally, Productive offers tracking and invoicing features for accurate billing and financial transparency as well as resource planning for allocating team time and skills effectively.

Productive Standout Features & Integrations

Features include a Sales CRM that provides a complete view of the sales funnel and helps manage client relationships and sales processes. The platform also includes a comprehensive reporting module that offers customizable reports for in-depth analysis and decision-making. Furthermore, Productive’s automation capabilities help with repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more strategic activities.

Integrations include Jira, Slack, QuickBooks, Xero, Zapier, Sage, BambooHR, Google Calendar, Rippling, and HubSpot.

Pros and cons


  • Robust resource planning and tracking capabilities
  • User-friendly interface that simplifies project management tasks
  • Comprehensive features for financial management and reporting


  • Initial setup can be time-consuming
  • Could have more integrations

Best for end-to-end agency projects

  • Free trial available
  • From $9/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.4/5

Bonsai is a comprehensive business management platform designed to consolidate multiple functions, from project management to client and financial management.

Why I picked Bonsai: As a project management software, Bonsai uniquely caters to the multifaceted needs of agencies and other services like consultancies and professional service providers. Its interface allows users to manage projects from inception to completion, integrating tools for drafting proposals, managing contracts, and processing payments. This integration reduces the need to switch between multiple tools, which can be especially useful for agencies working with multiple clients.

Furthermore, Bonsai stands out with its robust time tracking and financial reporting features. These tools help businesses keep a close eye on project hours and budgets, which is crucial for maintaining profitability. The platform also supports multiple currencies and tax settings, which is invaluable for those working with international clients. 

Bonsai Standout Features & Integrations

Features include automated invoice generation, which simplifies the billing process by allowing users to create and send invoices directly within the platform. Additionally, the task management tool enables users to assign tasks, projects, and clients to different team members and external collaborators, set deadlines, and track progress, ensuring projects stay on schedule.

Integrations include Gmail, Google Calendar, Zapier, Slack, QuickBooks Online, Calendly, ClickUp, Trello, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Xero, HubSpot, and more.

Pros and cons


  • Automation for repetitive tasks
  • Simple online scheduler
  • Client portal available


  • Lack of advanced features
  • May not be best for scalability

Best for integration with Zoho Suite

  • 10-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $4/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.2/5

Zoho Projects is a project management application that can handle projects of all sizes and levels of complexity. The tool comes with features that imitate social networking sites such as feeds, forums, and discussions, and is available on mobile for iOS, Android, and other systems.

Why I picked Zoho Projects: For project planning and monitoring, Zoho Projects' Gantt chart features let you break large projects down into manageable sections and actionable tasks, plan and visualize different tasks and milestones, and create tasks lists to help you plan in better detail. Zoho Projects' Gantt charts can also be used for resource allocation, so you can visualize your project schedule and the team's workload. The resource usage table tells you who is available, who is busy, and who is overloaded.

With Zoho Projects, you can define dependencies between tasks and assign them to the right people, schedule events in your calendar, and monitor the percentage of work that's been completed once the work has begun. Automate routine tasks at regular intervals by setting up a recurring task, and set reminder emails for tasks.

You can also create or download project documents, presentations, and spreadsheets, as well as upload and share files for team collaboration. Record the hours spent on tasks and compare them with what you had originally planned. This can be done manually or with the help of an integrated timer. Entries are automatically recorded in your timesheet, and generating invoices from this information requires only a few clicks.

Zoho Projects Standout Features & Integrations

Features include advanced dependency management with four types of task dependencies (Finish-to-Start, Start-to-Start, Finish-to-Finish, Start-to-Finish) for precise scheduling and planning. Additionally, Zoho Projects' in-built SLA tracking for tasks ensures deadlines are met by automatically monitoring response times and escalating delays to keep projects on track.

Integration include several of Zoho’s other services such as Zoho Books and Zoho’s finance suite. The new Zoho marketplace allows 3rd party integrations as well, like Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Teams, Google Drive, Zapier, Zendesk, and ServiceNow. Integrations via Zapier and Zoho Flow are also supported.

