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Grundlagen der Ressourcenplanung

Was ist Ressourcenplanung?

Die Ressourcenplanung ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Projektmanagements. Es ist der Prozess und die Methodik für die Zuordnung der Ressourcen eines Unternehmens zu Projekten oder Aufgaben entsprechend der Ressourcenverfügbarkeit. Dazu gehören das Auflisten von Aufgaben, die Einschätzung der Dauer, das Identifizieren von Beschränkungen, das Festlegen von Fristen, das Identifizieren des Ressourcenbedarfs, das Prognostizieren der zukünftigen Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen, das Identifizieren potenzieller Ressourcenengpässe. Dabei werden alle diese Informationen genutzt, um die geeigneten Ressourcen effizient mit Aufgaben oder Arbeitsplätzen abzugleichen.

Was beinhaltet die Ressourcenplanung?

Die Ressourcenplanung umfasst in der Regel eine Reihe von Tools, die bei der Zuweisung, Planung und Zusammenfassung von Ressourcen helfen. Normalerweise denkt man an ein Gantt-Diagramm, aber Ressourcenmanager und Projektmanager nutzen verschiedene Tools zur Ressourcenplanung, darunter Kalender, Timelines und Histogramme mit zusammengefassten Ressourcendaten.

Was ist eine Ressourcenplanungs-Software?

Die Ressourcen-Planungssoftware kann dir bei der Planung, Organisation und Verwaltung deiner Projekte und deiner Agenturressourcen helfen – egal ob es sich um Personen, Räume oder Telefonleitungen handelt. Diese können genutzt werden, um Ressourcenpläne zu entwickeln und Ressourcenbedarfsprognosen zu erstellen. Je nach Ausgereiftheit der Software sind auch Tools für Kalkulation und Planung, Terminplanung, Kostenkontrolle und Budgetverwaltung, Ressourcenzuweisung und Dokumentenablage verfügbar.

Ressourcen-Planungssoftware ist auch unter vielen anderen Namen bekannt – wenn du Leute über Ressourcen-Planungssoftware, Ressourcen-Zuweisungssoftware, Ressourcen-Zuweisungstools oder Workload-Management-Tools sprechen hörst, sprechen sie alle über dasselbe – es geht um effektive Ressourcenplanung und Tools, die dir helfen, den Prozess zu optimieren.

Die Herausforderung bei der Ressourcenplanungs-Software besteht darin, dass es oft viele Überschneidungen mit anderen Geschäftsfunktionen gibt. Ressourcenmanagement-Software, Zeiterfassung, Projektkommunikation, Ausgaben, Lagerung, Professional Services Automation (PSA) und Services Resource Planning Software (SRP) können sich alle gebündelt wiederfinden – das kann gut sein, aber wenn du mit bestehenden Systemen integrieren oder ersetzen musst, kann es kompliziert werden.

Was sind die Vorteile einer Ressourcenplanungs-Software?

Hier sind einige der Hauptvorteile einer Ressourcenplanungs-Software:

  • Zeitersparnis durch manuelle Verschiebung von Ressourcen im Handumdrehen
  • Reduzierung der Fehler durch Überbuchung des Teams
  • Ein klares Verständnis für die Kapazität und Auslastung des Teams entwickeln
  • Die begrenzten Ressourcen, die dir zur Verfügung stehen, effektiver und effizienter einsetzen

Während Agenturen und Studios expandieren, sind die Systeme zur Ressourcenplanung, die für eine kleine Agentur funktionieren könnten, oft nicht skalierbar. Excel und Google Docs sind effektiv kostenlose Tools zur Ressourcenplanung, aber Ressourcenplanungs-Software kann dir dabei helfen, schneller und intelligenter zu arbeiten, sowie Leute den Projekten zuzuordnen und Projekte effektiver zu planen. Wenn du immer noch nach einem kostenlosen Ressourcenplanungs-Tool suchst, dann würde ich empfehlen, Google Sheets oder Excel zu verwenden, aber die Investition in ein ordentliches Tool wird eine lohnende Anschaffung sein.

Was sind Ressourcen?

