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Zeiterfassung App muss nicht unbedingt mühsam sein! Als Projektmanager in einer Vielzahl von Agenturteams habe ich einen Großteil der Zeiterfassungssoftware genutzt – sowohl für die einfache Zeiterfassung als auch für die Budgetverfolgung und Schätzung zukünftiger Projekte. Jedes Team ist anders, deshalb habe ich eine Handvoll der von mir empfohlenen, besten Zeitmanagement-Tools ausgewählt, zusammen mit einer Zusammenfassung ihrer Funktionen, Preise und Vor- und Nachteile, um dir zu helfen, das richtige Zeiterfassungssystem für deine Projekte auszuwählen.

Zeiterfassung app: Vergleiche im Handumdrehen die besten

Best Employee Time Tracking Software 2021 Featured Image

Als Projektmanager, die versuchen, Projektbudgets zu verwalten und unsere Teams dazu zu bringen, ihre Zeit genau zu verfolgen, verwenden wir Zeiterfassungstools für viele verschiedene Zwecke, abgesehen vom einfachen Ausfüllen von Stundenzetteln.

Zeitmanagement-Tools können teuer sein, also habe ich eine Reihe der besten kostenlosen oder fast kostenlosen Zeiterfassung app erforscht. Am wichtigsten ist jedoch, dass wir nach den besten Tools suchen, die so einfach zu bedienen sind, dass die Leute ihre Stundenzettel tatsächlich selbst einreichen wollen. Stell dir das mal vor!

Zeiterfassung app – warum ist es so wichtig?

Zeiterfassung app und Software zur Kostenerfassung sind zwar nicht jedermanns Lieblinge, aber es ist ein notwendiges Übel in der digitalen Agenturwelt, für professionelle Dienstleistungen und Beratung, wenn du Zeit und Material oder stundenweise abrechnest und du den Budgetverlust verfolgen musst. Ebenso macht die Rechnungsstellung keinen Spaß, aber sie ist notwendig und erfordert genaue Zeiterfassungsdetails, um zu funktionieren.

Grundsätzlich gibt es Budget- und finanzielle Informationen, die benötigt werden, um ein Unternehmen am Leben zu erhalten; wir müssen die wesentlichen Grundlagen des Projektbudgets kennen:

  1. Sind wir über/unter dem Projektbudget?
  2. Sind wir auf dem Weg, das Budget zu sprengen?
  3. Wie viel soll dem Kunden in Rechnung gestellt werden?
  4. Wie profitabel ist das Projekt/der Job/Kunde?

Genaue Zeiterfassungsberichte sind uns als Projektmanager ebenfalls wichtig, damit wir auf der Grundlage der bisherigen Projektleistung angemessene analoge Schätzungen abgeben können. Um richtig abschätzen zu können, müssen wir auf die Daten der Stundenzettel, in der Zeiterfassung app zurückgreifen und beurteilen können, wie viel für das nächste Projekt berechnet werden soll. Wir brauchen zuverlässige, genaue Zeitberichtsdaten und Menschen, die die Zeiterfassung app richtig nutzen.

Wenn du dich für den Aufwand zur Durchführung deines Projekts und die Rentabilität deiner Projekte interessierst, dann musst du dich auch um die Zeiterfassung, Zeiterfassung app und Stundennachweise kümmern.

Wenn die Zeiterfassung app, die du benutzt, mehr als nur etwas hässlich und mühsam ist, dann will sie niemand benutzen und die Daten, die du daraus beziehst, sind fast nutzlos.

Aber muss Zeiterfassung und Berichterstattung mühsam sein? Es muss doch sicher paar tolle Software-Tools für die Zeiterfassung geben, oder?

Die beste Zeiterfassung app?


Die beste Zeiterfassung app muss natürlich in der Lage sein, große Teams, viele Kunden und viele Projekte gleichzeitig zu managen. Aber abgesehen von einem Produkt, das bei der Zeiterfassung gut funktioniert, müssen wir darüber nachdenken, was mit diesen zeitgebundenen Informationen passiert; wie fängt das Ganze als Schätzung an, wie wird die Zeit erfasst und einmal erfasst, wie wird sie dann in Rechnung gestellt?

