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Project management software organizes tasks, tracks progress, and aids team collaboration. It enhances efficiency, keeps projects on track, and addresses issues like missed deadlines, poor communication, and disorganized workflows. Overall, it is a great resource for project managers and team members alike. But what if you want to add PM software to your workflow without changing your operating system? 

Thankfully, this is completely doable. In fact, there are so many Windows-compatible PM tools available that selecting the right one for you can be a time-consuming and stressful process. 

As such, I created this post to help you explore your options. Leveraging my software expertise and my project management experience, I have shortlisted the best Windows-compatible PM software available, including features, pricing, and best use cases, to help you find the best software for you. 

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We’ve been testing and reviewing project management software since 2012. As project managers, we know how critical and difficult it is to make the right decision when selecting software. 

We invest in deep research to help our audience make better software purchasing decisions. We’ve tested more than 2,000 tools for different project management use cases and written over 1,000 comprehensive software reviews. Learn how we stay transparent & our software review methodology.

Best Project Management Software for Windows Summary

Tools Price
Microsoft Project From $10/user/month (billed annually)
Freedcamp From $1.49/user/month (billed annually) + free plan available
Trello From $5/user/month (billed annually) + free plan available
Teamwork From $11/user/month (billed annually) + free plan available
ProjectManager From $13/user/month (billed annually)
ProofHub From $45/month (billed annually)
Basecamp From $15/user/month
Tempo Portfolio Manager From $45/user/month (billed annually)
Accelo From $20/user/month (billed monthly)
Scoro From $26/user/month (min 5 seats)
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Compare Software Specs Side by Side

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How to Choose Project Management Software for Windows

As you work through your unique software selection process, keep the following points in mind:

  • Team Collaboration Features: Effective collaboration is essential for project success, especially when team members are dispersed across different locations. Look for software that centralizes communication—for example, by allowing team members to comment on tasks—and integrates with other communication apps. 
  • Customization Options: Every team has unique workflows and project requirements. Customization options, such as custom fields and templates, allow teams to tailor the software to their specific needs.
  • Ease of Adoption and Implementation: The software should be user-friendly and easy to implement. This can include features such as a drag-and-drop interface, comprehensive tutorials, and customer support services. A free trial period can also be beneficial to ensure the software meets your team's needs before committing to a larger investment. 
  • Scalability and Pricing Plans: As your team grows, your project management software should be able to scale with you. Look for flexible pricing plans that can accommodate additional users and features as needed. Smartsheet highlights the importance of considering both immediate and long-term costs, ensuring the software remains cost-effective as your organization expands.
  • Reporting and Analytics Capabilities: Comprehensive reporting and analytics features are essential for tracking project progress and making data-driven decisions. The software should offer real-time status updates, progress tracking, and customizable reports.

Other Project Management Software for Windows

Below is a list of additional project management software for Windows that did not make it to the top ten list, but are still worth checking out.

  1. Quickbase

    Best for dynamic work management with low-code development

  2. Workzone

    Best for high-touch support and onboarding

  3. Celoxis

    Best for comprehensive project portfolio management

  4. Nifty

    Best for project timelines and milestone tracking

  5. Kantata

    Best for resource management and project accounting

  6. Jira

    Best for Agile project management and issue tracking

  7. Smartsheet

    Best for spreadsheet-like project management

  8. Asana

    Best for task management and team coordination

  9. Wrike

    Best for real-time collaboration and project tracking

  10. HubPlanner

    Best for resource scheduling and time tracking

  11. ClickUp

    Best for customizable workflows and task management


    Best for visual project planning and team collaboration

If you still haven't found what you're looking for here, check out these other related tools that we've tested and evaluated: 

Selection Criteria for Project Management Software for Windows

When selecting project management software for Windows, it is important to focus on both overall functionality and your specific needs. Through my personal trials and extensive research, I have developed a set of criteria that I used to select the best tools for this list. Each criteria is weighted to reflect its importance to my overall evaluation. 