In einem Unternehmen können Ressourcen alles umfassen, was zum Endprodukt beiträgt: Menschen (Personal und Kompetenzen), finanzielle Ressourcen, Inventar, Geräte und Zubehör, Räume wie Büros und Besprechungsräume, IT-Ressourcen sowie Produktions- und natürliche Ressourcen, und vieles mehr.

Ist dir gerade aufgefallen, dass du nicht nach einer Ressourcen-Management-Software suchst? Schau dir andere nützliche Tools an:

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer Ressourcenplanungs-Software bist, wirst du in diesem Beitrag einen schnellen, einfachen und übersichtlichen Vergleich der zehn besten Ressourcenplanungs-Tools des Jahres 2024 finden.

Die beste Ressourcenplanungs-Software schnell vergleichen und bewerten

In diesem Beitrag werden wir dir auch erklären, was Ressourcenplanungs-Software ist, wie sie dir hilft, dein Team und deine Ressourcen besser zu verwalten und zuzuordnen. Außerdem werden wir eine Zusammenfassung aller Funktionen zur Verfügung stellen, damit du leicht vergleichen und die richtigen Tools zur Planung von Team- und Projektressourcen für dich finden kannst.

Ressourcenmanagement-Software Vergleichskriterien

Ich habe Tools anhand der folgenden Kriterien bewertet, damit diese auf folgender Liste aufgeführt werden können:

  • Benutzeroberfläche (UI): Wie gut ist dieses gestaltet? Bietet es übersichtliche Anzeigen und intuitive Navigation?
  • Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Ist das Programm leicht zu erlernen und zu bedienen? Gibt es Tutorials und Schulungen? Bietet das Unternehmen einen guten technischen und Anwender-Support?
  • Features & Funktionalitäten: Wie viele der wichtigsten Features und Funktionen einer Ressourcenmanagement-Software bietet es und wie leistungsfähig ist es? Konkret interessierte ich mich dafür:
    • Automatik: Auto-Scheduling-Funktionen sind ein Hauptgrund für den Einsatz von Ressourcenplanungs-Software. Das bedeutet zumindest, dass sich deine Aufgaben automatisch anpassen, wenn sie umherbewegt werden, entsprechend den Abhängigkeiten, die du eingestellt hast. Es kann auch benutzerdefinierte Workflows mit Automatisierung beinhalten, um wiederholte Prozesse zu rationalisieren.
    • Echtzeit-Planung: Die besten Ressourcen-Tools bieten dir Echtzeit-Einblick in die Workloads und ermöglichen es dir, den Fortschritt zu überwachen, die Ressourcenauslastung zu überwachen und Anpassungen in Echtzeit vorzunehmen.
    • Warnhinweiße: Ein guter Ressourcenplaner ermöglicht es dir, die Art der Benachrichtigungen und Warnmeldungen, die jeder Benutzer erhält (E-Mail, Desktop usw.), anzupassen und sicherzustellen, dass Warnmeldungen über Ressourcenauslastung und Workload die richtigen Personen auf dem Laufenden halten.
  • Integrationen: Ist es einfach, es mit anderen Tools zu verbinden? Irgendwelche vorkonfigurierten Integrationen?
  • Wert für $: Wie angemessen ist der Preis für die Funktionen, Kapazitäten und den Einsatz? Ist die Preisgestaltung klar, transparent und flexibel?

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Ein Überblick über die 15 besten Softwares zur Ressourcenplanung

Diese Bewertungen umfassen die oben genannten Tools zur Optimierung der Ressourcenplanung im Detail, gefolgt von einer Liste zusätzlicher Tools zur Ressourcenplanung und -terminierung.

Best for all-in-one resource management

  • Free demo
  • From $19/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.1/5

Kantata is a well-rounded resource management & PSA software that bridges the core planning, execution, project accounting, and analysis systems in a single operating environment.

Why I picked Kantata: It has modules for project management, accounting, resource management, business intelligence, and team collaboration. On top of this, it offers a system of dashboards, live time and expense tracking features, and a great documenting system.

Besides the resource scheduling-specific features shown below, Kantata offers a ton of other tools for managing a business beyond resource scheduling, including built-in BI reports, trend analysis, data visualization, data integration with other systems, project costing, invoicing, and much more.

