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The PM life
Defying the Odds with Project Management: How I Avoided An Arm Amputation

Mark’s lists of accomplishments & contributions to the world of PM would max out the character count on this page. As a brief summary, he’s acted as a host and moderator for The PMO Leader, he’s been on the judging committee for PMI’s PMO Global award, a Senior Official with the International Association of Project Managers, a Global Training Partner for SCRUMstudy, he’s currently pilot testing a PMO Certification for PMI, and recently became a published author with the release of The Ambidextrous Project Manager.

He’s agreed to hang out with The DPM Community for an hour and answer any questions you can throw his way. Ask Mark about

  • organizing and delivering complex projects with confidence
  • transitioning from chaos to clarity
  • tackling your biggest pain point
  • aligning your efforts with strategic business goals
  • embracing ambidextrous thinking
  • mastering resilience
  • becoming an effective project manager
  • navigating complexities
  • unlocking your full potential in personal and professional endeavors.


Michael Mordak
Community Producer

As Community Producer for BWZ, I engage and support our member-based communities to iterate on an optimized member experience that continually finds the right balance between delighting our customers with value and running a lean and efficient operation. My main goals are to grow our audience, drive community engagement, master member retention, and build a self-optimizing system through automation and scalable processes.


Mark Burnett
Author & PM Consultant

As Author of The Ambidextrous Project Manager™ and Expert in Ambidextrous Thinking©, I’m overly obsessed with steering clients away from the painful pitfalls of project chaos and overcoming adversity. My mission is to guide you in embracing ambidextrous thinking, mastering resilience, becoming an effective project manager, navigating complexities, and unlocking your full potential in personal and professional endeavors.