Core Functionality (25% of total weighting score): To be considered for inclusion in this list, each solution had to fulfill these common use cases: 

  • Task Management
  • Scheduling and Calendar Integration
  • Resource Allocation
  • Time Tracking
  • Collaboration Tools

Additional Standout Features (25% of total weighting score): To help further narrow down the competition, I also looked for unique features, such as: 

  • Integration with third-party applications
  • Customizable dashboards and reports
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Mobile app availability
  • AI-driven insights and automation

Usability (10% of total weighting score): To get a sense of the usability of each system, I considered the following: 

  • Intuitive user interface
  • Drag-and-drop functionality
  • Customizable workflows
  • Role-based access control
  • Minimal learning curve

Onboarding (10% of total weighting score): To evaluate the onboarding experience for each platform, I considered the following: 

  • Availability of training videos
  • Interactive product tours
  • Pre-built templates
  • Chatbots for instant support
  • Webinars for in-depth training

Customer Support (10% of total weighting score): To assess each software provider’s customer support services, I considered the following: 

  • 24/7 support availability
  • Multiple support channels (email, phone, chat)
  • Comprehensive knowledge base
  • Dedicated account managers
  • Fast response times

Value For Money (10% of total weighting score): To evaluate the value for money of each platform, I considered the following:

  • Competitive Pricing
  • Flexible subscription plans
  • Free trial availability
  • Transparent pricing structure
  • Discounts for long-term commitments

Customer Reviews (10% of total weighting score): To get a sense of overall customer satisfaction, I considered the following when reading customer reviews:

  • Overall satisfaction ratings
  • Feedback on ease of use
  • Comments on customer support quality
  • Insights on feature effectiveness
  • User recommendations and endorsements

Project management software for Windows evolves rapidly to meet changing user needs. Here are some key trends to watch:

  • AI Integration: AI is increasingly being integrated into project management tools to help automate routine tasks. This reduces manual effort for teams and increases their overall efficiency. AI can also help with predictive analytics for better decision-making.
  • Enhanced Collaboration Features: New tools are starting to focus more on real-time collaboration. This includes features like live document editing and instant messaging. This focus aims to improve team communication and project alignment.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Customizable dashboards are becoming more prevalent. These dashboards allow users to tailor their interface to their specific needs and make it easier to track progress and key metrics.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Project management software is becoming increasingly mobile-friendly. This ensures that team members can access project details on-the-go to support remote work and flexibility.
  • Integration with Other Tools: There is a growing trend of integrating project management software with other business tools, including CRM, ERP, and communication platforms. This can create a more cohesive workflow and data-sharing environment.

What Is Project Management Software For Windows?

Project management software for Windows helps teams plan, resource, manage, schedule, and organize tasks and resources to deliver projects efficiently using the Windows operating system. Users include project managers, team members, and stakeholders tracking progress, allocating resources, and ensuring timely project completion. The software typically features task management, resource allocation, time tracking, and communication tools. These components provide real-time visibility of project status, enabling quick decisions and adjustments to keep projects on track.

Features of Project Management Software for Windows

When choosing project management software for Windows, it is important to look for features that will enhance your workflow and help you manage your projects effectively. Key features to consider include:

  • Task Management: This feature allows you to create, assign, and track tasks, ensuring that everyone knows what they need to do and when.
  • Collaboration Tools: These tools enable team members to communicate and share information easily, which is vital for keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Time Tracking: Time tracking helps you monitor how much time is spent on each task, which is essential for managing resources and meeting deadlines.
  • Resource Management: This feature helps you allocate resources efficiently, ensuring that you have the right people and tools available when you need them.
  • Gantt Charts: Gantt charts provide a visual representation of your project timeline, making it easier to see the progress of your project and identify any potential delays.
  • Reporting: Reporting tools allow you to generate detailed reports on various aspects of your project, helping you make informed decisions and keep stakeholders updated.
  • File Sharing: File sharing capabilities enable team members to share documents and other files easily, which is important for collaboration and keeping everyone informed.
  • Budget Management: This feature helps you track project expenses and manage your budget, ensuring that you stay within your financial limits.
  • Integration: Integration with other tools and software allows you to streamline your workflow and improve efficiency by connecting different aspects of your project management process.
  • Mobile Access: Mobile access enables you to manage your projects on the go, which is important for staying productive and responsive, no matter where you are.

These features can improve your ability to manage projects effectively and stay on schedule, ultimately leading to more successful project outcomes and increased productivity for your team.