What’s more, the company leverages its professional services expertise as part of their offering, making available their Kantata BI Consultants who can build reports specifically for your business. As well, they provide some great training resources that can help mitigate the risks and costs of implementation.

Kantata Standout Features & Integrations

Features include resource forecasting, real-time utilization, capacity management, skills management, scenario planning, and role-based planning.

Integrations include pre-built connections with these tools: Expensify, G Suite, Xero, Salesforce, Netsuite, Jira, Hubspot, Slack, Concur, Dynamics 365, Qualtrics, Quickbooks, and Sage Intacct. They also provide an integration platform called M-Bridge that’s designed to simplify integration between Kantata and other business apps like CRM, HCM, and financial software.

Kantata offers plans to meet your needs. Choose from resource management to complete PSA with advanced BI. To receive accurate pricing information, contact Kantata directly.

Pros and cons


  • Easy capacity management
  • Distinguish between soft and firm allocation
  • Good reporting functionality for resource data
  • Resourcing fully integrated with master planning


  • Custom Reports Can Be Difficult to create without training
  • Proofing solution is an add-on

Best for real-time planning

  • Free trial + free version available
  • From $10 /person managed/month
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Rating: 3.7/5

Runn is a real-time resource, demand, and capacity planning tool with integrated time tracking and powerful forecasting capabilities. With Runn, you can collaborate with co-workers to stay up-to-date and on the same page with remote teams.

Why I picked Runn: Its drag-and-drop interface helps quickly create project phases and allocations, and you can flick between monthly, quarterly and half-yearly views to plan for the short and long term.

Runn makes resource management dynamic and visual. If you don’t have the right person at the right time, you can use placeholders until you have the right people. Also, the charts and reports update as you plan out your work, and you can see visualizations of capacity, workload, availability, and billable and non-billable utilization. Drilling into different roles, teams and tags lets you compare trends and understand which groups are overbooked.

Finally, the software lets you track projects, view forecasts, and get relevant metrics. You’ll have up-to-date data in one place to keep tabs on insights like utilization, project variance, and overall financial performance. You can also use its built-in timesheets to understand how much time was worked compared to what was planned.

Runn Standout Features & Integrations

Features include workload capacity, real-time charts and graphs, resource placeholders, in-depth people reports, budget planned vs actuals, milestones, a pipeline view of projects, and business-wide financial reports.

Integrations include Harvest, WorkflowMax, and Clockify for importing project, client, and people data and syncing time entries. With Runn’s API, you can build your own integration to send data across your favorite tools.

If you wish to try out this software's features, there is a free version you can immediately access through its website.

Pros and cons


  • Clean UI that’s easy to use & navigate
  • Free version available for 5 users
  • Native integrations & API available


  • Colors are not customisable
  • Time tracking requires a Google Chrome extension

Best for multi-dimensional resource scheduling

  • 60-day free trial
  • Pricing upon request

Saviom is a resource management and professional services automation software that helps you reduce resource costs.

Why I picked Saviom: Saviom’s multidimensional resource scheduler goes beyond basic allocations and helps build an optimized workforce. Additionally, its Gantt chart view of resources with easy drag and drop facilitates real-time scheduling to meet dynamically changing needs.   

This solution provides 360-degree visibility and advanced filters to select the most suitable resources across multiple dimensions, such as skills, role, cost, team, project type, and location, before allocating them to various projects. Besides, you can analyze availability, utilization, etc., and prevent overbooking of resources, thus maintaining a healthy resource index.  

Businesses can use the tool’s bulk booking feature to reshuffle resource schedules or implement real-time bulk changes. In addition, the user-friendly interface enables you to split and reassign resources to projects in just a few clicks.

Moreover, it also allows you to create generic bookings to streamline pipeline project management with timely allocations. Forecasting and capacity planning helps identify resource excesses and shortages ahead of time, ensuring an optimized talent pool. Using the leave management portal, you can effectively schedule resources by considering planned and unplanned time-offs. Automated workflow streamlines the resource requisition process and eliminates scheduling conflicts.

The tool’s what-is analysis helps overcome resource constraints to arrive at the most viable resource plan. Besides, the tool’s open seat feature empowers resources to show interest in suitable opportunities which can be considered during allocations for better engagement and quality of deliverables.