Pros and cons


  • Unlimited number of projects
  • Easy workflow automations
  • Robust communication features
  • Time-track multiple tasks at once


  • Does not integrate with Quickbooks
  • Lacks some reporting features
  • Lack of file type export options

Best for process automation

  • 30-day free trial + free demo available
  • From $35/user/month (billed annually, min 20 users)
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Rating: 4.4/5

QuickBase is a project management platform that focuses on workflow design, automation, and compliance. It provides a no-code application builder to help you craft and manage various business processes.

Why I picked QuickBase: This software made it onto my list because of its versatility and customizability. Because it's such a flexible tool, it can be applied in all different types of work settings and contexts. You can use it to build clear, streamlined processes for your teams, creating consistency and ensuring standardized best practices are followed.

In addition to outlining your core workflows, you can also automate parts of them. The builder allows you to not just map your applications but also to automate tasks and develop integrations with other tools as needed. This helps you alleviate manual workloads, reduce the risk of manual error, and streamline how work gets done across your organization.

QuickBase Standout Features & Integrations

Features include advanced governance tools that allow organizations to maintain compliance by tracking and auditing workflows, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards. Additionally, QuickBase offers real-time collaborative app-building that enables teams to work together to design and refine processes, fostering innovation and reducing development time.

Integrations include Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, Slack, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Trello, Asana, Jira, Zendesk, and Docusign, among others.

Pros and cons


  • Highly customizable and flexible to suit various contexts
  • On-premise options with enterprise level plans
  • FDA & HIPAA compliance with higher-tier plans


  • Some features come as paid add-ons
  • Not all integrations are available with all plans

Best for task breakdown

  • Free plan available
  • From $7/user/month
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Rating: 4.6/5

Quire is an award-winning project management software for remote teams that aims to simplify workflows and encourage communication and collaboration. It is trusted by hundreds of thousands of users all over the world, including those from big companies across diverse industries such as Google, IBM, Dyson, Nasdaq, and Stanford.

Why I picked Quire: I chose this software because it's built for teams that struggle to take big goals and make them more manageable. I can see how it will help you with this by creating and tracking tasks and subtasks within each greater project item. Three main view modes in Quire include a nested task list view, Kanban view, and timeline view. Quire also helps users manage and track their tasks regardless if they are solo users or working as a team.

Quire Standout Features & Integrations

Features include an 'Infinite Nested Task List' feature that allows users to break down large projects into unlimited levels of subtasks, providing unparalleled granularity in task organization. Additionally, Quire supports offline access with automatic synchronization, which ensures team members can continue working on tasks even without an internet connection, making it ideal for remote or on-the-go teams.

Integrations include Slack, Github, Google Workspace, Microsoft, and many more tools, as well as thousands of integrations through Zapier (paid plan required).

Pros and cons


  • Easy to customize
  • Free to use
  • Excellent for time tracking
  • Intuitive user interface & dashboard


  • Additional communication tools welcomed
  • Mobile app not as robust as web
  • More integrations needed

Best for portfolio management

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $17/user/month
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Rating: 4.6/5

Bubble PPM is a project and portfolio management solution that’s highly customizable and scalable to meet the needs of mid-sized to large companies and businesses in growth mode.

Why I picked Bubble PPM: This software made it onto my list because of its suitability for managing project portfolio strategies. It combines resource, project, portfolio, and strategy management tools for a comprehensive solution. What’s nice about this software is just how customizable it is—users can set up unique dashboards, reports, and tools to support their project tracking and management.

By leveraging a modular and permissions-based platform, the software is easily tailored to various organizational needs. But it can also grow and evolve as the company's needs change, which is useful for scaling mid-sized businesses. I also like that the system offers a range of out-of-the-box tools based on best practices from their many years as a specialist consultancy, so that teams can hit the ground running. 