Bei der Auswahl des besten Zeiterfassungs-Tools lohnt es sich, über deinen Agentur- oder Studio-Workflow nachzudenken und an die ganzheitliche Erfahrung zu denken – von der Person, die den Kostenvoranschlag erstellt, über die Person, die die Arbeit erledigt, bis hin zur Person, die sie abrechnet. Wie passt das alles zusammen?

Was braucht es also, um die Zeit richtig zu erfassen? Wir haben fünf Hauptaspekte der Zeiterfassung app identifiziert, die unserer Meinung nach die Verwaltung digitaler Projekte erleichtern.

  • Werden die Leute es überhaupt benutzen? Die Software muss ansprechend aussehen und wirklich einfach zu bedienen sein.
  • Zeiterfassung einfach in Projekte und Aufgaben integrieren? Das Tool muss auf eine Informationsquelle für Kunden, Projekte und Aufgaben verweisen.
  • Integration mit Schätzungen und Verfolgung? Die Software sollte einfach eine Projektschätzung oder ein Angebot erstellen können. Anschließend sollte sie in der Lage sein, die Schätzung gegenüber den tatsächlichen Werten mit visuellen Berichten und Analysen zu verfolgen.
  • Optimale Integration in die Rechnungsstellung? Es muss einfach sein, Projektberichte und Ist-Daten in Kostenvoranschläge zu verwandeln, die an die Kunden gesendet werden können.
  • Bietet eine gute Integration mit Anwendungen von Drittanbietern? Besonders nützlich ist die Möglichkeit zur Integration mit Buchhaltungssoftware wie Quickbooks oder Xero.

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Best for visual project planning

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
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Rating: 4.7/5 is a project management software with time tracking features that has done away with a lot of the trimmings of typical management tools and focused on simple, visually intuitive layouts that help clarify the sequence of work.

Why I picked I think is great tool. You can use it to track project billable hours, employee productivity, and invoicing. More than being a time-tracking solution, you can also use it for your employee productivity needs. You can easily assign owners to new tasks, prioritize each item, set due dates and know exactly how every working hour is spent on each project and task. You can also keep track of time on their mobile app.

Overall, is a highly customizable software that I would definitely recommend using to help handle your projects, collaborate in real time, and track time so you can provide more accurate information to the client.

According to my research, time tracking is available on's Pro and Enterprise plans and has to be added to each board as a column. Standout Features & Integrations

Features include dashboards, automation, file management, collaborative documents, resource management, forms, time-tracking, in-app chat, and reporting.

Integrations include business apps like Slack, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, Harvest, Jira, GitHub, Trello, Dropbox, Typeform, and many more, accessible via Zapier.

Best for on-the-go mobile teams

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $29/month for 30 users (paid annually)
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Rating: 4.3/5

Connecteam is a workplace software company that offers products for operational, communication, and skills management. The operational platform facilitates time tracking and employee scheduling.

Why I picked Connecteam: I am particularly impressed by Connecteam's operations management software, which offers a unique approach to time tracking, scheduling, and task management features. Employees can log their time in the system and it even provides GPS tracking to keep managers updated on the whereabouts of staff. You can also assign shifts and tasks to employees, and oversee their work with forms and checklists.

I also admire how the Connecteam's software can be connected with a payroll platform so you can easily use schedules and timesheets for pay administration. Additionally, I'm always on the lookout for customizable features, and Connecteam offers several customization tools for your team's unique tasks and timesheet needs.

Connecteam Standout Features & Integrations

Features include time tracking, scheduling, GPS tracking, Geo-fencing, schedule templates, shortcuts, task management, forms, and checklists.

Integrations include Paychex, Xero, Gusto, QuickBooks Payroll (online + desktop), Google Calendar and others.

Best for actionable insights

  • 30-day free trial + free version available
  • From $12 /user/month
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Rating: 4.3/5

Harvest is a time-tracking software that offers invoicing capabilities, designed to assist businesses and teams in efficiently managing their time and projects. It stands out for its intuitive approach to time tracking and its provision of actionable insights to drive decision-making.