Saviom Standout Features & Integrations

Features include an interactive resource scheduler, 360-degree visibility, resource utilization forecasting, capacity vs demand analysis, resource bench, skill database, and dynamic dashboards.

Integrations include ERP, ERM, Project planning tools, PPM, and HR management systems. Further, it will effortlessly align with your calendars, emails, MS Project, Excel, and other applications. This helps maintain a single source of truth across the organization and eliminates the chances of double data entry.

Pros and cons


  • Split, Reassign, or perform bulk booking with just a few clicks
  • Multidimensional view of enterprise schedule
  • Advanced filters for competent allocation and scheduling
  • Multidimensional forecasting and capacity planning


  • Interfaces display a lot of information at once
  • Mostly suited for medium to large enterprises requiring complex scheduling
  • Pricing is available only on request

Best for scalability

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $11/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

Productive is a scalable agency management system with a stack of powerful functionality that gives you the tools and data you need to keep your business profitable.

Why I picked Productive: The tool has the features to support your projects from prospect to payment. Getting a deal, sending a proposal, scheduling your team, tracking hours, and ultimately getting paid should come with a clear and transparent track record. With a focus on profitability, Productive gives you the power to understand your margins in real time, as well as forecasting budget spend in the future.

Productive Standout Features & Integrations

Features include placeholders for contractors, task tracking, scheduling, timesheets, budgeting, invoicing, and reporting.

Integrations include Jira, Xero, Exact, Slack, Quickbooks, Microsoft Outlook, Fortnox, Personio, and Zapier. It also has an open API available for custom integrations.

Productive supports your project planning and resource scheduling through its platform and mobile phone apps. Be careful with the pricing, though, as it can quickly get expensive.

Pros and cons


  • Quite easy to set up collaborative tasks
  • Plenty of custom tags to choose from
  • Built-in time management can bill multiple business entities


  • Roles/user rights are not as granular
  • Invoicing and quotation features are limited

Best for managing projects, staffing, and capacity in one place

  • 14-day free trial
  • From $10/user/month
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Rating: 4.3/5

ClickTime is a comprehensive resource scheduling system that helps organizations achieve smarter time management, greater profitability, and happier clients. It can help predict hiring needs, plan team sizes, and schedule employee workloads.

Why I picked ClickTime: This software allows users to summarize and visualize operations at a glance with manager and executive dashboards for streamlined insights into current and future scheduling. You can analyze project schedules and progress by people or by project, giving you flexibility to view and manage your organization however you prefer. You can also view a capacity management heatmap to visualize staff hours available and assigned, up to six months out, to take control of scheduling and utilization while avoiding individual overloading and burnout.

ClickTime Standout Features & Integrations

Features include ClickTime’s customizable views so you can grasp your team’s schedule and staffing levels by role, division, or employee. Custom dashboard views and automated reports get all stakeholders on the same page, rather than relying on the inflexible nature of canned, out-of-the-box reports.

Integrations include Sage, NetSuite, QuickBooks, Jira, BambooHR, HiBob, ADP, Zenefits, Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho, Box, Google Drive, Slack, and task management tools like ClickUp. An API is also available to build custom integrations, and professional services can be provided to support that development.

Pros and cons


  • Supports multiple billing methods
  • Time tracking with mobile devices
  • Closer control over project budgets


  • Limited customization options for certain features
  • Resource planning available on Premier plan and higher

Best for clash management

  • 30-day free trial available
  • From $3/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

Resource Guru is a dedicated resource scheduling software tool that focuses on simplicity within resource management. But don't think for a second that it means they've sacrificed features for it.

Why I picked Resource Guru: The tool has all the features you would expect from a resource scheduler, presented in a clean and simple interface. With a great visual calendar-style interface, it shows what everyone’s working on and clearly displays availability so you can maximize utilization. The tool allows you to make bookings simultaneously with no chance of stepping on each other’s toes, thanks to its clash management notifications.

Additionally, its clash management feature helps you from having over-allocated resources that will affect your project delivery. Bookings can be added to a waiting list and used for capacity planning later. Finally, each staff member gets their own resource dashboard to know exactly what they should be working on, and powerful reports to monitor the utilization of your team and help with capacity planning.