Benefits of Project Management Software for Windows

Project management software for Windows typically offers features that simplify project planning, execution, and monitoring. These tools are essential for boosting productivity, improving collaboration, and ensuring project success. Here are several benefits you can expect to gain from using project management software for Windows:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: The software facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page and can contribute effectively to the project's success.
  • Improved Task Management: With features like task assignment, deadlines, and progress tracking, the software helps users manage their tasks efficiently, ensuring timely completion and reducing the risk of missed deadlines.
  • Resource Allocation: The software allows for optimal allocation and utilization of resources, ensuring that the right resources are available for the right tasks, thereby maximizing productivity and minimizing waste.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Users can generate real-time reports and analytics, providing valuable insights into project performance and helping in making informed decisions to keep the project on track.
  • Scalability: Project management software for Windows can scale with the growth of your business, accommodating more projects, users, and complex workflows without compromising on performance.

Investing in project management software for Windows can greatly improve your project management processes. These tools can help you achieve better project outcomes, enhance your team collaboration, and enable you to make strong, data-driven decisions.

Costs & Pricing of Project Management Software for Windows

One of the most important aspects of selecting project management software for Windows is understanding the different pricing plans and features available. These platforms can vary widely in terms of features, pricing, and use cases to cater to a range of needs. However, pricing plans for project management software for Windows also generally fall into common categories.

As such, I designed this guide to help you navigate your options, from free plans to enterprise solutions, to ensure you find the best fit for your needs and budget. It's essential to be aware of your choices to avoid paying for unnecessary features or overpaying for standard ones.

Below is a table summarizing plan types, average prices, and common features:

Plan Comparison Table for Project Management Software for Windows

Plan TypeAverage PriceCommon Features
Free$0Basic task management, limited users, kanban boards, basic storage
Individual$3.66/monthTo-do lists, calendar integration, basic reporting, limited storage
Small Business$8.90/month/userAdvanced task management, Gantt charts, time tracking, document collaboration
Medium Business$16.88/month/userEnhanced security, user permissions, advanced reporting, multiple project views
Enterprise$30-$40/month/userUnlimited users, premium support, full feature set, customizable workflows
A breakdown of plan types, costs, and features for project management software for Windows.

Each plan caters to different needs. Free plans are ideal for individuals or small teams, while paid plans offer advanced features and scalability for growing businesses. Always consider your team's size, project complexity, and budget when choosing a plan. It is often a good idea to to start with a free or basic plan to get a sense of the tool before committing to a larger investment.

Moreover, when choosing a plan, it's important to consider both your immediate needs and potential future requirements to ensure the software can scale with your project.

By carefully evaluating pricing plans and feature sets, you can select a project management tool for Windows that meets your team's current and future project management needs while also matching your budget. 

Project Management Software for Windows FAQs

Here are some commonly asked questions about project management software for Windows.

Is it easy to migrate data from one project management tool to another on Windows?

Most project management tools offer import/export features to facilitate data migration, though the process may vary in complexity.

What security features are available in Windows project management software?

Most software, like Wrike and Asana, offer features such as data encryption, two-factor authentication, and user permissions.

Can I collaborate with my team in real time using Windows project management software?

Tools like Asana, Trello, and support real-time collaboration and updates.

Does project management software for Windows support mobile devices?

Yes, most of these tools have mobile apps for iOS and Android, complementing their Windows desktop versions.

Can I use project management software on Windows without an internet connection?

Microsoft Project supports offline use, but other tools, like Trello and Asana, require an internet connection.

Is there support for multi-language use in Windows project management software?

Yes, many tools, like Asana and, offer multi-language support to cater to global teams.

Are there templates available for different project types in Windows project management software?

Yes, most tools, like and Trello, provide a variety of templates tailored for different project types and industries.

Can I use voice commands with project management software on Windows?

Some tools, like Microsoft Project when integrated with Cortana, support voice commands for task management and project updates.

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Hermann Fink
By Hermann Fink

Hermann Fink is a technology enthusiast and the co-founder of Rünna Advertising, a multinational digital agency that has been active for over a decade and served clients like Ford, AstraZeneca, Disney, and Didi. In addition to being a business owner, Hermann gathered corporate experience in project management during his time at Hewlett Packard in the mid-2010s.