Why I picked Harvest: Aside from its easy-to-use time-tracking interface, I particularly like that Harvest provides detailed reports and analytics to help you keep projects on track and on budget. Its reporting functionalities include project reporting and team reporting so that you can get a clear view of budgets, costs, and overall team capacity.

Another feature that makes Harvest stand out is its ability to help teams build a library of previous projects. Using this data from the past can help you plan better budgets and allocate resources more efficiently in the future. You can also track internal costs to assess project profitability.

Harvest Planner Standout Features & Integrations

Features include simple timesheets, desktop and mobile apps, personal reports, custom reminders, automated invoicing, invoicing reports, and more.

Integrations include Asana, Basecamp, GitHub, Slack, Trello, QuickBooks, Stripe, PayPal, Jira, Google Calendar, Zapier, Zendesk, Freshservice, Rindle, Nifty, and more.

Best for resource management features

  • Free demo
  • From $19/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.1/5

Kantata time tracking software is designed to help individuals and businesses efficiently manage and monitor their time and workload. The software can help users understand how their team's time is being utilized. These insights can be invaluable for optimizing workflows, identifying time-wasting activities, and improving overall efficiency.

Why I picked Kantata: I chose Kantata for this list because it goes beyond simple time tracking by offering time budgeting and forecasting capabilities. Users can set time budgets for specific tasks or projects, allowing them to allocate time and resources effectively. I also love how the software provides real-time updates on time spent, remaining time, and progress towards budgeted goals. In my experience, these types of features enable users to proactively manage their time, prioritize tasks, and more accurately meet deadlines.

Kantata Standout Features & Integrations

Features include intelligent time tracking, productivity analytics, focus mode, GPS tracking, and customizable privacy settings.

Integrations include Slack, Trello, Salesforce, Sage, Jira, Quickbooks, Xero, NetSuite, Genpact, and Google Calendar.

Best for global time management

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $6/user/month
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Rating: 4.3/5

Replicon is a time tracking and timesheet software with a project time tracking product suite. This suite can help you manage project hours and costs, paid time off, and track billable hours and project expenses.

Why I picked Replicon: I chose this tool for the list because of its intelligent time tracking feature, which leverages AI and machine learning to help populate timesheets for employees based on the apps they use. The app will track employee activity across different platforms and pre-fill timesheets for them. Additionally, it will reconstruct the work week across multiple projects. Based on my research, it seems like all your people will have to do is review and submit, which will save you both hours of administrative tasks and money.

Replicon also has a mobile app that you can use to track time from any device. This makes it easy to track time while you are away from your computer, but also makes use of mobile device capabilities to expand its functionality. For example, you can take a pic and add it to your expense report using the phone's camera. I think that this feature makes Replicon perfect for employees on-the-go, since it can help them track their time quickly, easily, and without needing access to a computer.

Replicon Standout Features & Integrations

Features include approval workflows and intelligent routing for time off requests. This ensures that employee requests get handled by the appropriate people and expedites the approval process. Another feature I like, especially for teams that work on the field, is its real-time GPS tracking and geofencing capabilities.

Integrations include SAP, ADP, Salesforce, Slack, Quickbooks, Jira, ServiceNow, Xero, Workday, Myob, Adobe XD, and Bamboo HR.

Best for attendance management

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request

TimeClock Plus is a time and attendance software that's designed to help you manage your employees' time and attendance, leave and absence, and a whole lot more. It's a comprehensive solution that's designed to make your life easier, whether you're a small business owner or a manager in a large corporation.

Why I picked TimeClock Plus: This tool stood out to me because it's not just about tracking time, it's about managing your workforce in a way that's efficient and effective. I particularly admire how the tool lets you monitor time tracking, and attendance, see exactly where your employees are using geolocation, and handle time off requests such as vacation, sick time, FMLA, and others.

TimeClock Plus Standout Features & Integrations

Features include its advanced leave module that lets you enforce leave policies while automatically handling your processes with a fair and optimized system. Additionally, the overtime management module stands out to me because of the many customizations you can make to the conditions around overtime, including varied overtime thresholds and weighted overtime.