Resource Guru Standout Features & Integrations

Features include multi-resource bookings, tentative and repeat bookings, absence management, a vacation tracker, clash management, personalized dashboards, and reporting.

Integrations include Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. It also has an integration with Zapier that lets you connect with 1500+ additional apps.

Resource Guru is a user-friendly and easy-to-use option for companies that are new to resource scheduling while offering scalable features to support bigger operations.

Pros and cons


  • Availability bar for capacity planning
  • Daily resource summary emails
  • Affordable per-user rate


  • Lacks zooming options in the calendar view
  • No copy-paste of resource tasks

Best for project-based work

  • 30-day free trial
  • From €9 /planned person/month (volume discount available)
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Rating: 4.4/5

Silverbucket is a resource planning tool for project-based businesses and is designed for use by architects, engineers, and IT professionals.

Why I picked Silverbucket: It allows you to view and compare resource plans and actual hours to get insights into the success of resource management activities. The tool provides views of your company’s resource allocation activities, including conflicts and workloads, and allows you to allocate multiple people and roles simultaneously. Additionally, the max function allows you to reserve a person's capacity based on their availability to avoid overbookings.

The informative activity feed helps teams keep track of everything happening in their project, including a chronological log of events, like changes to the project team, resource allocations, risks, tasks, and journals. Furthermore, skills tracking features such as tracking competencies and abilities are also included, as are reporting tools such as performance dashboards, insights on past resourcing plans, and forecasting for future resource management plans.

Silverbucket Standout Features & Integrations

Features include Gantt chart visualization, filter options to refine searches, a competency tracker, risk management, competency analysis, skills database, time tracking, forecasting, and reporting.

Integrations include sync imports for .xlsx and .csv data, SSO options with Google oauth2 and Active Directory. Additionally, you can build custom integrations using its custom API.

Time tracking has an extra cost and licenses get cheaper as you increase the number of people in the system.

Pros and cons


  • Easily compare planned to actual hours
  • Soft booking system for tentative allocations
  • Skills hierarchy system to help plot resources


  • No mobile app
  • No ability to create "What if" scenarios

Best for the resource planning needs of manufacturers

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $49/user/month
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Rating: 4.3/5

MRPeasy is a comprehensive manufacturing resource planning (MRP) software, specifically tailored for the manufacturing sector. It integrates seamlessly into the industry's processes, offering real-time visibility into production scheduling, inventory management, and operational efficiency.

Why I picked MRPeasy: MRPeasy offers an intuitive interface that simplifies the intricate process of resource scheduling. Manufacturers can easily plan and adjust their production schedules in real-time using the calendar or Gantt chart function, ensuring maximum efficiency and responsiveness to changes. This keeps timelines organized and allows for clear visibility of different operations.

MRPeasy also has a wide range of integration capabilities, connecting various aspects of manufacturing operations from inventory management to customer relationship management (CRM). This interconnectedness ensures that all departments are synchronized, enhancing communication and collaboration across the organization. For instance, the software's real-time inventory tracking feature enables manufacturers to minimize stockouts and excess inventory, while planning ahead for future production schedules.

MRPeasy Standout Features & Integrations

Features include production, workstation, and employee calendars, routings, automated inventory transactions, tools for estimating costs and lead times, real-time reporting, sales tracking, quotations and invoices, and more.

Integrations include Amazon, Xero, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Crossfire, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, HubSpot, QuickBooks, ShipStation, Salesforce, Shopify, Zapier, and more.

Pros and cons


  • Comprehensive view of resource scheduling
  • Automated production planning
  • Simple, easy-to-use interface


  • Limited customizations
  • Lack of advanced features due to a simple platform

Best for Microsoft integrations

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $10/user/month (billed annually).
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Rating: 4.7/5

Microsoft Project can be clunky (which is why many people search for MS Project alternatives), but MS Project is still a standard, well-supported, and widely adopted tool.

Why I picked Microsoft Project: It includes familiar scheduling tools to assign project tasks to team members and use different views like Grid, Board, and Timeline (Gantt chart) to oversee the schedule. Users can view and compare how resources are used across projects to optimize assignments.

If you are familiar with other Microsoft programs, in particular Excel, then the interface and navigation will be familiar to you. This can help teams on a Usability level, as familiar software makes for easier training; thus, they evaluated well in Usability in this regard.