Bubble PPM Standout Features & Integrations

Features include scenario modeling tools that enable teams to analyze different project portfolio configurations and make informed decisions based on resource availability and strategic priorities. Its 'Strategic Alignment Score' feature also allows organizations to evaluate projects against business goals to ensure that the portfolio focuses on high-value initiatives.

Integrations include over 400 native integrations with apps like SAP, JIRA, Confluence, MS Teams, Slack, Salesforce, Hubspot, Sailpoint, Power BI, and SSO/MFA. Plus, you can build your own integrations with their powerful API.

Pros and cons


  • Project and portfolio management in one
  • Real-time updates and summaries of projects
  • User-friendly interface, easy to learn


  • Limited dashboard color customization
  • Substantial implementation efforts may be necessary to get started

Best for collaborative whiteboards

  • 30-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $8/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.8/5

Miro is an online collaborative tool designed to help teams visualize, brainstorm, and plan together. It supports a variety of industries and use cases, offering an intuitive space for ideation and project execution.

Why I picked Miro: Miro offers an interactive whiteboard environment where you can add sticky notes, diagrams, and flowcharts in real time with your team. Its drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to organize ideas and create workflows. You’ll also find features like infinite canvas, pre-made templates, and real-time collaboration tools, all optimized for brainstorming and planning sessions. These tools make it especially effective for creative and strategic work that requires input from multiple stakeholders.

Standout features & integrations:

Features include advanced visualization tools like timeline and roadmap templates that enable teams to structure projects with clear milestones and deadlines. Additionally, Miro’s frameworks for agile practices, such as sprint planning and retrospectives, provide structured support for project methodologies.

Integrations include Jira, Asana, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Drive, Dropbox, Confluence, Trello, ClickUp, and Zoom.

Pros and cons


  • Free forever plan available
  • Intuitive and easy setup
  • Built-in communication features for streamlined collaboration


  • Visitor/guest accounts locked to paid plans only
  • Zooming can be jumpy on larger projects
  • Free version does not allow high-quality export to pdf

Zusammenfassung der besten Projektmanagement-Software-Tools

Nachfolgend findest du eine Zusammenfassung der besten Projektmanagement-Software-Tools, die auf dem Markt erhältlich sind.

Tool Best For Trial Info Price

The list and Gantt chart in Smartsheet are useful for visualizing project timelines and deadlines.

Best for customizable dashboards

30-day free trial

From $9/user/month (billed annually) Website

Intuitive interface to help you see your important project data at a glance.

Best for workflow automation

14-day free trial + free plan available

From $8/user/month (billed annually) Website
Hub Planner

The Gantt tool offers a visual representation of project tasks and their dependencies.

Best for resource scheduling

14-day free trial + free demo available

From $7/user/month (billed annually) Website

Wrike allows you to view project statuses and all relevant project information across your entire portfolio.

Best for large projects and scaling

Freemium version available

From $10/user/month (min of 2 seats) Website

Small and large teams can easily plan projects, assign team members, and track progress.

Best for replacing multiple separate tools

14-day free trial + free plan available

From $7/user/month Website
Polaris PSA By Replicon

The project management dashboard of Polaris PSA provides a comprehensive view of ongoing projects, timelines, and task progress.

Best for real-time project insights

14-day free trial

From $6-29/month Website

Gain greater visibility with a portfolio-to-task level project dashboard. Organize your work by client or department. Break down tasks and easily see status of your work.

Best for comprehensive project visibility

Free trial available

From $25/user/month Website
Resource Guru

The resource scheduling feature in Resource Guru lets users effectively plan and allocate resources for various projects.

Best for multi-resource management

30-day free trial

From $4.16/user/month (billed annually) Website

Productive's project management features allow users to assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members.

Best for agency projects and budgeting

14-day free trial

From $9/month (billed annually) Website
Bonsai Agency Software

Bonsai allows you to manage your projects, budgets, and related tasks within a single dashboard.

Best for end-to-end agency projects

Free trial available

From $9/user/month (billed annually) Website
Zoho Projects

Get an in-depth view of status for tasks, projects, milestones, bugs, and more.