Integrations include over a hundred payroll solutions like ADP, BAI, Ascentis, Accra, Casamba, Cayenne, Ceridian, and Epicure. Also Quickbooks, Paychex, or even payroll modules from ERP systems like SAP, Sage, and NetSuite.

Best time tracking for customizable timesheets

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $10/user/month
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Rating: 4.3/5

ClickTime is a project time tracking software used by organizations that need to accurately account for employee costs. It has the ability to create project budgets, employee cost rates, and custom billing rates

Why I picked ClickTime: What I find to be unique about ClickTime is its timesheet customizability. Rather than providing a one-size-fit-all timesheet, ClickTime allows customers to configure timesheets in a way that best serves their needs. Each timesheet comes with three levels of hierarchy (such as “Client | Project | Task”) that customers can name anything they like. For example: a nonprofit - who doesn’t need to bill clients - might choose to track time against “Grants | Programs | Activities.” Additionally, ClickTime customers can create custom fields for specialized tracking and reporting, as well as add notes to any time entry to provide context and detail to ensure accurate reporting and billing.

ClickTime Standout Features & Integrations

Features include standard and custom reminders that are conveniently scheduled to automatically send, or send as needed, so that customers can stay on top of staff timesheet completion. The ClickTime mobile app gives teams the ability to manage time, expenses, and time off anytime, anywhere to stay connected and in control.

Integrations include Sage, NetSuite, QuickBooks, Jira, BambooHR, HiBob, ADP, Zenefits, Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho, Box, Google Drive, Slack, and task management tools like ClickUp. ClickTime also boasts an award-winning API that makes any connection possible. And if you don’t have the resources on hand to build your own custom integrations, they have a Professional Services team who can do all the heavy lifting for you.

Best for team time tracking and activity reports

  • Free trial available
  • $10/user/month
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Rating: 4.4/5

Bonsai is a comprehensive business management software designed for agencies, consultancies, and professional service providers to streamline their operations. It offers a wide range of tools for managing client relationships, projects, financials, and more, including features such as CRM, scheduling, proposals, contracts, time tracking, file sharing, and invoicing.

Why I picked Bonsai: I selected Bonsai for this list for its time tracking solution designed to assist businesses of various sizes in managing their projects and ensuring accurate billing for clients. I like how the tool allows users to track their team's hours, generate timesheets, and produce instant activity reports, all fully integrated with project management and billing systems. 

Bonsai's time tracking capabilities also enable users to understand which projects and tasks consume the most time, thereby helping to manage billable hours more effectively. I particularly admire how the tool facilitates the conversion of billable hours into invoices with a few clicks and supports online payments to expedite the payment process.  

Bonsai Standout Features & Integrations

Features include real-time reporting of time tracked across clients, projects, and team members, including capacity and utilization reports. This allows businesses to monitor total and billable utilization to gain clarity on efficiency and profitability. Bonsai also offers project, client, and financial management features.

Integrations include Gmail, Google Calendar, Zapier, Slack, QuickBooks Online, Calendly, ClickUp, Trello, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Xero, and HubSpot.

Best for invoicing and billing

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $10/user/month for a minimum of 5 users
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Rating: 4.5/5

BigTime is an expense and time tracking software designed for project managers, staff members, and stakeholders. The software can easily make time and expense entries using the platform’s smart timesheet, which has an auto-fill function for repetitious data entry.

Why I picked BigTime: What stood out most to me about BigTime was that its time and expense tracking software has customizable user rights for project managers and project leaders. They can restrict viewable timesheet information for staff members to minimize errors, accelerate the time entry process, and limit user access to sensitive data. Project managers can also use the tool to set up the required fields that team members must fill before saving their entries on the timesheet.

I also like that managers can access daily and weekly timesheet view options with user-defined workweek functionality. They also have the ability to rename, remove, or add columns on the timesheet, as well as tag specific fields as required. The software has flexible submission times with optional custom lockout periods for approvals. Users can tie their expenses directly to the corresponding projects for efficient tracking. They can track expenses directly to the internal records of individual projects or through the billable client project.