Microsoft Project Standout Features & Integrations

Features include resource requests, visual heatmaps to identify over-allocation, resource analytics, task management, and portfolio management.

Integrations include other Microsoft software, like Outlook, Excel, Skype, and more.

Pros and cons


  • Can generate a Gantt chart from a spreadsheet
  • Helpful project template descriptions for guidance
  • Driver prioritization module for ranking strategies/objectives
  • Integration with other Microsoft software


  • Limitations on collaboration tools
  • Higher learning curve
  • Few customization options

Best for AI project planning

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.7/5

Forecast is a resource scheduling software tool that unites your projects, resources, and financials in one AI-powered platform.

Why I picked Forecast: You can leverage Forecast’s workflow automation capabilities to create smart schedules, estimate timeframes and budgets, and populate timesheets instantly.

Additionally, you can control the workflow by building out detailed task lists and flagging clear priorities. Task cards allow every team member to easily comment, share files, and register time spent. Everything related to the specific task appears in one place, including dependencies and subtasks. You can put together projects for any type of work: fixed price, time and material, or retainer.

Forecast’s AI learns from previous work and suggests the number of hours you normally register on similar tasks to help you log time faster. You can monitor time registrations from a team perspective and notify each member if they forget to enter something in. Time tracking utilization on a company-wide level is calculated for you for easy alerts, estimates, and reporting.

Forecast Standout Features & Integrations

Features include project management, project accounting, fully customizable dashboards, advanced warnings to mitigate risk, timesheets, smart invoices, and project financials.

Integrations include Slack, Microsoft Teams, iCloud Calendar, Google Drive, Google Calendar, Outlook, Harvest, Trello, Asana, GitLab, Github, and dozens more using a paid plan through Zapier. Higher-tier subscriptions include native integrations with Timelog, Xero, QuickBooks Online, JIRA, Azure DevOps, Salesforce, Okta, OneLogin, and Azure Active Directory.

Pros and cons


  • Projects, resources and financials connected in one platform
  • AI powered auto-scheduling and time entry suggestions
  • Excellent iOS and Android apps
  • Automated cost and budget estimations


  • No browser extension for time trackin
  • No asset management
  • Minimum of 10 seats

Best for client invoicing

  • 14-day free trial + free plan
  • Starts from $11/month for up to 3 users
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Rating: 4.3/5

ActiveCollab is a project and resource management software that helps users manage their teams across projects, track time on tasks, and issue invoices for billable hours.

Why I picked ActiveCollab: This tool includes resource-relevant solutions like timesheets, profitability reports, internal hourly rates, and non-billable expense tracking.

ActiveCollab has rich planning features, great resource-tracking dashboards, timesheet tools, and financial estimates. These functions are all essential to any project manager in need of resource scheduling and planning help.

Per our evaluation, the software’s Usability would benefit from the ability to filter tasks by their completion status, rather than having completed tasks in the same list with open tasks. This could make progress clearly visible to you, your team, and your clients.

ActiveCollab Standout Features & Integrations

Features include resource scheduling and allocation, workload planner, time-off management, daily capacity, overtime indicators, and a drag-and-drop interface that will help you assign and reassign tasks in seconds.

Integrations include Google Drive, Dropbox, Trello, Basecamp, Asana, Wrike, Slack, Hubstaff, TimeCamp, Quickbooks, Xero, Authorize.Net, Braintree, PayPal, Stripe, and hundreds of other third-party apps using Zapier.

Pros and cons


  • Easy to invite collaborators
  • People/roll management
  • Fully customizable API
  • Great organization of task overview


  • Can’t duplicate task lists
  • No integration with GitHub
  • No Kanban cards/tasks

Best for enterprise project management

  • Free trial + free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.2/5

If you’re looking for an enterprise level resource planning tool with a fully tailored project management toolkit , check out Clarizen – a complete professional services automation (PSA) platform with a great set of tools for managing projects, tasks, resources, and budgets – wrapped in a single product.

Clarizen brings together project management, configurable workflow automation, in-context collaboration and a tailored, role-based experience that simplifies work, reduces communication overload, and provides visibility so everyone can work more effectively and adapt to changes. It centralizes release plans, release backlog data, bugs, documents, communications and more into one system, helping you to deliver releases efficiently, track and prioritize incoming tickets and schedule them for iterations with stacks of handy built-in reporting. Clarizen costs from $30/user/month.