Best for integration with Zoho Suite

10-day free trial + free plan available

From $4/user/month (billed annually) Website

You can design customized workflows and business applications using the system's code-free builder.

Best for process automation

30-day free trial + free demo available

From $35/user/month (billed annually, min 20 users) Website

Quire's nested task list view lets you see what needs to be done now and what's happening next.

Best for task breakdown

Free plan available

From $7/user/month Website
Bubble PPM

Chart-based or Gantt timeline views give an overview of project progress and risk across your project portfolio.

Best for portfolio management

14-day free trial

From $17/user/month Website

Miro allows hybrid teams to collaborate through text, graphics, video, and more on a visual workspace in real time.

Best for collaborative whiteboards

30-day free trial + free plan available

From $8/user/month (billed annually) Website

Weitere Projektmanagement Software-Tools, die dich interessieren könnten

Obwohl in dieser Review nicht enthalten, ist nachfolgend eine Liste weiterer Optionen für PM-Tools aufgeführt. Schau dir diese an, wenn du nach der besten Projektmanagement-Software für deine Agentur oder dein Studio suchst:

  1. Microsoft Project

    For teams using Microsoft 365

  2. Rocketlane

    Client portals for sharing insights

  3. Nifty

    For milestone tracking

  4. MeisterTask

    For simple project management

  5. Kintone

    For custom applications

  6. Backlog

    For software developers


    For remote teams

  8. Hubstaff

    For productivity monitoring

  9. Planview Clarizen

    For enterprise resource planning

  10. FunctionFox

    For creatives

Möchtest Du Die Optionen Eingrenzen?

Dieses Tool ist ziemlich nützlich. In Zusammenarbeit mit Crozdesk haben wir uns bemüht, dir Zugang zu dem „Software-Finder“ zu geben.

Wenn du einige der Details über dein Projekt und die Funktionen, die du in einem Projektmanagement-Tool suchst, eingibst, wird eine Liste von Tools erstellt, die deinen Präferenzen entsprechen. Du gibst deine E-Mail an das Team weiter und es schickt dir einen nützlichen PDF-Leitfaden mit einer Zusammenfassung deiner besten Übereinstimmungen.

Bester Vertreter seiner Klasse – The One Trick (Projekt Software) Ponies

Aber was ist das “richtige Projektmanagement-Tool”? Es gibt viele Tools, die eine einzige projektbezogene Aufgabe richtig gut erledigen. Dies sind die speziellen One-Trick-Pony-Tools für die Planung, Terminierung, Meilensteinverfolgung, Kommunikation, Aufgabenmanagement, Reporting, etc. Tools wie Slack, Microsoft Project, Harvest und Dropbox sind Beispiele für diese speziellen Projekt-Tools. Spezialisierte Tools können großartig sein, besonders für ein kleines Team, oder wenn man mit Nischenanforderungen oder wenigen Kunden arbeitet.

Projektmanagement-Tools ermöglichen es dir, intelligenter zu arbeiten

Wenn du jedoch nicht aufpasst, hast du am Ende eine Sammlung von unabhängigen SaaS-Online-Projektsoftware, die nicht richtig synchronisiert werden kann. Du nutzt ein Tool für die Kommunikation, ein weiteres für die Dateifreigabe und ein weiteres für die Aufgabenverwaltung. Und am Ende gibst du in jede Anwendung die gleichen Daten ein.

Gibt es vielleicht einen besseren Weg? Anstatt dedizierte Tools zu verwenden und sie manuell miteinander zu verknüpfen, empfiehlt sich ein Projektmanagement-Tool mit integrierter Shared-data-Funktionalität. Dies ermöglicht ein besseres Briefing, eine kontextbezogene Kommunikation und eine einfachere Verwaltung von Projektteams und Kunden.

Was macht ein gutes Projektmanagement-Tool aus?