BigTime Standout Features & Integrations

Features include time and expense tracking, project budgeting, invoicing, revenue recognition, resource allocation, skills matching, and personalized analytics.

Integrations include API access to build custom integrations and pre-built integrations with QuickBooks, Lacerte, Sage Intacct, Jira, Salesforce, Slack, Google apps and Hubspot. Finally, it lets you access thousands of additional apps through a Zapier account.

Pricing for BigTime starts at $10 per user/month with a minimum requirement of five users, billed annually. There is also a 14-day free trial available.

Best for customizable dashboards

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $6.99/user/month
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Rating: 4.5/5

BeeBole Timesheet is an employee time tracking software for organizations of all sizes. With it, you can efficiently measure the time spent on clients, projects, and tasks, as well as control budgets, costs, and leaves of absence. 

Why I picked BeeBole: According to my research, BeeBole offers a one-click timer to track time, as well as a drag-and-drop interface, which makes it easy to build dashboards and reports you need. For example, you can quickly generate, share, and print reports on employee time, budget, margin and profit, in addition to more than 30 customizable KPI reports.

In general, I've noticed that this tool is really flexible with a lot of useful features for larger organizations—you can choose how users can clock in, with daily, weekly or monthly timekeeping options. Managers can use the approval workflow to approve time entries, vacation (etc), and you can do it in bulk as well to save time.

This isn't on my list of criteria, but it's worth pointing out that BeeBole’s timesheets are DCAA and GDPR compliant. Another useful feature for international companies is that you can use BeeBole in multiple currencies, as well as multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, and Dutch.

BeeBole Standout Features & Integrations

Features include approval workflow, budgeting, overtime and PTO, time tracking, and accurate time reports by employee, team, and department.

Integrations include a fully documented API for you to integrate your application or service. You can also simply export your reports to CSV, PDF or Google Drive, which makes creating a professional-looking report (complete with your logo and graphics) pretty simple. The tool also integrates with Google Suite so everyone in your org can log in using their Google credential. In fact, this tool was the first timesheet app to integrate with Google Apps and its one of the top-rated for Google users. It’s compatible with Office 365 and SSO, too.

Beebole Timesheet costs $5.99/user/month.

Tools Price From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
Connecteam From $29/month for 30 users (paid annually)
Harvest From $12 /user/month
Kantata From $19/user/month (billed annually)
Replicon From $6/user/month
TimeClock Plus Pricing upon request
ClickTime From $10/user/month
Bonsai Agency Software $10/user/month
BigTime From $10/user/month for a minimum of 5 users
Beebole From $6.99/user/month
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Weitere Software-Tools zur Zeiterfassung, die es wert sind, in Betracht gezogen zu werden

Keine der oben genannten Möglichkeiten funktioniert für dich? In der folgenden Liste findest du zusätzliche Zeiterfassungs-Tools

  1. Insightful

    Best for remote team monitoring

  2. TimeCamp

    Best for automatic time tracking

  3. Toggl Track

    Best for its workload balancing

  4. Forecast

    Best for its AI capabilities

  5. Paymo

    Best time tracking software for small & medium teams

  6. TMetric

    Best for its 7-day activity tracking storage

  7. My Hours

    Best for small teams and freelancers

  8. Traqq

    Best for its free version with premium features


    Best for real-time monitoring of tracked time.

  10. Hubstaff

    Best employee time tracking for managing remote and field teams

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By Ben Aston

Ich bin Ben Aston. Ich bin ein digitaler Projektmanager. Seit über 10 Jahren bin ich in der Branche tätig und arbeite in Großbritannien bei den renommiertesten Londoner Medienagenturen wie Dare, Wunderman, Lowe und DDB. Ich habe alles Mögliche realisiert, von viralen Videos über CMS', Flash-Spiele, Bannerwerbung und eCRM bis hin zu E-Commerce-Seiten. Ich hatte das große Glück, für eine Vielzahl von großen Unternehmen zu arbeiten: Automobilmarken wie Land Rover, Volkswagen und Honda, Energieversorger wie BT, British Gas und Exxon, FMCG-Marken wie Unilever und Marken aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wie Sony.