Pros and cons


  • Good at forecasting future workload
  • Simpler and more intuitive to use than other apps
  • Highlighting for what changes and the critical path


  • Highlighting for what changes and the critical path
  • No request tracking on hourly basis
  • Doesn’t track or allocate requests automatically on the basis of FIFO (First-in, First-out)

Best for project portfolio management

  • Free interactive product tour available
  • Available upon request
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Rating: 4.3/5

KeyedIn is a great tool for resource scheduling (as well as PPM). In fact, it was recognized as an August 2019 Gartner Peer Insights Customer Choice for Project and Portfolio Management. Features include Kanban and project workflows, hierarchy and roll-ups, forecasting and budgeting, and key deliverable and dependency tracking.

Maintaining daily and weekly tasks are easy with KeyedIn, as you can add tasks against multiple projects and the system will even show the effort and cost estimations. This will help navigate resources around staff leaves, and so on.

Integrations include Jira, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Dynamics 365, SharePoint, QuickBooks, Microsoft Outlook, Sage Intacct, Salesforce App Cloud, SugarCRM, SAP CRM, Pivotal Tracker, Microsoft Dynamics GP, VersionOne, Fulcrum. Additionally, the software uses API Version 3 that makes it easier for its customers to share or extract project and portfolio data with other business software solutions.

A dedicated customer portal would make this software easier for looping clients in on resource scheduling needs for projects and tasks. The tool lost a few marks in the Usability review category because of this oversight.

KeyedIn offers pricing upon request and has a free trial.

Pros and cons


  • Data-rich dashboards with multiple views
  • Robust forecast dashboard with charts
  • Supports multiple languages and currencies


  • Must scroll through tabs to get a holistic view
  • Project hierarchy gets complex for multiple projects
  • No customer portal available yet

Best for professional service providers

  • Free trial available
  • From $370 /month (for up to 10 users)
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Rating: 4.5/5

Projectworks is a cloud-based platform with resource scheduling and management, budget management, and time tracking features. The software is designed to help professional services teams centralize their project management and resource allocation to increase efficiency and reduce margins.

Why I picked Projectworks: The resource scheduling and management includes time off and leave requests, making it easy to spot who's available and who isn't. Users can also plan specific tasks and projects before they’re assigned to individual team members, creating more flexibility for scheduling. The skills mapping feature allow users to assign tasks and projects based on people's skill sets and availability.

In addition to resource scheduling, the platform supports broader project and financial management capabilities. Capacity and revenue can both be forecasted using the software's reporting and analytics functionalities. Time sheets and invoices can be linked to specific projects, making it easier to track hours worked and manage expenses.

Projectworks standout features & integrations

Features include mobile-responsive timesheets, invoice and timesheet connectivity, invoicing based on T&M, fixed price, or manual billing, time off management, skills mapping, and expense reporting.

Integrations include Azure DevOps, Hubspot, Jira, MYOB, QuickBooks, and Xero. Additional integrations can be accessed through a paid Zapier account.

Pros and cons


  • Centralizes resource management, project planning, invoicing, and expenses in one place
  • Skills mapping makes it easier to assign the best people to projects
  • Ability to analyze margin by project, customer, individual, or team


  • Tailored for professional services, some features might be unnecessary for product companies
  • Can take time to get familiar with all the product's features and functionalities

Best for its integrated resource planning and financial features

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $14/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

Elapseit is a resource planning, time tracking, and project management platform intended to help you with everything from hiring a resource to invoicing the client for their work.

Why I picked Elapseit: Time-tracking includes an approval workflow and is pre-populated automatically based on allocations, and you can generate multi-language invoices based on those hours. The resource scheduling also integrates vacations and bank holidays, which includes a leave planner with approval workflow and evidence of remaining vacation days.

In addition, the Kanban board helps you estimate tasks, assign & log hours, upload attachments, add comments and collaborate with your team. Elapseit perfectly suits all kinds of projects, including fixed fee, time & materials or internal.