Bei der Definition eines guten digitalen Projektmanagement-Tools haben wir uns auf Tools konzentriert, die den “doing”-Aspekt eines Projekts erleichtern. Das bedeutet, Menschen zusammenzubringen, um etwas Erstaunliches für eine digitale Welt zu schaffen.

Was braucht es also, um ein digitales Projekt zu realisieren? Wir haben fünf Hauptaspekte der Funktionalität ausgewählt, die unserer Meinung nach die Bereitstellung digitaler Projekte erleichtern. Du kannst damit deine Post-Its, Tabellenkalkulationen und E-Mails entsorgen und dein Projekt effizienter durchführen.

  1. Aufgabenlisten – Projekte bestehen aus Unteraufgaben und Unter-Unter-Aufgaben, Checklisten und To-Dos. Die Möglichkeit zu haben, aufzuzeigen, was bis wann und von wem zu tun ist, ist entscheidend für eine gute Projektabwicklung.
  2. Zeitpläne – Zeitpläne, Kalender und Gantt-Diagramme helfen dir zu verstehen, wo Aufgaben in das umfassendere Schema eines Projekts passen. Dies ist der Schlüssel, um ein Projekt termingerecht abwickeln zu können.
  3. Dateifreigabe – Niemand mag es, Zeit bei der Suche nach irgendwelchen Dateien zu verschwenden. Die Möglichkeit, wichtige Projektdateien und -anlagen zu organisieren und gemeinsam zu nutzen, ist wichtig, um ein Projekt effizient durchzuführen.
  4. Kommunikation – Kontextuelle, projektbezogene Kommunikation, um schnell Dinge zu erledigen und mit dem Team und dem Kunden zu chatten, ist wichtig, um die Aufgaben im Auge zu behalten.
  5. Berichterstattung – Als Projektmanager ist es unsere Aufgabe zu wissen, ob unser Projekt auf dem richtigen Kurs ist oder nicht. Daher ist es wichtig zu wissen, wie die Projektarbeiten voranschreiten – wird es pünktlich fertig oder nicht?

Aber du verpasst etwas…..

Ja, sogar vieles. Bei jeder Projektmanagement-Software muss man eine Grenze ziehen zwischen dem, was wesentlich ist und dem, was nicht. Bei unseren Kriterien bezüglich der Projektmanagement-Tools haben wir uns auf die Durchführung eines Projekts konzentriert. Das bedeutet, dass wir uns nicht auf Planung, Abrechnung oder andere Funktionen konzentriert haben. Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns nicht auf die Vorprojekt-Schätzung oder die Postprojekt-Aspekte der PM-Software konzentriert. Lies unsere Artikel über die besten Ressourcenplanungs-Tools, wenn du nach diesen suchst. Allerdings gibt es viele Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen diesen Tools. Wir haben versucht, Funktionen oder Merkmale hervorzuheben, die diese unserer Meinung nach einzigartig machen.

Was meinst du dazu?

Was fehlt uns deiner Meinung nach bei dieser Review zum Thema Projektmanagement-Tools? Hast du andere Kriterien für die Auswahl eines PM-Tools für deine Agentur oder dein Studio? Wir würden uns freuen, wenn du irgendwelche Vorschläge, Tipps oder Gedanken zur Nutzung dieser Art von PM-Software hast. Mithilfe der Kommentarfunktion kannst du diese mit uns teilen.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ich bin Ben Aston. Ich bin ein digitaler Projektmanager. Seit über 10 Jahren bin ich in der Branche tätig und arbeite in Großbritannien bei den renommiertesten Londoner Medienagenturen wie Dare, Wunderman, Lowe und DDB. Ich habe alles Mögliche realisiert, von viralen Videos über CMS', Flash-Spiele, Bannerwerbung und eCRM bis hin zu E-Commerce-Seiten. Ich hatte das große Glück, für eine Vielzahl von großen Unternehmen zu arbeiten: Automobilmarken wie Land Rover, Volkswagen und Honda, Energieversorger wie BT, British Gas und Exxon, FMCG-Marken wie Unilever und Marken aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wie Sony.