Elapseit Standout Features & Integrations

Features include time-tracking, resource scheduling, task management, invoicing, time-off management, Kanban board, dashboard, reports, and document management.

Integrations are only available to those building custom integrations with their tech stack using its API.

Elapseit is a great tool if you are looking for a way to schedule and track resources but also create invoices for clients based on their work.

Pros and cons


  • Can turn on/off suggested allocations
  • Pleasant, intuitive data interface
  • Access level for resourcing data
  • Variety of customized reports


  • Tricky task module navigation
  • No way to enter different rates for the same resource (ex. Onsite vs remote)

Vergleichstabelle: Die beste Ressourcenplanungs-Software im Überblick

Nachfolgend haben wir eine übersichtliche Tabelle zusammengestellt, die grundlegende Informationen über die besten Ressourcen-Tools, die in diesem Artikel beschrieben werden, zusammenfasst. Es gibt eigentlich nicht “die beste Planungssoftware” auf dem Markt – man muss das richtige Tool für sich selbst finden. Ein einfaches, schlichtes Projektplanungs-Tool könnte perfekt für eine kleine interne Agentur geeignet sein, während eine Planungssoftware für kleine Unternehmen mit 100 Remote-Mitarbeitern eine Unternehmenslösung mit viel mehr Funktionalität benötigt. In der folgenden Übersichtstabelle haben wir einige der wichtigsten Features zusammengefasst, die dir helfen, eine Entscheidung zu treffen, einschließlich der Testzeit, des Preises pro Benutzer und unserer Bewertung.

Tools Price
Kantata From $19/user/month (billed annually)
Runn From $10 /person managed/month
Saviom Pricing upon request
Productive From $11/user/month
ClickTime From $10/user/month
Resource Guru From $3/user/month
Silverbucket From €9 /planned person/month (volume discount available)
MRPeasy From $49/user/month
Microsoft Project From $10/user/month (billed annually).
Forecast Pricing upon request
ActiveCollab Starts from $11/month for up to 3 users
Planview Clarizen Pricing upon request
KeyedIn Available upon request
Projectworks From $370 /month (for up to 10 users)
elapseit From $14/user/month
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<h2  class="c-block__title b-summary-table__title c-listicle__title h3" >
	Compare Software Specs Side by Side</h2>

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Weitere Ressourcenplanungs-Tools

Die folgende Liste umfasst eine Reihe von zusätzlichen Ressourcenplanungs-Tools, die wir in der obigen Liste nicht näher beleuchtet haben:

  1. Dayshape

    Best AI powered Resource Management for Professional Services firms

  2. Schedule It

    Best for its contractor scheduling capacity

  3. TeamGantt

    Best for getting started fast

  4. Retain

    Best for tech, accounting, and professional services companies

  5. Notion

    Best for users who prefer the flexibility of a database structure

  6. ClickUp

    Best for its workload and box views that help you see team capacity and allocation


    Best for simple workload and capacity planning

  8. Smartsheet

    Best for advanced and custom workflow automations

  9. Jira Software

    Best for project issue tracking & backlog management

  10. Polaris PSA By Replicon

    Best resource scheduling software with combined PSA and PPM functionality

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Was denkst du über das Thema?

Was gibt es sonst noch über Projektmanagement-Tools und Resourcing-Planungssoftware zu sagen? Wir würden uns freuen, wenn du irgendwelche Vorschläge, Tipps oder Gedanken zur Verwendung dieser Art von Software hast – lass uns deine Meinung dazu in den Kommentaren unten wissen.

By Ben Aston

Ich bin Ben Aston. Ich bin ein digitaler Projektmanager. Seit über 10 Jahren bin ich in der Branche tätig und arbeite in Großbritannien bei den renommiertesten Londoner Medienagenturen wie Dare, Wunderman, Lowe und DDB. Ich habe alles Mögliche realisiert, von viralen Videos über CMS', Flash-Spiele, Bannerwerbung und eCRM bis hin zu E-Commerce-Seiten. Ich hatte das große Glück, für eine Vielzahl von großen Unternehmen zu arbeiten: Automobilmarken wie Land Rover, Volkswagen und Honda, Energieversorger wie BT, British Gas und Exxon, FMCG-Marken wie Unilever und Marken aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wie Sony.